List of Teachers Training Colleges (TTC’s) with location found

List of Teachers Training Colleges (TTC's) with location found

The following are teachers colleges found in Kenya and their locations.

Asumbi Teachers College, ATCHoma Bay County
Baringo Teachers Training College,  BTTCBaringo County
Bomet Teachers’ Training  CollegeBomet County
Bondo Teachers Training  CollegeSiaya County
Borabu Teachers’ Training CollegeNyamira County
Bungoma Teachers’ Training CollegeBungoma County
Chesta Teachers, Training CollegeWest Pokot County
Eregi  Teachers’ Training  CollegeVihiga County
Garissa  Teachers Training collegeGarissa County
Kagumo  Teachers CollegeNyeri County
Kaimosi Teachers’ Training CollegeVihiga County
Kamwenja Teachers Training  CollegeNyeri County
Kenya Science Teachers CollegeNairobi County
Kenya Technical Teachers’ College-  KTICNairobi  County
Kenyenya Teachers’ Training  CollegeKisii County
Kericho Teachers CollegeKericho County
Kigari Teachers’ Training CollegeEmbu  County
Kilimambogo Teachers’ Training  CollegeKiambu  County
Kitui Teachers’ Training CollegeKitui County
Machakos Teachers Training  CollegeMachakos County
Maragua  Teachers Training  CollegeMuranga County
Meru  Teachers’ Training  CollegeMeru County
Migori Teachers Training  CollegeMigori County
Moi-Baringo Teachers’ CollegeBaringo
Mosoriot Teachers’ Training  CollegeNandi County
Murang’a  Teachers CollegeMuranga County
Narok Teachers CollegeNarok County
Shanzu Teachers’ Training CollegeMombasa County
St.  Lawrence Egoji Teachers collegeMeru County
Tambach Teachers Training  CollegeElgeyo Marakwet County
Thogoto Teachers Training  CollegeKiambu County
Trans-Nzoia Teachers’ Training  CollegeTrans Nzoia County
Ugenya Teachers’ Training  CollegeSiaya  County

List of Teachers Training Colleges (TTC’s) with location found

List of Teachers Training Colleges (TTC's) with location found

The following are teachers colleges found in Kenya and their locations.

Asumbi Teachers College, ATCHoma Bay County
Baringo Teachers Training College,  BTTCBaringo County
Bomet Teachers’ Training  CollegeBomet County
Bondo Teachers Training  CollegeSiaya County
Borabu Teachers’ Training CollegeNyamira County
Bungoma Teachers’ Training CollegeBungoma County
Chesta Teachers, Training CollegeWest Pokot County
Eregi  Teachers’ Training  CollegeVihiga County
Garissa  Teachers Training collegeGarissa County
Kagumo  Teachers CollegeNyeri County
Kaimosi Teachers’ Training CollegeVihiga County
Kamwenja Teachers Training  CollegeNyeri County
Kenya Science Teachers CollegeNairobi County
Kenya Technical Teachers’ College-  KTICNairobi  County
Kenyenya Teachers’ Training  CollegeKisii County
Kericho Teachers CollegeKericho County
Kigari Teachers’ Training CollegeEmbu  County
Kilimambogo Teachers’ Training  CollegeKiambu  County
Kitui Teachers’ Training CollegeKitui County
Machakos Teachers Training  CollegeMachakos County
Maragua  Teachers Training  CollegeMuranga County
Meru  Teachers’ Training  CollegeMeru County
Migori Teachers Training  CollegeMigori County
Moi-Baringo Teachers’ CollegeBaringo
Mosoriot Teachers’ Training  CollegeNandi County
Murang’a  Teachers CollegeMuranga County
Narok Teachers CollegeNarok County
Shanzu Teachers’ Training CollegeMombasa County
St.  Lawrence Egoji Teachers collegeMeru County
Tambach Teachers Training  CollegeElgeyo Marakwet County
Thogoto Teachers Training  CollegeKiambu County
Trans-Nzoia Teachers’ Training  CollegeTrans Nzoia County
Ugenya Teachers’ Training  CollegeSiaya  County