We’ve sacked 1,077 teachers since 2016 for sleeping with school girls, TSC report

1,077 teachers have been struck off the register in the last eight years over immoral behavior towards students.

In a report presented before the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Teachers Service Commission boss Nancy Macharia tabled a list of six counties with the highest numbers.

Kakamega topped the list with 88 cases followed by Kisii (61) and Homabay (60). Kitui, Bungoma and Siaya counties have 53, 47 and 46 cases respectively.

The report also indicated that TSC had upheld the removal of 279 from the teachers register despite their attempt to have their cases reviewed.

Ms Macharia told the committee that none of the teachers affected will be allowed to teach in any school in the country.

She said TSC was protected under the Code of Regulations for Teachers to proceed with its disciplinary action against teachers whose criminal proceedings are either pending before a court of law or acquitted for an offence which the commission is handling.

“The commission has liaised with law enforcement agencies to undertake criminal justice process against the offenders while proceeding with the disciplinary process,” she said adding that it was aimed at removing sex pests from the teaching service.

Section 30 of the act states, “The commission deregisters teachers who have committed a sexual offence against a pupil or student.”Macharia said despite the existence of sound legal framework, sex pests continue to take advantage of the tender age of learners to prey on them.

She said many cases went unreported because of ignorance of parents and guardians and the cultural challenges in some communities that frustrate efforts to prosecute sex offenders. As sacked teachers face the consequences of their sexual misconduct, its union, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) vowed to take stern action on teachers accused of immoral behavior.

We’ve sacked 1,077 teachers since 2016 for sleeping with school girls, TSC report

1,077 teachers have been struck off the register in the last eight years over immoral behavior towards students.

In a report presented before the Senate Standing Committee on Education, Teachers Service Commission boss Nancy Macharia tabled a list of six counties with the highest numbers.

Kakamega topped the list with 88 cases followed by Kisii (61) and Homabay (60). Kitui, Bungoma and Siaya counties have 53, 47 and 46 cases respectively.

The report also indicated that TSC had upheld the removal of 279 from the teachers register despite their attempt to have their cases reviewed.

Ms Macharia told the committee that none of the teachers affected will be allowed to teach in any school in the country.

She said TSC was protected under the Code of Regulations for Teachers to proceed with its disciplinary action against teachers whose criminal proceedings are either pending before a court of law or acquitted for an offence which the commission is handling.

“The commission has liaised with law enforcement agencies to undertake criminal justice process against the offenders while proceeding with the disciplinary process,” she said adding that it was aimed at removing sex pests from the teaching service.

Section 30 of the act states, “The commission deregisters teachers who have committed a sexual offence against a pupil or student.”Macharia said despite the existence of sound legal framework, sex pests continue to take advantage of the tender age of learners to prey on them.

She said many cases went unreported because of ignorance of parents and guardians and the cultural challenges in some communities that frustrate efforts to prosecute sex offenders. As sacked teachers face the consequences of their sexual misconduct, its union, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) vowed to take stern action on teachers accused of immoral behavior.