TSC to start 1 week teacher training, schools to pick OCS

TSC to start 1 week teacher training, schools to pick OCS

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to start training teachers who will be incharge of providing career guidance in their schools.

Already a good number of TSC County Directors have complied to a memo by TSC requiring them to guide school heads to create Office of Career Services (OCS) in their schools.

According to the Commission schools are required to identify a teacher who will be incharge of the Office of Career Services.

The teachers identified (OCS’s) will then attend training sessions organized by TSC in their counties.

Below is a Memo by TSC to all County Directors, Reference number TSC/DQAS/MEMOS/CD/40/VOLII/89 dated 16th August 2023 on Office of Career Services.


The State Department for Labour and Skills Development is mandated to oversee skills development among actors, establish and manage the institutional framework for linking industry skills development and training in accordance with Executive Order No. 1 of 2021.

In line with its mandate the Department is committed to promoting career guidance towards reducing skills mismatches, improving school to work transitions, employability and labour mobility and re-integrating marginalized and at risk groups into education and labour market service.

In this respect, the Department has developed the National Policy Framework, and Offices of Career Services.

Consequently, Office of Career Services (OCS) have been established in a number of universities, national polytechnics, technical vocational centres, primary and secondary levels.

By this copy of this memo, you are required to ensure that:

(a) All institutions within your jurisdiction establish Office of Career Service and appoint a teacher to Co-ordinate OCS activities.

(b) Community Service Learning (CSL) is taught as directed in the approved curriculum.

This should reach all institution administrators and a feedback given to the County Directors office by 10th September 2023.

TSC to start 1 week teacher training, schools to pick OCS

TSC to start 1 week teacher training, schools to pick OCS

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to start training teachers who will be incharge of providing career guidance in their schools.

Already a good number of TSC County Directors have complied to a memo by TSC requiring them to guide school heads to create Office of Career Services (OCS) in their schools.

According to the Commission schools are required to identify a teacher who will be incharge of the Office of Career Services.

The teachers identified (OCS’s) will then attend training sessions organized by TSC in their counties.

Below is a Memo by TSC to all County Directors, Reference number TSC/DQAS/MEMOS/CD/40/VOLII/89 dated 16th August 2023 on Office of Career Services.


The State Department for Labour and Skills Development is mandated to oversee skills development among actors, establish and manage the institutional framework for linking industry skills development and training in accordance with Executive Order No. 1 of 2021.

In line with its mandate the Department is committed to promoting career guidance towards reducing skills mismatches, improving school to work transitions, employability and labour mobility and re-integrating marginalized and at risk groups into education and labour market service.

In this respect, the Department has developed the National Policy Framework, and Offices of Career Services.

Consequently, Office of Career Services (OCS) have been established in a number of universities, national polytechnics, technical vocational centres, primary and secondary levels.

By this copy of this memo, you are required to ensure that:

(a) All institutions within your jurisdiction establish Office of Career Service and appoint a teacher to Co-ordinate OCS activities.

(b) Community Service Learning (CSL) is taught as directed in the approved curriculum.

This should reach all institution administrators and a feedback given to the County Directors office by 10th September 2023.