Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6

Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6


1.0 The Kenya National Examinations Council will upload on the KNEC CBA Portal the following:

1.1 Monitoring Learners Progress (MLP) assessment for Grades 3 and Foundation Level for learners with special needs and disabilities.

1.2 School based assessment for Grades 4, 5 & 6 and Intermediate Level for learners with special needs and disabilities.

2.0 Schools are expected to download the assessment tools, instructions, scoring guides and score sheets.

3.0 The assessment tools with coloured images should be printed in colour or loaded on the digital devices available in the school for learners to answer the questions using separate answer sheets such as exercise books. Where the number of digital devices is not adequate, the test can be done in shifts.

4.0 Schools will be expected to administer the assessment tools, score and upload the assessment outcomes of all learners in the CBA portal.

5.0 To access the assessment portal, Headteachers are required to login onto the CBA portal: Any school that will have forgotten their password should contact their respective sub county education offices for a new password.

6.0 Headteachers are requested to keep all records and evidence generated from the assessments.

7.0 The materials required for the assessments should be obtained from the immediate school environment or improvised as much as is possible.

8.0       The tools will be accessed as shown below:

Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6
CBA Assessment dates table 1
Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6
CBA Assessment dates table 2
Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6
CBA Assessment dates table 3

This information is to enable you to prepare and plan adequately.

Dr. David Njengere

Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6

Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6


1.0 The Kenya National Examinations Council will upload on the KNEC CBA Portal the following:

1.1 Monitoring Learners Progress (MLP) assessment for Grades 3 and Foundation Level for learners with special needs and disabilities.

1.2 School based assessment for Grades 4, 5 & 6 and Intermediate Level for learners with special needs and disabilities.

2.0 Schools are expected to download the assessment tools, instructions, scoring guides and score sheets.

3.0 The assessment tools with coloured images should be printed in colour or loaded on the digital devices available in the school for learners to answer the questions using separate answer sheets such as exercise books. Where the number of digital devices is not adequate, the test can be done in shifts.

4.0 Schools will be expected to administer the assessment tools, score and upload the assessment outcomes of all learners in the CBA portal.

5.0 To access the assessment portal, Headteachers are required to login onto the CBA portal: Any school that will have forgotten their password should contact their respective sub county education offices for a new password.

6.0 Headteachers are requested to keep all records and evidence generated from the assessments.

7.0 The materials required for the assessments should be obtained from the immediate school environment or improvised as much as is possible.

8.0       The tools will be accessed as shown below:

Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6
CBA Assessment dates table 1
Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6
CBA Assessment dates table 2
Knec Circular: Administration of 2022 CBC assessments for Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6
CBA Assessment dates table 3

This information is to enable you to prepare and plan adequately.

Dr. David Njengere