Knec circular guiding registration for July 2025 KCSE exams

Knec circular guiding registration for July 2025 KCSE exams


22nd January, 2025

i) All County Directors of Education
ii) All Prospective Candidates for the 2025 KCSE Examination — July series


The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) shall be offering a July series of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with effect from the year 2025.

The following are the guidelines regarding conduct and administration of the KCSE examination – July series.

1.0 Registration of candidates for the July series

The registration period for the 2025 KCSE examination July series will commence on Monday 27th January and end on Friday, 21st February, 2025.

The registration process will be coordinated and conducted at County headquarters through the offices of County Directors of Education (CDEs) on KNEC registration portal.

Candidates wishing to register for the July series are therefore expected to present themselves at their respective County headquarters within the stipulated period to complete the registration process.

2.0 Eligibility for the KCSE examination — July series

2.1 The existing regulations on registration of KCSE examination candidates shall apply as stipulated in the ‘Revised Regulations for KCSE examination (2024)’ and the user Guide for Management of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Schoo/ (KCSE) examination (2024) and only eligible candidates shall be allowed to register.

The July series shall target the following categories of candidates:

2.1.1 repeaters (candidates who have sat the KCSE examination in previous years), wishing to improve on their grade.

This includes full repeaters (registering for seven or more subjects) or partia repeaters (registering for less than seven subjects);

2.1.2 candidates who had registered for KCSE examination but were unable to sit the examination due to unforeseen circumstances such as sickness; and

2.1.3 adult learners who are not in regular schools but have proof of the requisite primary education qualifications.

2.2 All repeaters and private candidates MUST register for the July series and NOT the November KCSE examination series.

E-mail:; Website:

2.3 The following category of learners are NOT eligible to register for the July series:

2.3.1 Learners attending regular school, sitting the KCSE examination for the first time;

2.3.2 Learners who do not meet the requisite qualifications as stipulated in the KNEC Regulations for registration of KCSE examination candidates.

2.4 Candidates will be required to present original and copies of the following documents which are mandatory for successful registration:

2.4.1 Statutory identification documents (National Identity (ID) card/Birth Certificate/Passport);

2.4.2 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination certificate;

2.4.3 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination result slip/certificate for repeaters;

2.4.4 A soft copy of the candidate’s passport photograph.

2.5 Education Officers in charge of registration of private candidates must ensure that all eligible candidates:

2.5.1 download, fill in and submit the Private Candidate’s Registration Form and all other required documents;

2.5.2 upload their correct passport size photographs (300 x 300 pixels). There will be no replacement/changing of photographs once the registration period is over,

2.5.3 adhere to all Registration requirements as stipulated in this circular and related guidelines.

2.6 Any candidate wishing to repeat (full repeaters or partial repeaters) will be allowed to do so, regardless of the year they sat their KCSE examination, as long as there is proof of having registered for KCSE examination previously.

2.7 All candidates must:

2.7.1 adhere to the laid down regulations on subject entry requirements for grading (subject clusters) as stipulated in the Regulations for KCSE examination (2024);

2.7.2 ensure that the registration data presented is accurate and error-free. This includes:

i) correct spelling and order of candidates’ names as documented in their KCPE examination certificates and other qualifying documents; gender; year of birth; citizenship;

v) entry Codes;

vi) Birth Certificate number;

vii) subjects registered for; and

viii) category of special needs and disabilities (where applicable).

The categories catered for should be indicated as:

  1. Visual Impairment — blind or low vision candidates;
  2. Hearing Impairment — HI (Deaf); and
  3. Physical Impairment – PI.

3.0 Registration fees

The fees payable will be Kes- 7,200.00 and shall be borne by the candidate.

The fees shall be paid at the point of registration through E-Citizen, as per the details provided in the KNEC registration platform. Please note that fee payment is mandatory for successful registration.

4.0 Examination Timetable

KNEC has issued a timetable for the KCSE examination July series.

