Knec starts KCPE briefing for primary headteachers

Knec starts KCPE briefing for primary headteachers

Primary school headteachers countrywide are attending the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) briefing sessions courtesy of the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) in their various sub counties.

Last year around 1.2 million candidates sat for KCPE exams which were served from 28,316 examination centres across the country.

TSC identified 242,406 teachers who were used to administer the examinations while the Interior ministry deployed more than 45,000 security officers for the exercise.

Registration of this years candidates is ongoing and will end on 30th March 2023. Knec has also introduced a new thing in this years registration.

Knec is asking for details of parents to be included in this years KCPE registration. The details are name and phone number of one parent.

After registration deadline parents can confirm if the candidate is registered for KPSEA, KCPE or KCSE exams by sending an SMS with the candidate index number starting with the exam type to 20076.

For example KCPE123506013 for checking KCPE exam for a candidate of index number 123506013.

After briefing sessions for the headteachers it will be teachers turn to be guided on conduct of this years KCPE.

Below is a circular by Knec on registration of this years KCPE and KCSE exams.

25 th January, 2023
To: i) All Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools presenting Candidates for the 2023 KCPE, KCSE Examinations; and KCSE Qualifying Test
ii) All Sub-County Directors of Education


The registration process for candidates wishing to sit for the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE); Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations; and KCSE Qualifying Test is scheduled to commence on 1st February, 2023 and end on 30th March, 2023.
In this regard, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring to your attention the following information:
1.0 Registration of regular Candidates
Heads of institutions with learners attending school in a regular setting are expected to note and ensure that:

1.1 Schools with less than five (5) candidates will not be allowed to register candidates for the 2023 examinations as independent examination centres. Such schools are advised to liaise with the respective Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) to identify an approved KNEC examination centre with more than five (5) candidates for their learners to be registered.

1.2 Examination centres with less than thirty (30) candidates shall be hosted in examination centres to be identified by Sub-County Directors, in line with the guidelines provided by KNEC on the same.

1.3 SCDEs and Heads of Institutions are required to log into the KNEC registration portal for capturing of the registration details of the examination centres and candidates using their examination centre log-in credentials.

1.4 For KCSE examination, Principals are required to upload candidates’ passport size photographs (300 x 300 pixels).

1.5 All candidates registered for KNEC examinations must be bonafide, school-going pupils/students in their respective schools, who are transiting to their respective examination class. Registration of ghost candidates constitutes an examination malpractice, which attracts sanctions, including de-registration of the school as a KNEC examination centre.

1.6 Heads of institutions and SCDEs are expected to ensure accuracy of the registration data for all candidates, including the following:
1.6.1 Correct spellings and order of candidates’ names as documented in their Birth
1.6.2 Gender;
1.6.3 Year of birth;
1.6.4 Citizenship;
1.6.5 Subjects registered for; and
1.6.6 Information on different categories of candidates with special needs and disabilities (i.e. Visual Impairments (totally blind who require Braille / Low Vision); hearing impairment and physical impairment).

1.7 All schools and private candidates shall be expected to adhere to the laid down regulations on entry requirements including payment of examination fees (where applicable), as stipulated in the Regulations and User Guiclesfor the Management ofKCPE and KCSE examinations printed and circulated in the year 2017.
2.0 Registration of Private Candidates
Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) are responsible for registration of private candidates (those who are not enrolled in a regular school setting) and are requested to note and ensure the following:
2.1 All private candidates shall be identified and registered by their respective SCDEs. The candidates will therefore be expected to address all their registration related issues through the SCDEs’ office and follow up on the same through the said office.
2.2 The candidates shall be required to download, fill in and submit the private candidate’s registration form alongside other documents.
2.3 KNEC will only allow one private examination centre per Sub-County.
2.4 The SCDEs are requested to identify one public school where the private candidates will be hosted during the examination. For KCSE examination, this will be the centre where the candidates will undertake the examination projects and sit for their practical examination papers.
2.5 During registration of private candidates including those in prison, the registration officers should ensure that the candidate’s passport size photographs are uploaded at the size 300 x 300 pixels.
3.0 Registration of KCSE Qualifying Test Candidates
The office of County Director of Education (CDE) is responsible for registration of candidates who wish sit for the KCSE Qualifying Test and are requested to note and ensure the following:
3.1 KCSE Qualifying Tests will be administered in County headquarters and hence, all candidates wishing to sit for the test will be expected to register at their respective County Directors of Education (CDEs) offices.
3.2 All the registered candidates will sit for the test in the venue to be identified by their respective CDEs.
3.3 Heads of institutions are required to ensure that all candidates in their institutions bearing foreign certifications or any other local Primary school equivalent certifications seek for Equation services at KNEC and are registered for The Qualifying Test a year before they are due to register for their KCSE examination.
3.4 The documents required for the registration of KCSE Qualifying Test registration include:
3.4.1 A copy of the original CPE certificate for Kenyans who did not sit for KCPE examination;
3.4.2 A copy of the Equation Letter from KNEC for all candidates holding non-Kenyan (foreign) primary education certifications. The service for obtaining the Equation Letter is available online, through the KNEC website;
3.4.3 A passport size photograph in a CD (300 x 300pixes).
4.0 Examination Fees
All Heads of institutions and SCDEs are expected to adhere to the Regulations act User Guides for the Management of KCPE and KCSE examinations and in particular, note the following:
4.1 The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education (MOE) shall pay examination fees for all candidates in public and private schools except for the following categories of candidates:
4.1.1 candidates who are re-sitting/repeating the examinations;
4.1.2 Non-Citizens (Non Kenyans)
4.1.3 Private candidates registering in the Sub County Private Examination Centers;
4.1.4 Candidates in prisons.
4.2 The summary of examination fees is as follows:

