Plans underway to administer Grade 3 Assessment in May

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) is making its final touches ahead of Grade 3 assessment set to be administered in May.

Knec CEO Mercy Karogo said the assessment will be provided online on its Knec portal where schools will be required to download them to administer to learners.

Karogo said learners will only be assessed on Mathematics and English activities and that the assessment materials will be provided online for downloading on 20th May 2021.

However schools will only be able to download the materials from 24th to 28th May.

Schools have also been given till 3rd June 2021 to ensure the assessment done by learners is uploaded to the Knec portal for processing.

“The assessment of 2020 Grade 3 learners shall be administered in third term when the current academic year is ending according to the new post-covid school calendar,” Knec CEO Mercy Karogo had said.

Primary schools were given between 4th January and 1st February, 2021 to register Grade 3 learners in readiness for the assessment.

Speaking from Nairobi Dr Karogo said for Ministry of Education to get meaningful feedback that can guide making the necessary interventions in the education system, there is need for periodical national assessment at the critical tiers -in the education system.

She said the assessment objectives are to: improve learning and instruction, facilitate identification and nurturing of every learner’s potential, facilitate selection of pathways and track in senior secondary schools, provide assessment feedback to learners and other stakeholders, and provide evidence as a basis for the accountability of teachers, school administrators and other stakeholders.

“KEYA, therefore, is an assessment to inform on learning achievements attained by learners in Grade 3,” said Dr Karogo.

Learners, she said will be assessed in Early Years Education in Grade 3, Middle Years Education in Grade 6, Lower secondary education in Grade 9 and Senior school education in grade 12.

Grade 3 learners sat for their Integrated Learning Assessment (ILA) project last term and schools were given till 5th March 2021 to upload the ILA scores to the Knec portal.

However Knec reviewed the deadline after teachers complained of a poor server which made uploading of scores impossible

The project involved carrying out practical activities under the theme “CLEAN AND SAFE WATER FOR GOOD HEALTH”

The task was to be carried out within a duration of two months. The teacher was tasked to guide learners to carry out every step of the task.

Knec said school heads will be held accountable in ensuring a well maintained assessment portfolio for each learner is kept as evidence.

The entries in the portfolio should reflect:
i. Samples /evidence of the learner’s work on each of the sub-tasks.
ii. Teachers scores, comments and dates on the learner’s work.
iii. Learner’s reflection on their work.
iv. Dates each subtask was accomplished.

Grade 3 ILA 3D project on sources of water

Knec had released a circular in January directing schools how administration of Grade 3 assessment will be done;


1.    Sub County Directors of Education

2.   All  Heads of Primary Schools


The Kenya National Examinations Council will upload the Grade 3 Monitoring Learners’ Progress (MLP) assessment tools in the MLP Portal.

Schools will use the portal to download the assessment tools and instructions and to upload the assessment outcomes after administration and scoring.

The tools will be uploaded as shown below:

Integrated Learning  Areas

1.1   Regular Learners

1.2  Hearing Impaired

1.3   Visually Impaired                                      .                                                                                                                                                                           11.4    Physical Disabilities

1.5   SNE Foundation Level

Date to be uploaded 15th Jan 2021

Date to be accessed 18th Jan 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 5th March 2021

Mathematics Activities

2.1  Regular Learners                                                        

2.2  Hearing Impaired

2.3 Visually Impaired

2.4 Physical Disabilities

Date to be uploaded 20th May 2021

Date to be accessed 24th to 28th May 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 3rd June 2021

English Activities

3.1  Regular Learners                                                        

3.2  Hearing Impaired

3.3 Visually Impaired

3.4 Physical Disabilities

Date to be uploaded 20th May 2021

Date to be accessed 24th to 28th May 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 3rd June 2021

SNE Foundation Level

4.1  Activities of Daily Living                                                        

4.2  Communication, Social and Pre-Literacy Skills

Date to be uploaded 20th May 2021

Date to be accessed 24th to 28th May 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 3rd June 2021

Users of the system are required to type in the web address below in order to access the login page of the portal:

Any school that will have forgotten their password should contact their respective sub county education offices for a new password.

This information is to enable you to prepare and plan adequately.

Dr. Mercy G. Karogo, MB

However Knec maintained that the Kenya Early Years Assessment (KEYA) is a national assessment and not an examination and that Grade 3 learners sitting for the national assessments will not be ranked.

Knec Chief Executive Officer Mercy Karogo also said the council will not release the results for individual schools or learners.

She explained that an assessment provides large-scale feedback on learning outcomes at the formative stages for decision making while an examination is a summative assessment given for individual achievement, selection and placement.

“As has been the case with national assessments, the outcomes of KEYA shall be compiled into a report, which shall provide feedback at the national level,” said Dr Karogo.

