TSC statement inviting universities to offer TPD (2018)

TSC statement inviting universities to offer TPD (2018)


EOI NO: TSC/EOI/03/2017-2018


The Teachers Service Commission (Commission) is established under Article 237 (1) of the Constitution and is mandated to register trained teachers; recruit and employ registered teachers; assign teachers employed by the Commission for service in public learning institutions; promote and transfer teachers; exercise disciplinary control over teachers; and terminate the employment of teachers.

Pursuant to sections 11(e) and 35(a) of the TSC Act and Regulation 48 of the Code of   Regulations for Teachers (CORT) (2015), the Commission is required to ensure  compliance with   prescribed teaching standards.

In this regard, every registered teacher in primary, secondary and tertiary learning institutions, is required to continuously undertake professional development training prescribed by the Commission from time to time.

Further, Regulation 51(d) of the CORT empowers the Commission to enter into agreements with organizations within or outside Kenya for purposes of facilitating the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training and related programmes.

Accordingly, the Commission invites qualified and competent service providers to express interest in the provision of the TPD training and related programmes for registered teachers in Kenya.  

Eligible and qualified service providers may bid as individual entities or as a consortium.


The overall objective of the TPD programme is to continuously develop and improve teachers’ skills, competencies and knowledge in line with the 21st century core competencies aimed at enhancing provision of quality education.

Specific Objectives

The service provider will be expected to-

i.   develop training modules in specific competency areas in line with the teaching standards prescribed by the Commission as well as other directions it may give from time to time;

ii.    facilitate the implementation of the TPD training  and related programmes with a view to enhance the competencies of teachers and institutional managers;

iii.   assess and evaluate trainees who have undergone the TPD programme; and

iv.    issue stage completion certificates to trainees upon successful completion of the appropriate TPD programme.


The TPD programme  targets to benefit all registered teachers in public and private primary, secondary and tertiary institutions in Kenya.

The delivery of the TPD will be a Modular Approach mainly using Technology and will  address Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (PACK) among other aspects/components in line with the approved Curriculum.


The Commission expects the service provider to-

i.    plan and organize venues for delivery of the TPD training and related programmes;

ii.    undertake training of teachers and institutional administrators on TPD modules through online and face to face interaction at  centres/venues approved or designed  by the Commission;

iii.    assess and evaluate teachers and institutional administrators on the TPD modules;

iv.  issue completion certificates to trainees who have successfully undertaken the appropriate TPD programme;

v.    provide the Commission with feedback in form of online data on teachers’ enrollment, teachers trained and their performance; and

vi.    upon request, undertake and advise the Commission on the impact of the TPD training program

vii.    me on the teaching standards and propose appropriate strategies to realise maximum impact.


Interested service providers are required to provide information demonstrating possession of the requisite qualifications, capacity and relevant experience to undertake the   assignment.   

Specifically, Service Providers are required to-

i.    demonstrate capacity to facilitate provision of the TPD training programme to all teachers at the sub-county level;

ii.     have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in conducting similar assignments or experience in developing and implementing school based teacher professional development training;

iii.    provide evidence of financial ability in undertaking the assignment (attach copies of Audited financial statements for 2014, 2015 and 2016);

iv.    demonstrate through a formal proposal, in depth understanding of the scope of work, proposed work plan indicating timelines against each deliverable;

v.    provide comprehensive information profile on the organization including its governance structure;

vi.    submit original and copy of the Expression of Interest (EOI) documents;

vii.  valid copy of Personal Identification Number (PIN) or compliance certificates in case of corporate entities;

viii.    valid Tax Compliance Certificate from the  Kenya Revenue Authority; and

ix.    copy of Certificate of Registration/Incorporation;

NB:  Attach relevant documentation as evidence where applicable.

Further information may be obtained from the Procurement Office, 2nd Floor, Podium Wing, TSC House, Upper hill, Kilimanjaro Road between 8.00 am to 5.00 p.m on weekdays.

Complete Expression of Interest documents clearly marked “Provision of Teacher Professional Development training and related Programmes for registered teachers in Kenya” should be deposited in the tender box provided at the TSC House 3rd floor podium wing or be addressed and posted to:

The Secretary/Chief Executive
Teachers Service Commission,
Private Bag, 00100, Nairobi

So as to be received on or before 6th  March 2018 at 10.30am East Africa time.

The bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.

NB: Only successful bidders will be invited to submit their proposals.


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