Knec starts KCPE briefing for primary headteachers
Table 1 and 2 KCPE, KCSE exam fees

4.3 The KCSE Qualifying Test registration fee is Kes. 3,000.00 (three thousand) per candidate.
4.4 All private candidates will be expected to pay their examination fees directly into the KNEC fees collection account. The fees should be deposited in the respective KNEC examination fees collection accounts in either National Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank, Co-operative Bank or Equity Bank.
4.5 The deposit slips should be submitted to the SCDEs who shall forward to KNEC together with other registration documents.

5.0 Coding of New Sub-Counties and Registration of New KNEC Examination Centres
The office of County Director of Education (CDE) is responsible for the processes and are requested to note and ensure the following:
5.1 Newly created sub-counties requesting for re-coding of their sub-counties and their examination centres within their jurisdiction are expected to submit the following documents to KNEC:
5.1.1 A copy of the Kenya Gazette notice legalizing creation of the Sub-county;
5.1.2 List of schools within the new sub-county, indicating their previous codes and the proposed new codes;
5.1.3 Location of their examination Distribution Centre (Container) and details of the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) or Assistant Deputy County Commissioner (ADCC) office.
5.2 New institutions that had submitted their application to be registered as KNEC examination centres for the 2023 KCPE and KCSE examinations will be notified on the acceptance/ nonacceptance of their request by KNEC in writing once validation of their request is complete, which includes (and is not limited to) inspection by KNEC. Such institutions must have submitted to KNEC the following:
5.2.1 A certified copy of a valid registration certificate from the County Director of Education;
5.2.2 Inspection questionnaire from the Sub County Director of Education, duly filled;
5.2.3 An Application form duly filled by the school;
5.2.4 A valid Registration Certificate (expired certificates will not be accepted); 5.2.5 A Bank deposit slip of as evidence of payment of Examination Centre Registration fees of Kes. 1,000.00 for public schools and Kes. 10,000.00 for private schools.

5.3 KNEC will conclude the process of inspection of new examination centres by 3 rd February, 2023. Centres that will not have met this deadline will be expected to liaise with their respective SCDEs for identification of an approved examination centre to host their candidates.
5.4 New Examination centres shall not be able to access the KNEC registration portal until their application has been approved by KNEC.
6.0 Use of Passwords
All SCDEs and heads of institutions are responsible for the use and security of Passwords issued by KNEC for access to the KNEC portals and requested to note the following:

6.1 Passwords are confidential and are intended for use by the designated user. Heads of institutions are therefore responsible for the security, custody and access of the passwords for their institutions;
6.2 It is of paramount importance for heads of institutions to safeguard their passwords so as to restrict access of the school ‘s registration and examination related data by unauthorized persons;
6.3 In case of loss or forgotten password, the heads of institution should send an email to KNEC ( requesting for assistance by KNEC;
6.4 All new examination centres (once approved and uploaded on the website) shall access the registration platform by keying in their Centre Code as the Username and password. Thereafter, heads of institutions are advised to change the password from the Centre Number to a password of their choice to maintain confidentiality.

7.0 Adherence to Registration deadlines
The KNEC Registration portal shall be closed on 30 th March, 2023. Please note that there shall be no late registration of candidates for the 2023 examinations once the portal is closed. All the relevant process owners and stakeholders including parents and candidates must therefore be informed on the need to adhere to the set deadlines for registration of the 2023 examinations.
8.0 Submission of Registration Materials
Heads of institutions will be expected to present all registration documents for the centres in their respective SCDEs’ offices on 3 rd April, 2023 for verification by the SCDEs and KNEC officers before submission.
By a copy of this communication, you are hereby requested to ensure that the regulation and guidelines on registration of the 2023 KCPE and KCSE examination candidates are adhered to, for effective administration of the examinations.

