Kuppet statement on stagnation of Diploma teachers

Kuppet statement on stagnation of Diploma teachers



On 29th September 2020 the National Executive Board met with two  teachers who presented a memorandum of issues relating to recruitment,   remuneration and career progression challenges faced by teachers with  Diploma qualifications.

Among the issues canvassed in the memo were:

i. The stagnation of Diploma teachers in Job Group C2;

ii. The slow promotion of Diploma teachers who have obtained BEd degrees; and

iii. The introduction of a new Marking Scheme for teacher recruitment that has lowered the scores for Diploma teachers.

During the meeting, the NEB members appraised the teachers on the  framework  of negotiations under the Collective Bargaining process.

Regrettably, a lie is being peddled that KUPPET promised to provide a solution to the afore-mentioned issues within 14 days.

In response to KUPPET’s supposed failure to meet the deadline, the teachers have called on their colleagues to resign from KUPPET or form another union, ostensibly to enable  them revert  to the Schemes  of Service which,  in their opinion, carried better terms for the teachers.

After being seized with the plight of Diploma and other low-cadre teachers since the commencement of the new round of CBA negotiations on 22 August 2019, it would be counterproductive for KUPPET to set unrealistic deadlines for the determination of the issues.

Slow promotions, for instance, affects nearly three quarters of KUPPET membership.  

The implementation of Career Progression Guidelines under the CBA has brought tremendous gains  for teachers, compared to the  situation that obtained when promotions were based strictly on the Schemes of Service.

Given the clear misrepresentation of the facts of our meeting, the credibility of the two teachers who presented the memorandum to KUPPET has been called into question.

Their incessant social media posts, which I invite all union members to read, also betray ignorance of labour relations processes established by Kenyan and international law.

To cite just one example, the representatives are now demanding that Diploma teacher be paid the same house allowances as graduate teachers.

Henceforth, I and other officials at all levels will continue to engage  Diploma teachers on all issues affecting them individually.

Members with grievances should channel them through the established union structures, starting from Branches.                                                               

In Solidarity,

AKELO M.T,  Misori,


21 0CTOBER 2020


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