Students who scored grade E in KCSE to join university

Students who scored grade E in KCSE to join university
Those taking post graduate diplomas or certificates must have a Bachelor’s degree and will take one year or 120 credits, while those enrolling for degree programmes will be required to have a C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (KCSE) or its equivalent as determined by the authority or completion of a diploma.


Those studying for diplomas will be required to have a C- grade in KCSE or its equivalent as determined by the authority, a certificate of experiential learning issued by the authority or on completion of a certificate. The course will take two years with 240 credits.

Those taking a craft certificate course will be required to have a D (plain) in KCSE and will have to study for one year, earning a minimum of 120 cred-its.

Other qualifications for a craft course will be a certificate in experiential learning issued by the authority.

A national vocational certificate of education and training will take three months with 30 credits and will target secondary school leavers.


The regulations also provide for the training of crafts men who have no basic education and have learnt their skills on the job to progress to the highest level which will be master of craft at national industrial training institutes.

The authority will also have a data bank of graduate details in the country and employers will have access to the information in a move in a move aimed at getting rid of fake academic certificates.

Courtesy of Daily Nation

Students who scored grade E in KCSE to join university

Students who scored grade E in KCSE to join university
Those taking post graduate diplomas or certificates must have a Bachelor’s degree and will take one year or 120 credits, while those enrolling for degree programmes will be required to have a C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (KCSE) or its equivalent as determined by the authority or completion of a diploma.


Those studying for diplomas will be required to have a C- grade in KCSE or its equivalent as determined by the authority, a certificate of experiential learning issued by the authority or on completion of a certificate. The course will take two years with 240 credits.

Those taking a craft certificate course will be required to have a D (plain) in KCSE and will have to study for one year, earning a minimum of 120 cred-its.

Other qualifications for a craft course will be a certificate in experiential learning issued by the authority.

A national vocational certificate of education and training will take three months with 30 credits and will target secondary school leavers.


The regulations also provide for the training of crafts men who have no basic education and have learnt their skills on the job to progress to the highest level which will be master of craft at national industrial training institutes.

The authority will also have a data bank of graduate details in the country and employers will have access to the information in a move in a move aimed at getting rid of fake academic certificates.

Courtesy of Daily Nation