Junior secondary to open opportunities for primary school teachers

The coming of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) seems to carry with it some benefits for teachers.

In 2023 CBC will spill over to junior secondary. Junior secondary school will comprise of Grades 7, 8 and 9.

In 2023, pioneer learners under the new 2-6-3-3-3 Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) system will transition to junior secondary school after sitting the Grade Six national examinations.

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) said curriculum designs from Grade One to Ten are ready.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, during the Mashujaa day celebrations in Kirinyaga, made the announcement that the government will set aside sh. 8 billion for constructing 10,000 junior secondary classes.

“Ministry of Education, jointly with Ministry of Interior and the National Treasury, shall establish a framework for the construction of the over 10,000 classrooms needed to provide the additional learning space required for the one million new students set to join junior secondary,” said Uhuru in Kirinyaga.

Already the construction of the classes has kicked off. Interior’s CS Fred Matiang’i said Chiefs will supervise the construction of 11,600 new classrooms in schools countrywide.

According to Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha and Interior’s Fred Matiang’i, the classes to be constructed in the first phase will accommodate learners transiting from primary to junior secondary schools.

Dr Matiang’i told officers to start preparing for the projects as the classrooms should be ready to accommodate learners by 2023.

Primary school teachers will benefit immensely in this category of school. TSC had initially hinted on posting primary school teachers with various qualifications to teach in these schools.

In a report titled Status Report on Teacher Preparedness for Competence Based Curriculum Implementation which was presented before the Parliamentary Committee on Education, TSC had said that it will deploy P1 teachers who hold Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, under graduate Degrees, Post-graduate Diplomas, Masters and PHDs to teach at junior secondary schools (JSS).

TSC also said it will train high school teachers to handle Grade 7, 8 and 9 which are the junior secondary classes.

TSC said at least 60,000 high school teachers will, in March and April next year, be trained in preparation for the rollout of junior secondary.

TSC will also train primary school teachers who will handle Grade Six pupils in December 2021.


Trans Nzoia219350
Uasin Gishu157229
West Pokot153183
Tharaka Nithi128181
Elgeyo Marakwet110158
Taita Taveta74107
Tana River2533
Grand Total7,68611,578

However primary school teachers expected to reap from the deployment to junior secondary are those already having degrees in secondary option.

TSC will deploy P1 teachers with degree in secondary option including those who scored C (Plain) in KCSE and were sidelined in deployment due to their grade to teach in junior secondary.

TSC is yet to make a statement on whether it will deploy the primary school teachers with the following qualifications;

1) Diploma and Degree in Special Needs Education

2) Diploma and Degree in Early Childhood Development Education

3) Diploma and Degree in Education (Primary option)

4) Diploma in Education (Secondary option)

Currently TSC only deploys primary school teachers with Bachelors in Education (Secondary option) to teach in secondary schools.

The deployed teachers must also have at least C+ at KCSE and at least C+ in the teaching subjects.

TSC deployment policy has led to an outcry after locking out thousands of primary school teachers who attended higher institutions of learning but their certificates rendered useless.

However in September 2021 advert for promotion of teachers to administrative grades, TSC allowed teachers with Bachelors in Special Needs Education to apply for the advertised vacancies.

TSC will deploy a total 1,000 p1 graduate teachers to teach in high school this financial year (2021 – 2022).

TSC said the teachers will help in supporting the 100 percent transition from primary to secondary schools.

TSC had advertised 1,000 deployment posts in 2019 and another 1,000 in September last year.

The Commission advertised 1,000 deployment posts July this year for PTE certificate holders to apply.

Those deployed will start at job grade C2 at salary scale 34,955 per month and will move to job grade C3 upon completion of three years as stipulated in Career Progression Guidelines for teachers (CPG).

Ministry statement on construction of CBC classes

“Successful candidates under this category shall be appointed at T-Scale 7, Grade C2 under the Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers and shall be deployed to secondary schools where  vacancies exist,” TSC said in the advert.

From July 2021 a deployed teacher at C2 takes home shs 34,955 at minimum in basic pay and shs 43,694 at maximum.

The teacher enjoys a commuter allowance of shs 5,000 a house allowance of shs 7,500 for those who are not in any municipality and a leave allowance of shs 6,000 paid once yearly. Those in hardship areas enjoy hardship allowance of shs 10,900 .

The teacher will then move automatically to Grade C3 after completing three years as outlined in CPG.

In C3 he will earn shs 43,154 basic pay at minimum and sh 53,943 at maximum.

TSC highlighted the following requirements for one to qualify for promotion and deployment to secondary school;

i) Be a Kenyan citizen;

ii) Be a holder of a P1 Certificate;

iii) Be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with 2 teaching subjects;

iv) Must have attained at least c+ (Plus) mean grade at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education  (KCSE) or its equivalent and C+ (Plus) or it’s equivalent in the two teaching subjects;

v) Must be serving under Teachers Service Commission.

Already a total of 2,000 P1 graduate teachers were promoted to teach in secondary schools in the last two years.

TSC had advertised 1,000 deployment posts in 2019 and another 1,000 in September last year and has finished issuing deployment letters for the the successful applicants.

In July 2021 TSC advertised for another 1,000 deployment vacancies for practicing primary school teachers to apply.

Teachers who applied for deployment are anxious as TSC delays to promote them to teach in secondary schools.

TSC is currently facing huge teacher shortage. The Commission will require at least 36,000 new teachers to teach in junior secondary.

The Commission advertised a total of 1,995 internship posts in September. A total of 1,038 posts went to primary schools while 957 went to high school.

The teachers will be posted to schools early January when their contract begins.

TSC also renewed internship for 4,005 teachers currently working in primary and secondary schools.

