Infotrak: 70% of Kenyans do not support reopening of schools

Infotrak: 70% of Kenyans do not support reopening of schools

According to a new survey by Infotrak conducted between May 28 and June 2 a majority of Kenyans continue to support the closure of schools and would not like them to reopen anytime soon unless the coronavirus pandemic is contained. The support at the Coast and Western Kenya is at 77 and 64 percent respectively.

Fears on a spike to infections and the contraction of the virus by children tops the list of concerns at 41 and 21 percent respectively.

The observation of social distancing inside schools meanwhile makes for an even greater concern even as the fear ranks at 15 percent.

From recorded precautionary measures to protect children at home, 58 percent of the surveyed respondents say they have had their children use face masks while playing together with 53 percent supervising the interactions.

However, only half the respondents have reported the observation of social distancing amongst children as parents observed the measure as difficult to abide by.

The observations come as the government through the Ministry of Education and Health work in measures for a potential reopening of schools on September 1 with President Uhuru recently asking the Education Ministry to announce a revised school calendar in mid-August.

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