Plans underway to administer Grade 3 Assessment in May

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) is making its final touches ahead of Grade 3 assessment set to be administered in May.

Knec CEO Mercy Karogo said the assessment will be provided online on its Knec portal where schools will be required to download them to administer to learners.

Karogo said learners will only be assessed on Mathematics and English activities and that the assessment materials will be provided online for downloading on 20th May 2021.

However schools will only be able to download the materials from 24th to 28th May.

Schools have also been given till 3rd June 2021 to ensure the assessment done by learners is uploaded to the Knec portal for processing.

“The assessment of 2020 Grade 3 learners shall be administered in third term when the current academic year is ending according to the new post-covid school calendar,” Knec CEO Mercy Karogo had said.

Primary schools were given between 4th January and 1st February, 2021 to register Grade 3 learners in readiness for the assessment.

Speaking from Nairobi Dr Karogo said for Ministry of Education to get meaningful feedback that can guide making the necessary interventions in the education system, there is need for periodical national assessment at the critical tiers -in the education system.

She said the assessment objectives are to: improve learning and instruction, facilitate identification and nurturing of every learner’s potential, facilitate selection of pathways and track in senior secondary schools, provide assessment feedback to learners and other stakeholders, and provide evidence as a basis for the accountability of teachers, school administrators and other stakeholders.

“KEYA, therefore, is an assessment to inform on learning achievements attained by learners in Grade 3,” said Dr Karogo.

Learners, she said will be assessed in Early Years Education in Grade 3, Middle Years Education in Grade 6, Lower secondary education in Grade 9 and Senior school education in grade 12.

Grade 3 learners sat for their Integrated Learning Assessment (ILA) project last term and schools were given till 5th March 2021 to upload the ILA scores to the Knec portal.

However Knec reviewed the deadline after teachers complained of a poor server which made uploading of scores impossible

The project involved carrying out practical activities under the theme “CLEAN AND SAFE WATER FOR GOOD HEALTH”

The task was to be carried out within a duration of two months. The teacher was tasked to guide learners to carry out every step of the task.

Knec said school heads will be held accountable in ensuring a well maintained assessment portfolio for each learner is kept as evidence.

The entries in the portfolio should reflect:
i. Samples /evidence of the learner’s work on each of the sub-tasks.
ii. Teachers scores, comments and dates on the learner’s work.
iii. Learner’s reflection on their work.
iv. Dates each subtask was accomplished.

Grade 3 ILA 3D project on sources of water

Knec had released a circular in January directing schools how administration of Grade 3 assessment will be done;


1.    Sub County Directors of Education

2.   All  Heads of Primary Schools


The Kenya National Examinations Council will upload the Grade 3 Monitoring Learners’ Progress (MLP) assessment tools in the MLP Portal.

Schools will use the portal to download the assessment tools and instructions and to upload the assessment outcomes after administration and scoring.

The tools will be uploaded as shown below:

Integrated Learning  Areas

1.1   Regular Learners

1.2  Hearing Impaired

1.3   Visually Impaired                                      .                                                                                                                                                                           11.4    Physical Disabilities

1.5   SNE Foundation Level

Date to be uploaded 15th Jan 2021

Date to be accessed 18th Jan 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 5th March 2021

Mathematics Activities

2.1  Regular Learners                                                        

2.2  Hearing Impaired

2.3 Visually Impaired

2.4 Physical Disabilities

Date to be uploaded 20th May 2021

Date to be accessed 24th to 28th May 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 3rd June 2021

English Activities

3.1  Regular Learners                                                        

3.2  Hearing Impaired

3.3 Visually Impaired

3.4 Physical Disabilities

Date to be uploaded 20th May 2021

Date to be accessed 24th to 28th May 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 3rd June 2021

SNE Foundation Level

4.1  Activities of Daily Living                                                        

4.2  Communication, Social and Pre-Literacy Skills

Date to be uploaded 20th May 2021

Date to be accessed 24th to 28th May 2021

Last Date to upload Scores 3rd June 2021

Users of the system are required to type in the web address below in order to access the login page of the portal:

Any school that will have forgotten their password should contact their respective sub county education offices for a new password.

This information is to enable you to prepare and plan adequately.

Dr. Mercy G. Karogo, MB

However Knec maintained that the Kenya Early Years Assessment (KEYA) is a national assessment and not an examination and that Grade 3 learners sitting for the national assessments will not be ranked.

Knec Chief Executive Officer Mercy Karogo also said the council will not release the results for individual schools or learners.

She explained that an assessment provides large-scale feedback on learning outcomes at the formative stages for decision making while an examination is a summative assessment given for individual achievement, selection and placement.

“As has been the case with national assessments, the outcomes of KEYA shall be compiled into a report, which shall provide feedback at the national level,” said Dr Karogo.