Junior secondary to open opportunities for primary school teachers

The coming of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) seems to carry with it some benefits for teachers.

In 2023 CBC will spill over to junior secondary. Junior secondary school will comprise of Grades 7, 8 and 9.

In 2023, pioneer learners under the new 2-6-3-3-3 Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) system will transition to junior secondary school after sitting the Grade Six national examinations.

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) said curriculum designs from Grade One to Ten are ready.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, during the Mashujaa day celebrations in Kirinyaga, made the announcement that the government will set aside sh. 8 billion for constructing 10,000 junior secondary classes.

“Ministry of Education, jointly with Ministry of Interior and the National Treasury, shall establish a framework for the construction of the over 10,000 classrooms needed to provide the additional learning space required for the one million new students set to join junior secondary,” said Uhuru in Kirinyaga.

Already the construction of the classes has kicked off. Interior’s CS Fred Matiang’i said Chiefs will supervise the construction of 11,600 new classrooms in schools countrywide.

According to Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha and Interior’s Fred Matiang’i, the classes to be constructed in the first phase will accommodate learners transiting from primary to junior secondary schools.

Dr Matiang’i told officers to start preparing for the projects as the classrooms should be ready to accommodate learners by 2023.

Primary school teachers will benefit immensely in this category of school. TSC had initially hinted on posting primary school teachers with various qualifications to teach in these schools.

In a report titled Status Report on Teacher Preparedness for Competence Based Curriculum Implementation which was presented before the Parliamentary Committee on Education, TSC had said that it will deploy P1 teachers who hold Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, under graduate Degrees, Post-graduate Diplomas, Masters and PHDs to teach at junior secondary schools (JSS).

TSC also said it will train high school teachers to handle Grade 7, 8 and 9 which are the junior secondary classes.

TSC said at least 60,000 high school teachers will, in March and April next year, be trained in preparation for the rollout of junior secondary.

TSC will also train primary school teachers who will handle Grade Six pupils in December 2021.


Trans Nzoia219350
Uasin Gishu157229
West Pokot153183
Tharaka Nithi128181
Elgeyo Marakwet110158
Taita Taveta74107
Tana River2533
Grand Total7,68611,578

However primary school teachers expected to reap from the deployment to junior secondary are those already having degrees in secondary option.

TSC will deploy P1 teachers with degree in secondary option including those who scored C (Plain) in KCSE and were sidelined in deployment due to their grade to teach in junior secondary.

TSC is yet to make a statement on whether it will deploy the primary school teachers with the following qualifications;

1) Diploma and Degree in Special Needs Education

2) Diploma and Degree in Early Childhood Development Education

3) Diploma and Degree in Education (Primary option)

4) Diploma in Education (Secondary option)

Currently TSC only deploys primary school teachers with Bachelors in Education (Secondary option) to teach in secondary schools.

The deployed teachers must also have at least C+ at KCSE and at least C+ in the teaching subjects.

TSC deployment policy has led to an outcry after locking out thousands of primary school teachers who attended higher institutions of learning but their certificates rendered useless.

However in September 2021 advert for promotion of teachers to administrative grades, TSC allowed teachers with Bachelors in Special Needs Education to apply for the advertised vacancies.

TSC will deploy a total 1,000 p1 graduate teachers to teach in high school this financial year (2021 – 2022).

TSC said the teachers will help in supporting the 100 percent transition from primary to secondary schools.

TSC had advertised 1,000 deployment posts in 2019 and another 1,000 in September last year.

The Commission advertised 1,000 deployment posts July this year for PTE certificate holders to apply.

Those deployed will start at job grade C2 at salary scale 34,955 per month and will move to job grade C3 upon completion of three years as stipulated in Career Progression Guidelines for teachers (CPG).

Ministry statement on construction of CBC classes

“Successful candidates under this category shall be appointed at T-Scale 7, Grade C2 under the Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers and shall be deployed to secondary schools where  vacancies exist,” TSC said in the advert.

From July 2021 a deployed teacher at C2 takes home shs 34,955 at minimum in basic pay and shs 43,694 at maximum.

The teacher enjoys a commuter allowance of shs 5,000 a house allowance of shs 7,500 for those who are not in any municipality and a leave allowance of shs 6,000 paid once yearly. Those in hardship areas enjoy hardship allowance of shs 10,900 .

The teacher will then move automatically to Grade C3 after completing three years as outlined in CPG.

In C3 he will earn shs 43,154 basic pay at minimum and sh 53,943 at maximum.

TSC highlighted the following requirements for one to qualify for promotion and deployment to secondary school;

i) Be a Kenyan citizen;

ii) Be a holder of a P1 Certificate;

iii) Be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with 2 teaching subjects;

iv) Must have attained at least c+ (Plus) mean grade at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education  (KCSE) or its equivalent and C+ (Plus) or it’s equivalent in the two teaching subjects;

v) Must be serving under Teachers Service Commission.

Already a total of 2,000 P1 graduate teachers were promoted to teach in secondary schools in the last two years.

TSC had advertised 1,000 deployment posts in 2019 and another 1,000 in September last year and has finished issuing deployment letters for the the successful applicants.

In July 2021 TSC advertised for another 1,000 deployment vacancies for practicing primary school teachers to apply.

Teachers who applied for deployment are anxious as TSC delays to promote them to teach in secondary schools.

TSC is currently facing huge teacher shortage. The Commission will require at least 36,000 new teachers to teach in junior secondary.

The Commission advertised a total of 1,995 internship posts in September. A total of 1,038 posts went to primary schools while 957 went to high school.

The teachers will be posted to schools early January when their contract begins.

TSC also renewed internship for 4,005 teachers currently working in primary and secondary schools.