Projects for Art and Design (442); Agriculture (443); Woodwork (444); Metalwork (445); Building Construction (446); and Computer Studies (451) will be administered between January and July, 2025, while theory and practical papers will be administered from 1st July to 1st August, 2025.

5.0 Administration of the examination

5.1 The candidates will sit for the regular KCSE examination papers in examination centres to be identified by the County Directors of Education.

Candidates will only be allowed access into examination centres upon proof of their eligibility, including use of National Identity card/ birth certificate/ passport.

5.2 The theory and practical papers will be administered at County headquarters, while projects will be administered at sub-county level, in institutions to be identified by the respective SCDEs.

In this regard, all July series candidates registering for the subjects which have a project component (listed in 4.0) are expected to provide information on the sub-county where they will do their projects from, during registration.

In addition, the candidates are expected to present themselves to their respective SCDEs’ offices immediately after registration, to be assigned a centre for undertaking their projects.

5.3 The candidates will address all their registration related issues through the CDEs’ offices where they will have registered from.

It is the responsibility of the candidates to follow up with their respective contact offices to ensure that they:

5.3.1 are duly registered;

5.3.2 confirm accuracy of their registration data; and

5.3.3 get information on the venue(s) for rehearsals and administration of the examination.

6.0 Grading and Certification of candidates sitting for the KCSE examination — July series

The candidates sitting the July series will be graded and certified in adherence to the existing regulations for the KCSE examination.

KCSE examination certificates will be issued to candidates who repeat in seven subjects or more while candidates repeating less than seven subjects will be issued with a result slip for the subjects they will have repeated as per the existing regulations for the KCSE examination.

Please note that the KNEC Registration portal for the July series shall be closed on Friday, 21st February, 2025 and there will be NO provision for late registration of candidates once the portal is closed.

All the relevant stakeholders including candidates must therefore be informed on the need to adhere to the set deadlines.

Dr. David Njengere, MBS

Knec circular guiding registration for July 2025 KCSE exams

Knec circular guiding registration for July 2025 KCSE exams


22nd January, 2025

i) All County Directors of Education
ii) All Prospective Candidates for the 2025 KCSE Examination — July series


The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) shall be offering a July series of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with effect from the year 2025.

The following are the guidelines regarding conduct and administration of the KCSE examination – July series.

1.0 Registration of candidates for the July series

The registration period for the 2025 KCSE examination July series will commence on Monday 27th January and end on Friday, 21st February, 2025.

The registration process will be coordinated and conducted at County headquarters through the offices of County Directors of Education (CDEs) on KNEC registration portal.

Candidates wishing to register for the July series are therefore expected to present themselves at their respective County headquarters within the stipulated period to complete the registration process.

2.0 Eligibility for the KCSE examination — July series

2.1 The existing regulations on registration of KCSE examination candidates shall apply as stipulated in the ‘Revised Regulations for KCSE examination (2024)’ and the user Guide for Management of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Schoo/ (KCSE) examination (2024) and only eligible candidates shall be allowed to register.

The July series shall target the following categories of candidates:

2.1.1 repeaters (candidates who have sat the KCSE examination in previous years), wishing to improve on their grade.

This includes full repeaters (registering for seven or more subjects) or partia repeaters (registering for less than seven subjects);

2.1.2 candidates who had registered for KCSE examination but were unable to sit the examination due to unforeseen circumstances such as sickness; and

2.1.3 adult learners who are not in regular schools but have proof of the requisite primary education qualifications.

2.2 All repeaters and private candidates MUST register for the July series and NOT the November KCSE examination series.

E-mail:; Website:

2.3 The following category of learners are NOT eligible to register for the July series:

2.3.1 Learners attending regular school, sitting the KCSE examination for the first time;

2.3.2 Learners who do not meet the requisite qualifications as stipulated in the KNEC Regulations for registration of KCSE examination candidates.

