Why Uhuru ordered review on teacher transfers

Why Uhuru ordered review on teacher transfers

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday said the teachers’ delocalisation policy will be reviewed to ensure it does not break up families. President Kenyatta said he had received concerns that some families have been affected by transfer of school administrators to other counties.

“We are reviewing the policy guidelines on delocalisation of teachers to ensure that it is not implemented to the detriment of families,” he said.

Mr Kenyatta directed Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed to finalize the review by the end of this month. He underscored the role the sector plays in actualizing the ‘Big Four’ development agenda.

“Without requisite education, our ‘Big Four’ agenda will remain a dream. It is on this understanding that my administration has committed to ensuring that every Kenyan child receives high quality and holistic education.”


Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary-General Wilson Sossion has been calling for the policy’s review, accusing the Teachers Service Commission of making decisions before consulting them.

He said teachers will go on strike next month if the policy is not abolished. TSC chief executive officer Nancy Macharia argued that delocalisation is meant to enhance national cohesion.

The TSC introduced the programme last year and more than 1,065 head teachers have been transferred. However, last week, TSC chief executive officer Nancy Macharia said no teacher will be redeployed in third term to allow for smooth preparation of candidates for national examinations that are slated for October and November.

Why Uhuru ordered review on teacher transfers

Why Uhuru ordered review on teacher transfers

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday said the teachers’ delocalisation policy will be reviewed to ensure it does not break up families. President Kenyatta said he had received concerns that some families have been affected by transfer of school administrators to other counties.

“We are reviewing the policy guidelines on delocalisation of teachers to ensure that it is not implemented to the detriment of families,” he said.

Mr Kenyatta directed Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed to finalize the review by the end of this month. He underscored the role the sector plays in actualizing the ‘Big Four’ development agenda.

“Without requisite education, our ‘Big Four’ agenda will remain a dream. It is on this understanding that my administration has committed to ensuring that every Kenyan child receives high quality and holistic education.”


Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary-General Wilson Sossion has been calling for the policy’s review, accusing the Teachers Service Commission of making decisions before consulting them.

He said teachers will go on strike next month if the policy is not abolished. TSC chief executive officer Nancy Macharia argued that delocalisation is meant to enhance national cohesion.

The TSC introduced the programme last year and more than 1,065 head teachers have been transferred. However, last week, TSC chief executive officer Nancy Macharia said no teacher will be redeployed in third term to allow for smooth preparation of candidates for national examinations that are slated for October and November.