Training of teachers on junior secondary enters day 2 as Grade 7 curriculum designs released

The training of secondary school teachers on the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) enters its second day today.

The training which targets teachers of Languages, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities and Technical subjects started yesterday and will end on 13th May 2022.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is training 60,000 secondary school teachers in preparation for roll out of junior secondary classes early next year.

The Commission targets to train a total of 116,024 teachers this year in preparation for January roll out of grade 7 classes.

TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia said by January 2023 there will be no gap in implementation of the CBC because all secondary school teachers will have been trained.

In January 2023 the pioneer learners who are in Grade 6 will transition to junior secondary in Grade 7 after sitting for their national test.

The Grade 6 learners will sit for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) from 25th November to 30th November this year.

Grade 6 KPSEA timetable

At the same time the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has released the Grade 7 curriculum designs.

The target group in this training involves all the teachers handling grades 7, 8 and 9 drawn from both public (regular and SNE) and private schools.

The target teachers are grouped as follows;

i. Languages – English, Kiswahili, Foreign and Indigenous Languages and Kenya Sign Language.

ii. Pure Sciences -Integrated Science Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Health Education.

iii. Applied Sciences – Agriculture, Home science and computer studies iv. Mathematics.

iv. Humanities – Social Studies (Citizenship, Geography, History) Religious Studies, (CRE, IRE, Hindu, HRE and PPI) and live skills.

v. Technical subjects and Creative Arts – Pre vocational and pre career Business studies, music, sports and physical education Home science.

The specific dates for the smart cascade model of training are as below:

2nd to 6th May, 2022CountyTraining of Trainers of Trainers (TOTS)Face to faceTrainers of Trainers ( TOTS) drawn from TSC SCDs, CSOS, Tutors from TTCs, and Champion teachers)
9th to 13th May, 2022Selected Venues at the countyTraining of teachers clustered per subject categoryFace to faceTeachers of Languages, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities and Technical subjects.

Training of teachers on junior secondary enters day 2 as Grade 7 curriculum designs released

The training of secondary school teachers on the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) enters its second day today.

The training which targets teachers of Languages, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities and Technical subjects started yesterday and will end on 13th May 2022.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is training 60,000 secondary school teachers in preparation for roll out of junior secondary classes early next year.

The Commission targets to train a total of 116,024 teachers this year in preparation for January roll out of grade 7 classes.

TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia said by January 2023 there will be no gap in implementation of the CBC because all secondary school teachers will have been trained.

In January 2023 the pioneer learners who are in Grade 6 will transition to junior secondary in Grade 7 after sitting for their national test.

The Grade 6 learners will sit for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) from 25th November to 30th November this year.

Grade 6 KPSEA timetable

At the same time the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has released the Grade 7 curriculum designs.

The target group in this training involves all the teachers handling grades 7, 8 and 9 drawn from both public (regular and SNE) and private schools.

The target teachers are grouped as follows;

i. Languages – English, Kiswahili, Foreign and Indigenous Languages and Kenya Sign Language.

ii. Pure Sciences -Integrated Science Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Health Education.

iii. Applied Sciences – Agriculture, Home science and computer studies iv. Mathematics.

iv. Humanities – Social Studies (Citizenship, Geography, History) Religious Studies, (CRE, IRE, Hindu, HRE and PPI) and live skills.

v. Technical subjects and Creative Arts – Pre vocational and pre career Business studies, music, sports and physical education Home science.

The specific dates for the smart cascade model of training are as below:

2nd to 6th May, 2022CountyTraining of Trainers of Trainers (TOTS)Face to faceTrainers of Trainers ( TOTS) drawn from TSC SCDs, CSOS, Tutors from TTCs, and Champion teachers)
9th to 13th May, 2022Selected Venues at the countyTraining of teachers clustered per subject categoryFace to faceTeachers of Languages, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities and Technical subjects.