Dr. David Njengere, MBS

Knec starts KCPE briefing for primary headteachers

Knec starts KCPE briefing for primary headteachers

Primary school headteachers countrywide are attending the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) briefing sessions courtesy of the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) in their various sub counties.

Last year around 1.2 million candidates sat for KCPE exams which were served from 28,316 examination centres across the country.

TSC identified 242,406 teachers who were used to administer the examinations while the Interior ministry deployed more than 45,000 security officers for the exercise.

Registration of this years candidates is ongoing and will end on 30th March 2023. Knec has also introduced a new thing in this years registration.

Knec is asking for details of parents to be included in this years KCPE registration. The details are name and phone number of one parent.

After registration deadline parents can confirm if the candidate is registered for KPSEA, KCPE or KCSE exams by sending an SMS with the candidate index number starting with the exam type to 20076.

For example KCPE123506013 for checking KCPE exam for a candidate of index number 123506013.

After briefing sessions for the headteachers it will be teachers turn to be guided on conduct of this years KCPE.

Below is a circular by Knec on registration of this years KCPE and KCSE exams.

25 th January, 2023
To: i) All Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools presenting Candidates for the 2023 KCPE, KCSE Examinations; and KCSE Qualifying Test
ii) All Sub-County Directors of Education


The registration process for candidates wishing to sit for the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE); Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations; and KCSE Qualifying Test is scheduled to commence on 1st February, 2023 and end on 30th March, 2023.
In this regard, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring to your attention the following information:
1.0 Registration of regular Candidates
Heads of institutions with learners attending school in a regular setting are expected to note and ensure that:

1.1 Schools with less than five (5) candidates will not be allowed to register candidates for the 2023 examinations as independent examination centres. Such schools are advised to liaise with the respective Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) to identify an approved KNEC examination centre with more than five (5) candidates for their learners to be registered.

1.2 Examination centres with less than thirty (30) candidates shall be hosted in examination centres to be identified by Sub-County Directors, in line with the guidelines provided by KNEC on the same.

1.3 SCDEs and Heads of Institutions are required to log into the KNEC registration portal for capturing of the registration details of the examination centres and candidates using their examination centre log-in credentials.

1.4 For KCSE examination, Principals are required to upload candidates’ passport size photographs (300 x 300 pixels).

1.5 All candidates registered for KNEC examinations must be bonafide, school-going pupils/students in their respective schools, who are transiting to their respective examination class. Registration of ghost candidates constitutes an examination malpractice, which attracts sanctions, including de-registration of the school as a KNEC examination centre.

1.6 Heads of institutions and SCDEs are expected to ensure accuracy of the registration data for all candidates, including the following:
1.6.1 Correct spellings and order of candidates’ names as documented in their Birth
1.6.2 Gender;
1.6.3 Year of birth;
1.6.4 Citizenship;
1.6.5 Subjects registered for; and
1.6.6 Information on different categories of candidates with special needs and disabilities (i.e. Visual Impairments (totally blind who require Braille / Low Vision); hearing impairment and physical impairment).

1.7 All schools and private candidates shall be expected to adhere to the laid down regulations on entry requirements including payment of examination fees (where applicable), as stipulated in the Regulations and User Guiclesfor the Management ofKCPE and KCSE examinations printed and circulated in the year 2017.
2.0 Registration of Private Candidates
Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) are responsible for registration of private candidates (those who are not enrolled in a regular school setting) and are requested to note and ensure the following:
2.1 All private candidates shall be identified and registered by their respective SCDEs. The candidates will therefore be expected to address all their registration related issues through the SCDEs’ office and follow up on the same through the said office.
2.2 The candidates shall be required to download, fill in and submit the private candidate’s registration form alongside other documents.
2.3 KNEC will only allow one private examination centre per Sub-County.
2.4 The SCDEs are requested to identify one public school where the private candidates will be hosted during the examination. For KCSE examination, this will be the centre where the candidates will undertake the examination projects and sit for their practical examination papers.
2.5 During registration of private candidates including those in prison, the registration officers should ensure that the candidate’s passport size photographs are uploaded at the size 300 x 300 pixels.
3.0 Registration of KCSE Qualifying Test Candidates
The office of County Director of Education (CDE) is responsible for registration of candidates who wish sit for the KCSE Qualifying Test and are requested to note and ensure the following:
3.1 KCSE Qualifying Tests will be administered in County headquarters and hence, all candidates wishing to sit for the test will be expected to register at their respective County Directors of Education (CDEs) offices.
3.2 All the registered candidates will sit for the test in the venue to be identified by their respective CDEs.
3.3 Heads of institutions are required to ensure that all candidates in their institutions bearing foreign certifications or any other local Primary school equivalent certifications seek for Equation services at KNEC and are registered for The Qualifying Test a year before they are due to register for their KCSE examination.
3.4 The documents required for the registration of KCSE Qualifying Test registration include:
3.4.1 A copy of the original CPE certificate for Kenyans who did not sit for KCPE examination;
3.4.2 A copy of the Equation Letter from KNEC for all candidates holding non-Kenyan (foreign) primary education certifications. The service for obtaining the Equation Letter is available online, through the KNEC website;
3.4.3 A passport size photograph in a CD (300 x 300pixes).
4.0 Examination Fees
All Heads of institutions and SCDEs are expected to adhere to the Regulations act User Guides for the Management of KCPE and KCSE examinations and in particular, note the following:
4.1 The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education (MOE) shall pay examination fees for all candidates in public and private schools except for the following categories of candidates:
4.1.1 candidates who are re-sitting/repeating the examinations;
4.1.2 Non-Citizens (Non Kenyans)
4.1.3 Private candidates registering in the Sub County Private Examination Centers;
4.1.4 Candidates in prisons.
4.2 The summary of examination fees is as follows:

