The move comes after the Labour and Employment Relations Court made a ruling that streamlines how teachers’ promotions will be undertaken.
On Thursday, Kuppet also sought pay increase of between 30 percent and 70 percent for teachers which will mostly benefit non-administrators.
TSC and Kuppet will also retreat to sort out various issues affecting teachers in the country.
“Kuppet proposes an increase in basic salary ranging between 30 percent and 70 percent from the current minimum salary of Sh21,756 to Sh36,985 on the lower cadre. This is informed by the cost of living which has increased since 2016,” reads the proposal by the union.
However, TSC in a statement issued by Mrs Macharia did not comment on the issue of promotion of teachers.
“It was agreed that there shall be a joint retreat between TSC and Kuppet not only to evaluate the progress and gaps in the implementation of the current CBA but to also lay grounds for the next CBA,” said Mrs Macharia.
Daily Nation
l like your blog,keep up.
Thats why we are here to keep you informed and provide resources you need
Teachers deserve good working conditions. Resources to give Thier best.
Why divide teachers on union lines
Imagine you used money to add value to yourself then you are denied promotion and those who have not added anything to their p1 certificates earns more How would you feel?
Is it fair?
Is it logic for P1, Diplomas and Degree holders to earn same salary?
If this happens in Education what is the employer telling the employees ?
TSC has made advertisement for graduate practicing p1 teachers to apply for promotion to high school please try your luck
Are diploma teachers in primary who kuppet members also legible for the promotion?
YES why not they are part of the deal
What of p1 teachers who did diploma and fall under kuppet what will their fate be.
As long as you’re a Kuppet member with diploma you will be considered for promotion