TSC TPD Modules

In this page we do a number of things concerning Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training

  1. We guide you how to register with various institutions offering TPD training
  2. We provide learning resources from various institutions offering TPD training
  3. We also teach you what TPD is, its various levels, cost, its significance and such like things

1. TPD introductory module


2. Professionalism and KePTS


3. KePTS competence indicators for teachers and instructional leaders


4. TPD induction


5. Instructional leadership and financial literacy expositions


6. Competency Based Curriculum


7. TPD Introduction


8. Teacher Professionalism

Download 1

Download 2

Download 3

9. Multiple Intelligence


10. Emergency Care and First AID


11. KEMI announcement for D10 teachers


Conceptualization of TPD in Kenya

Teachers just like with other  professionals, participate in professional development to learn and apply new knowledge and skills that will improve their competence and leadership capacity through structured programmes developed by a regulator.

TPD in Kenya is established as a coordinated and structured professional development by TSC.

All TPD programmes organized by the Commission or by accredited service providers will be based on the Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePTS).

KePTS is a set of competency standards that describe what a Kenyan teacher should know and be able to do for improved learning outcomes.

Learning activities in TPD will be delivered through prescribed modules developed by the commission.

Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePTS)

Standard 1: Teacher Promotes Professionalism throughout their Career

Standard 2: Teacher has Pedagogical Content Knowledge and understanding of competency based Curriculum and how to implement it.

Standard 3: Teacher has knowledge on assessment and reporting

Standard 4: Teacher Knows how to Create and Support Inclusive Education Practices

Standard 5: Teacher knows and promotes comprehensive school health and safety

Standard 6: Teacher has knowledge of financial literacy skills

Standard 7: Teacher knows and practices instructional leadership.


✔ The TPD program is structured into six (6) sequential levels corresponding to competency level of the teachers. Each level has a corresponding TPD Module.

✔ It will take a teacher 5 years to complete one module for a particular level.

✔ A module is organized in 5 chapters and covers all the the seven KePTS standards.

✔ TPD Service providers will deliver each module on behalf of TSC.

✔ Teachers are expected to enroll and undertake a TPD programme on face to face session once a year during a school holiday.

✔ During the other two school holidays, teachers will undertake TPD through online.

TPD Competence levels (6)

1Knowledge level on the standards
2Application level
3Mastery level
4Mentorship and coaching
5Instructional leadership
6Mastery in Instructional leadership

Assessment of TPD

TPD activities will be evaluated based on authentic assessment which will include :

• Reflective journal

• Participant led final synthesis

• Individual Professional Portfolio development and Presentation.

Incentives for TPD

• Earning of TPD points

• Renewal of Teaching Certificate.


For renewal of the teaching certificate, a teacher must have completed 5 chapters of a module and provide documentary evidence of having successfully completion.

Upon commencement of the TPD Programme, all serving teachers will be required to acquire Teaching Certificate renewable every 5 years, while the subsequent applicants for Certificate of Registration will be issued with both certificates.

Accreditation of TPD Service Providers

TPD service providers must be recognized and registered with the Commission to offer services which must address the 7 KePTS

The Commission will accredit various categories of TPD service providers as follows:

Category 1: Government institutions mandated to capacity teachers: Will align to at least one of the seven KePTS

Category 2: Non government organizations in partnership with the Commission. Will align to at least one of the seven KePTS

Category 3: Organizations selected through competitive tendering system. Will use the Commission’s prescribed modules with all the seven standards.

Funding of TPD programmes based on the prescribed modules

Direct costs: Individual teachers will pay the service providers a capacity building fee.

Indirect costs: The Commission will meet the indirect costs like monitoring of the programme.


The Commission shall undertake continuous monitoring and evaluation of TPD programme to quality assure, offer professional support and give feedback on the training programmes.