KNUT notice of general elections 2021

To:     ALL Branch Executive Secretaries

Dear Colleagues,


We are in receipt of a letter (Attached) Ref. No.ML&SP/TU/ELECTIONS/2021 dated 25th September, 2020 addressed to ALL REGISTERED TRADE UNIONS among others by the Registrar of Trade Unions requiring all registered trade unions to carry out elections as follows:-

–     Branch elections shall be held from 4th January, 2021 to 31st March, 2021

–     National elections shall be held from 1st April, 2021 to 31st June, 2021

In  line with the above, and in accordance with the KNUT Constitution, you are hereby informed that

•     In order to contest in the upcoming KNUT General Elections you MUST be a paid up member of the Union for a continuous period of 5 years without arrears.

•     In order to vote, you must produce evidence of membership with a payslip of not more than the previous 13 weeks and  your  name must be in the membership register.

The BEC is  hereby  directed to ensure regularization  of  members’ register and  submitted to us for onward transmission to the Commissioner for  Labour/the Registrar of Trade Union.

All the KNUT members are instructed to update their membership records as either through cash deposit or by issuing Standing Orders with your respective banks to be sending  money to the gazetted KNUT Union Account at Moi Avenue Branch.

Our KCB Account Details are as follows:-

Account  Name   Kenya National Union of Teachers

Account No       1107218993

Bank/Branch     KCB/Moi Avenue

Deposit payments to any account other than the above DO NOT QUALIFY YOU as a member.

Take note that the Union dues expected to be paid by members is exactly 2% of your basic salary.  

Also, be informed that the list of the paid  up members should be done in EXCEL FORMAT (as shown  below)  and forwarded  to us through email address

TSC NO.           NAME              POSITION              BRANCH

You will also be required to attach the deposit slips to confirm payment or a statement for those paying through Standing Orders.

Yours in service,


KNUT notice of general elections 2021

To:     ALL Branch Executive Secretaries

Dear Colleagues,


We are in receipt of a letter (Attached) Ref. No.ML&SP/TU/ELECTIONS/2021 dated 25th September, 2020 addressed to ALL REGISTERED TRADE UNIONS among others by the Registrar of Trade Unions requiring all registered trade unions to carry out elections as follows:-

–     Branch elections shall be held from 4th January, 2021 to 31st March, 2021

–     National elections shall be held from 1st April, 2021 to 31st June, 2021

In  line with the above, and in accordance with the KNUT Constitution, you are hereby informed that

•     In order to contest in the upcoming KNUT General Elections you MUST be a paid up member of the Union for a continuous period of 5 years without arrears.

•     In order to vote, you must produce evidence of membership with a payslip of not more than the previous 13 weeks and  your  name must be in the membership register.

The BEC is  hereby  directed to ensure regularization  of  members’ register and  submitted to us for onward transmission to the Commissioner for  Labour/the Registrar of Trade Union.

All the KNUT members are instructed to update their membership records as either through cash deposit or by issuing Standing Orders with your respective banks to be sending  money to the gazetted KNUT Union Account at Moi Avenue Branch.

Our KCB Account Details are as follows:-

Account  Name   Kenya National Union of Teachers

Account No       1107218993

Bank/Branch     KCB/Moi Avenue

Deposit payments to any account other than the above DO NOT QUALIFY YOU as a member.

Take note that the Union dues expected to be paid by members is exactly 2% of your basic salary.  

Also, be informed that the list of the paid  up members should be done in EXCEL FORMAT (as shown  below)  and forwarded  to us through email address

TSC NO.           NAME              POSITION              BRANCH

You will also be required to attach the deposit slips to confirm payment or a statement for those paying through Standing Orders.

Yours in service,