KCSE exam begins Monday, schools to close by Friday

KCSE exam begins Monday, schools to close by Friday
The 1,060,703 candidates will sit their KCPE tests in 27,161 centres across the country. The registration of candidates for the 2018 KCPE and KCSE examinations took place between January 15 and March 7. Ms Mohamed said the examination materials will be dispatched to sub-counties under tight security. She added that more security personnel will be deployed in areas mapped by the ministry as high risk.


In Narok South Sub-County, some 27 primary schools with an enrolment of 13,476 pupils, including 1,087 candidates, have been affected by clashes. “In addition, six secondary schools with a total enrolment of 1,183, including 198 KCSE examination candidates, were affected,” the minister added. In Narok North Sub-County, some 15 schools with an enrolment of 5,791 learners, including 434 candidates, were affected by the tribal clashes.


In Molo and Njoro sub-counties, Nakuru County, some 17 schools were affected by the skirmishes. According to a report by the Ministry of Education on performance in national examinations, results are usually affected by inadequate English language skills among many candidates. Other causes of poor performance are misunderstanding questions, poor time management, failure to follow instructions, examination phobia and failure to understand terminology.

KCSE exam begins Monday, schools to close by Friday

KCSE exam begins Monday, schools to close by Friday
The 1,060,703 candidates will sit their KCPE tests in 27,161 centres across the country. The registration of candidates for the 2018 KCPE and KCSE examinations took place between January 15 and March 7. Ms Mohamed said the examination materials will be dispatched to sub-counties under tight security. She added that more security personnel will be deployed in areas mapped by the ministry as high risk.


In Narok South Sub-County, some 27 primary schools with an enrolment of 13,476 pupils, including 1,087 candidates, have been affected by clashes. “In addition, six secondary schools with a total enrolment of 1,183, including 198 KCSE examination candidates, were affected,” the minister added. In Narok North Sub-County, some 15 schools with an enrolment of 5,791 learners, including 434 candidates, were affected by the tribal clashes.


In Molo and Njoro sub-counties, Nakuru County, some 17 schools were affected by the skirmishes. According to a report by the Ministry of Education on performance in national examinations, results are usually affected by inadequate English language skills among many candidates. Other causes of poor performance are misunderstanding questions, poor time management, failure to follow instructions, examination phobia and failure to understand terminology.