Please cooperate to give SEQIP feedback, TSC to teachers

Please cooperate to give SEQIP feedback, TSC to teachers

As you are aware, Secondary Education Quality Improvement Programme (SEQIP) is going on in 31 counties in Kenya.

This programme is run by TSC and MOE among other stakeholders.

SEQIP aims at improving the transition from primary to secondary school and also enhancing retention of learners in school.

The School Based Teacher Support System (SBTSS) which improves teacher delivery capacity is a component of SEQIP that is run by TSC.

To get the feedback on SEQIP implementation, MOE has contracted a verification agency that is doing a survey on key stakeholders who include teachers through phone calls.

Please cooperate with this agency by providing them with the information that they are seeking through their calls.

These callers always introduce themselves adequately.

Beatrice Wababu
Head of Corporate Affairs

Please cooperate to give SEQIP feedback, TSC to teachers

Please cooperate to give SEQIP feedback, TSC to teachers

As you are aware, Secondary Education Quality Improvement Programme (SEQIP) is going on in 31 counties in Kenya.

This programme is run by TSC and MOE among other stakeholders.

SEQIP aims at improving the transition from primary to secondary school and also enhancing retention of learners in school.

The School Based Teacher Support System (SBTSS) which improves teacher delivery capacity is a component of SEQIP that is run by TSC.

To get the feedback on SEQIP implementation, MOE has contracted a verification agency that is doing a survey on key stakeholders who include teachers through phone calls.

Please cooperate with this agency by providing them with the information that they are seeking through their calls.

These callers always introduce themselves adequately.

Beatrice Wababu
Head of Corporate Affairs

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