2.4 Candidates will be required to present original and copies of the following documents which are mandatory for successful registration:

2.4.1 Statutory identification documents (National Identity (ID) card/Birth Certificate/Passport);

2.4.2 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination certificate;

2.4.3 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination result slip/certificate for repeaters;

2.4.4 A soft copy of the candidate’s passport photograph.

2.5 Education Officers in charge of registration of private candidates must ensure that all eligible candidates:

2.5.1 download, fill in and submit the Private Candidate’s Registration Form and all other required documents;

2.5.2 upload their correct passport size photographs (300 x 300 pixels). There will be no replacement/changing of photographs once the registration period is over,

2.5.3 adhere to all Registration requirements as stipulated in this circular and related guidelines.

2.6 Any candidate wishing to repeat (full repeaters or partial repeaters) will be allowed to do so, regardless of the year they sat their KCSE examination, as long as there is proof of having registered for KCSE examination previously.

2.7 All candidates must:

2.7.1 adhere to the laid down regulations on subject entry requirements for grading (subject clusters) as stipulated in the Regulations for KCSE examination (2024);

2.7.2 ensure that the registration data presented is accurate and error-free. This includes:

i) correct spelling and order of candidates’ names as documented in their KCPE examination certificates and other qualifying documents; gender; year of birth; citizenship;

v) entry Codes;

vi) Birth Certificate number;

vii) subjects registered for; and

viii) category of special needs and disabilities (where applicable).

The categories catered for should be indicated as:

  1. Visual Impairment — blind or low vision candidates;
  2. Hearing Impairment — HI (Deaf); and
  3. Physical Impairment – PI.

3.0 Registration fees

The fees payable will be Kes- 7,200.00 and shall be borne by the candidate.

The fees shall be paid at the point of registration through E-Citizen, as per the details provided in the KNEC registration platform. Please note that fee payment is mandatory for successful registration.

4.0 Examination Timetable

KNEC has issued a timetable for the KCSE examination July series.

Projects for Art and Design (442); Agriculture (443); Woodwork (444); Metalwork (445); Building Construction (446); and Computer Studies (451) will be administered between January and July, 2025, while theory and practical papers will be administered from 1st July to 1st August, 2025.

5.0 Administration of the examination

5.1 The candidates will sit for the regular KCSE examination papers in examination centres to be identified by the County Directors of Education.

Candidates will only be allowed access into examination centres upon proof of their eligibility, including use of National Identity card/ birth certificate/ passport.

5.2 The theory and practical papers will be administered at County headquarters, while projects will be administered at sub-county level, in institutions to be identified by the respective SCDEs.

In this regard, all July series candidates registering for the subjects which have a project component (listed in 4.0) are expected to provide information on the sub-county where they will do their projects from, during registration.

In addition, the candidates are expected to present themselves to their respective SCDEs’ offices immediately after registration, to be assigned a centre for undertaking their projects.

5.3 The candidates will address all their registration related issues through the CDEs’ offices where they will have registered from.

It is the responsibility of the candidates to follow up with their respective contact offices to ensure that they:

5.3.1 are duly registered;

5.3.2 confirm accuracy of their registration data; and

5.3.3 get information on the venue(s) for rehearsals and administration of the examination.

6.0 Grading and Certification of candidates sitting for the KCSE examination — July series

The candidates sitting the July series will be graded and certified in adherence to the existing regulations for the KCSE examination.

KCSE examination certificates will be issued to candidates who repeat in seven subjects or more while candidates repeating less than seven subjects will be issued with a result slip for the subjects they will have repeated as per the existing regulations for the KCSE examination.

Please note that the KNEC Registration portal for the July series shall be closed on Friday, 21st February, 2025 and there will be NO provision for late registration of candidates once the portal is closed.

All the relevant stakeholders including candidates must therefore be informed on the need to adhere to the set deadlines.

Dr. David Njengere, MBS

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