Teachers to proceed with CBC training on Madaraka Day, says TSC officials

Teachers will attend Day 2 of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) training on Tuesday 1st June 2021 despite being a public holiday a top TSC official has said.

The program organised by the Commission kicked off today countrywide involving three teachers in primary schools.

The three teachers required to attend the program which is scheduled to take five days are;

i. School head teacher

ii. 1 lower primary school teacher

iii. 1 upper primary school teacher

Invitation for a teacher to attend CBC training

Teachers will learn major changes brought by the new curriculum.

During the five day program teachers will be provided with tea and lunch as well as writing materials.

Teachers will also get paid 400/- per day for attending the training.

Last year during a similar training Knut protested after TSC planned training of teachers on Sunday.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) wrote to TSC to reschedule the CBC training to avoid conflict over Saturday and Sundays which are popularly known as religious days.

Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion said TSC should reschedule CBC training to another date apart from Saturday and Sunday.

“You are aware of the National Constitution and the right to worship by all citizens and considering that we are in a festive season where members are engaging in religious activies on Saturdays and Sundays. We therefore demand that you reschedule any training activities to any other day other than Saturdays and Sundays,’ said Sossin in a letter addressed to TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia.

However teachers proceeded with training despite the protests.


DAY 1:       31st May 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 9.30 amPreliminaries PrayersIntroduction Ground rules Opening remarks 
9.00  – 10.30 amSession 1: Part one Overview of Basic Education Curriculum Framework(BECF) Mission VisionPillarsParadigm shiftsBasic education structure 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK
11.00am-1.00 pmSession 2: Part 2 Over view of the curriculum design Components of the curriculum designs 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK
2.00 – 4.30 pmSession 2 :Part Two :  Over view of the curriculum designs Inter-relationship of Nationals Goals of Education to learning outcomes 
4.30 – 5.00 PMTEA BREAK 

DAY 2:       1st June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
  8.15 – 10.30 amSession 3: Curriculum designs; Part three: Developing  learning outcomesSelecting learning experiences 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 4 : Integration of; Part 4  Core competencies Values 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00- 3.00pmSession 5: Key inquiry questions 
3.00- 4.30pmSession 6: Integration of ; Pertinent and Contemporary Issues(PCI’s)Community Service Learning(CSL)Parental Engagement and Empowerment (PEE)Learner Support Programmes(LSP’s)/Non formal activities 
4.30 – 5.00 PMTEA BREAK 

DAY 3:       2nd June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 10.30 amSession 7: Learning resourcesIntegration of (ICT)in learning 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 8: Professional Documents Part one Scheme of work Lesson plan Record of work 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00 – 4.30 pmSession 9: Overview of special needs educationIEP 
4.30 – 5.00 pmTEA BREAK 

Day 4:         3rd June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 10.30 amSession 10: Assessment Part one Competency based assessment Framework Authentic Assessment 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 10: Assessment Part Two Authentic tasks  
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00 – 4.30pmSession 10: Assessment Part Three Practical exercises for developing authentic tasks 
4.30 – 5.00 pmTEA BREAK 

Day 5:          4th June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 10.00 amSession 10: Assessment Session four Integrated AssessmentPractical exercises for developing Integrated Assessment  
10.00 – 10.30 anSession 10: Assessment Part five Competency based assessment toolsPractical exercises on assessment tools 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 10: Assessment: Part six Assessment of core competenciesPractical exercises on assessment of core competencies 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00 – 3.30 pmSession 10: Assessment Part Seven Assessment of core values Practical exercises on assessment of values 
3.30 – 4.30 pmSession 10: Assessment Part Eight Assessment Reporting and Feedback 
4.30 – 4.45pmWay forward and closing 
4.45 – 5.00 pmTEA BREAK 

Teachers to proceed with CBC training on Madaraka Day, says TSC officials

Teachers will attend Day 2 of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) training on Tuesday 1st June 2021 despite being a public holiday a top TSC official has said.

The program organised by the Commission kicked off today countrywide involving three teachers in primary schools.

The three teachers required to attend the program which is scheduled to take five days are;

i. School head teacher

ii. 1 lower primary school teacher

iii. 1 upper primary school teacher

Invitation for a teacher to attend CBC training

Teachers will learn major changes brought by the new curriculum.

During the five day program teachers will be provided with tea and lunch as well as writing materials.

Teachers will also get paid 400/- per day for attending the training.

Last year during a similar training Knut protested after TSC planned training of teachers on Sunday.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) wrote to TSC to reschedule the CBC training to avoid conflict over Saturday and Sundays which are popularly known as religious days.

Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion said TSC should reschedule CBC training to another date apart from Saturday and Sunday.

“You are aware of the National Constitution and the right to worship by all citizens and considering that we are in a festive season where members are engaging in religious activies on Saturdays and Sundays. We therefore demand that you reschedule any training activities to any other day other than Saturdays and Sundays,’ said Sossin in a letter addressed to TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia.

However teachers proceeded with training despite the protests.


DAY 1:       31st May 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 9.30 amPreliminaries PrayersIntroduction Ground rules Opening remarks 
9.00  – 10.30 amSession 1: Part one Overview of Basic Education Curriculum Framework(BECF) Mission VisionPillarsParadigm shiftsBasic education structure 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK
11.00am-1.00 pmSession 2: Part 2 Over view of the curriculum design Components of the curriculum designs 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK
2.00 – 4.30 pmSession 2 :Part Two :  Over view of the curriculum designs Inter-relationship of Nationals Goals of Education to learning outcomes 
4.30 – 5.00 PMTEA BREAK 

DAY 2:       1st June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
  8.15 – 10.30 amSession 3: Curriculum designs; Part three: Developing  learning outcomesSelecting learning experiences 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 4 : Integration of; Part 4  Core competencies Values 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00- 3.00pmSession 5: Key inquiry questions 
3.00- 4.30pmSession 6: Integration of ; Pertinent and Contemporary Issues(PCI’s)Community Service Learning(CSL)Parental Engagement and Empowerment (PEE)Learner Support Programmes(LSP’s)/Non formal activities 
4.30 – 5.00 PMTEA BREAK 

DAY 3:       2nd June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 10.30 amSession 7: Learning resourcesIntegration of (ICT)in learning 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 8: Professional Documents Part one Scheme of work Lesson plan Record of work 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00 – 4.30 pmSession 9: Overview of special needs educationIEP 
4.30 – 5.00 pmTEA BREAK 

Day 4:         3rd June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 10.30 amSession 10: Assessment Part one Competency based assessment Framework Authentic Assessment 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 10: Assessment Part Two Authentic tasks  
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00 – 4.30pmSession 10: Assessment Part Three Practical exercises for developing authentic tasks 
4.30 – 5.00 pmTEA BREAK 

Day 5:          4th June 2021

8.00 – 8.15 amArrival and Registration 
8.15 – 10.00 amSession 10: Assessment Session four Integrated AssessmentPractical exercises for developing Integrated Assessment  
10.00 – 10.30 anSession 10: Assessment Part five Competency based assessment toolsPractical exercises on assessment tools 
10.30-11.00 amTEA BREAK 
11.00 – 1.00 pmSession 10: Assessment: Part six Assessment of core competenciesPractical exercises on assessment of core competencies 
1.00 – 2.00 pmLUNCH BREAK 
2.00 – 3.30 pmSession 10: Assessment Part Seven Assessment of core values Practical exercises on assessment of values 
3.30 – 4.30 pmSession 10: Assessment Part Eight Assessment Reporting and Feedback 
4.30 – 4.45pmWay forward and closing 
4.45 – 5.00 pmTEA BREAK