Knec starts KCPE briefing for primary headteachers
Table 1 and 2 KCPE, KCSE exam fees

4.3 The KCSE Qualifying Test registration fee is Kes. 3,000.00 (three thousand) per candidate.
4.4 All private candidates will be expected to pay their examination fees directly into the KNEC fees collection account. The fees should be deposited in the respective KNEC examination fees collection accounts in either National Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank, Co-operative Bank or Equity Bank.
4.5 The deposit slips should be submitted to the SCDEs who shall forward to KNEC together with other registration documents.

5.0 Coding of New Sub-Counties and Registration of New KNEC Examination Centres
The office of County Director of Education (CDE) is responsible for the processes and are requested to note and ensure the following:
5.1 Newly created sub-counties requesting for re-coding of their sub-counties and their examination centres within their jurisdiction are expected to submit the following documents to KNEC:
5.1.1 A copy of the Kenya Gazette notice legalizing creation of the Sub-county;
5.1.2 List of schools within the new sub-county, indicating their previous codes and the proposed new codes;
5.1.3 Location of their examination Distribution Centre (Container) and details of the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) or Assistant Deputy County Commissioner (ADCC) office.
5.2 New institutions that had submitted their application to be registered as KNEC examination centres for the 2023 KCPE and KCSE examinations will be notified on the acceptance/ nonacceptance of their request by KNEC in writing once validation of their request is complete, which includes (and is not limited to) inspection by KNEC. Such institutions must have submitted to KNEC the following:
5.2.1 A certified copy of a valid registration certificate from the County Director of Education;
5.2.2 Inspection questionnaire from the Sub County Director of Education, duly filled;
5.2.3 An Application form duly filled by the school;
5.2.4 A valid Registration Certificate (expired certificates will not be accepted); 5.2.5 A Bank deposit slip of as evidence of payment of Examination Centre Registration fees of Kes. 1,000.00 for public schools and Kes. 10,000.00 for private schools.

5.3 KNEC will conclude the process of inspection of new examination centres by 3 rd February, 2023. Centres that will not have met this deadline will be expected to liaise with their respective SCDEs for identification of an approved examination centre to host their candidates.
5.4 New Examination centres shall not be able to access the KNEC registration portal until their application has been approved by KNEC.
6.0 Use of Passwords
All SCDEs and heads of institutions are responsible for the use and security of Passwords issued by KNEC for access to the KNEC portals and requested to note the following:

6.1 Passwords are confidential and are intended for use by the designated user. Heads of institutions are therefore responsible for the security, custody and access of the passwords for their institutions;
6.2 It is of paramount importance for heads of institutions to safeguard their passwords so as to restrict access of the school ‘s registration and examination related data by unauthorized persons;
6.3 In case of loss or forgotten password, the heads of institution should send an email to KNEC ( requesting for assistance by KNEC;
6.4 All new examination centres (once approved and uploaded on the website) shall access the registration platform by keying in their Centre Code as the Username and password. Thereafter, heads of institutions are advised to change the password from the Centre Number to a password of their choice to maintain confidentiality.

7.0 Adherence to Registration deadlines
The KNEC Registration portal shall be closed on 30 th March, 2023. Please note that there shall be no late registration of candidates for the 2023 examinations once the portal is closed. All the relevant process owners and stakeholders including parents and candidates must therefore be informed on the need to adhere to the set deadlines for registration of the 2023 examinations.
8.0 Submission of Registration Materials
Heads of institutions will be expected to present all registration documents for the centres in their respective SCDEs’ offices on 3 rd April, 2023 for verification by the SCDEs and KNEC officers before submission.
By a copy of this communication, you are hereby requested to ensure that the regulation and guidelines on registration of the 2023 KCPE and KCSE examination candidates are adhered to, for effective administration of the examinations.

Dr. David Njengere, MBS