TSC circular addressed to junior secondary schools

TSC circular addressed to junior secondary schools

CIRCULAR N0:3/2023

TO: All Head Teachers


The above captioned matter refers.

As you are aware, the first cohort of Grade 6 learners under the new Competency Based Curriculum sat for their Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) in November, 2022. The learners will transit to Junior Secondary School (JSS) Grade 7 with effect from 1st February, 2023.

Following the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms, the Government directed that the Junior Secondary School (JSS) will be domiciled in the existing Primary Schools.

This places you in critical position to ensure that the transition is efficient and seamless. To enable you and other stakeholders discharge their respective roles, the Ministry of Education has released Guidelines for implementation of Junior Secondary

Education which, is available at the Teachers Service Commission website www.tsc.go.ke and the Ministry’s website at www.education.go.ke. You are advised to obtain the Guidelines and acquaint yourselves with its contents as you prepare to receive the learners in your respective schools.

In addition, you are required to note the following:-

(a) By virtue of your appointments as the lead educators or administrators in your respective schools, responsible for the implementation of Educational Policy Guidelines and Professional Practices, you will superintend the respective Junior Secondary Schools programme during the transition period i.e. from 1 st January to 31 st December 2023 or until further directed. To this end, as the lead, you are expected to continue performing your duties in accordance with the provisions of the TSC Act (201 2); the Basic Education Act (201 3); and the Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015).

(b) A special Sub-Committee of the Primary School Board of Management (BOM) will be constituted in your respective schools to manage the JSS during the transition. The JSS Management Committee shall perform the functions provided under Section 59 of the Basic Education Act (2013) which, include policy implementation; management of finances, physical facilities, staff, learners’ welfare, quality education and school community relations.

(c) Pursuant to the provisions of section 62 of the Basic Education Act, you will be the Secretary to the JSS Management Committees.

(d) There are Nineteen (19) Learning Areas at JSS level comprising twelve (12) core and seven (7) optional Learning Areas. A learner is required to take all the twelve (12) core learning areas and a minimum of one (1 ) and a maximum of two (2) optional learning areas.

Distribution of both core and optional learning areas together with their respective time allocation is as shown in Tables lull below;

Table I: Time Allocation for the Core Learning Areas

S/NoSubjectNo Of Lessons Per Week (40 Minutes Per Lesson)
l .English5
2.Kiswahili/ KSL4
4.Integrated Science4
5.Health Education2
6.Pre-Technical Studies4
7.Social Studies3
8.Religious Studies (CRE/IRE/HRE)3
9.Business Studies3
1 1 .Life Skills Education1
12.Physical Education and Sports2

Table II: Time Allocation for Optional Learning Areas

S/NoSubjectNo of Lessons per Week (40 minutes per lesson)
1.Visual Arts3
2.Performing Arts3
3.Home Science3
4.Computer Science3
5.Kenya Sign Language (KSL)3
6.Foreign Languages (French, German, Mandarin Arabic)3
7.Indigenous Languages3

(e) From Table I Il, you will note that 39 out of the 45 lessons in a week are set aside for the Core Learning Areas. The remaining six (6) lessons are set aside for a maximum of two (2) optional Learning Areas, with each of the optional Learning Area being allocated three (3) lessons in a week.

(f) As a matter of illustration, for a Grade Seven (7) class in Junior Secondary School offering both Computer Science and Business Studies as Optional Learning Areas, distribution of the lessons and time allocation would be as shown in Table Ill.

Table Ill: Distribution of Leaming Areas and Time Allocation for a Week

s/N0.SubjectNo. of Lessons per Week (40 minutes per lesson)
2.Kiswahili/ KSL4
4.Integrated Science4
5.Health Education2
6.Pre-Technical Studies4
7.Social Studies3
8.Religious Studies (CRE/IRE/HRE)3
 Business Studies3
1 1.Life Skills Education1
12.Physical Education and Sports2
14.Computer Science (First Optional L.A.)3
15.Business Studies (Second Optional L.A.)3

(g) In summary, there shall be nine (9) lessons per day for five (5) days totaling to 45 lessons per week. The time allocation for each lesson shall be 40 minutes.

(h) Save for Kiswahili, Kenya Sign Language, Foreign and Indigenous Languages, English shall be the medium of Instruction for all learning areas.

(i) Teachers and Interns serving under the TSC Internship Programme posted to Junior Secondary Schools will be allocated assignment to teach the new learning areas based on their subject specialization and competence. The Commission will continue to re-tool the teachers posted to JSS with a view to enhance and diversify their knowledge, skills, competencies and attitude to deliver the new curriculum.

(j) As the Head of Institution, you are expected to receive the newly posted teachers, submit the Entry Report, capture their details on the TMIS, facilitate the development of the Junior Secondary School Timetable and oversee all related administrative processes to ensure teaching and learning process take place.

(k) Further, implementation of the JSS Programme will also call for your active participation to ensure the curriculum is implemented effectively and teacher professional standards are maintained.

As you are aware, safety of learners and security of institutional property and resources is a matter of serious concern that will require a combined and sustained effort of all players in the education sector. It is in this regard that I urge you take adequate measures to ensure that teachers under your supervision adhere to the contents of this Circular and the Guidelines for the Implementation of Junior Secondary School (2023) as issued by the Ministry of Education.


TSC circular addressed to junior secondary schools

TSC circular addressed to junior secondary schools

CIRCULAR N0:3/2023

TO: All Head Teachers


The above captioned matter refers.

As you are aware, the first cohort of Grade 6 learners under the new Competency Based Curriculum sat for their Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) in November, 2022. The learners will transit to Junior Secondary School (JSS) Grade 7 with effect from 1st February, 2023.

Following the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms, the Government directed that the Junior Secondary School (JSS) will be domiciled in the existing Primary Schools.

This places you in critical position to ensure that the transition is efficient and seamless. To enable you and other stakeholders discharge their respective roles, the Ministry of Education has released Guidelines for implementation of Junior Secondary

Education which, is available at the Teachers Service Commission website www.tsc.go.ke and the Ministry’s website at www.education.go.ke. You are advised to obtain the Guidelines and acquaint yourselves with its contents as you prepare to receive the learners in your respective schools.

In addition, you are required to note the following:-

(a) By virtue of your appointments as the lead educators or administrators in your respective schools, responsible for the implementation of Educational Policy Guidelines and Professional Practices, you will superintend the respective Junior Secondary Schools programme during the transition period i.e. from 1 st January to 31 st December 2023 or until further directed. To this end, as the lead, you are expected to continue performing your duties in accordance with the provisions of the TSC Act (201 2); the Basic Education Act (201 3); and the Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015).

(b) A special Sub-Committee of the Primary School Board of Management (BOM) will be constituted in your respective schools to manage the JSS during the transition. The JSS Management Committee shall perform the functions provided under Section 59 of the Basic Education Act (2013) which, include policy implementation; management of finances, physical facilities, staff, learners’ welfare, quality education and school community relations.

(c) Pursuant to the provisions of section 62 of the Basic Education Act, you will be the Secretary to the JSS Management Committees.

(d) There are Nineteen (19) Learning Areas at JSS level comprising twelve (12) core and seven (7) optional Learning Areas. A learner is required to take all the twelve (12) core learning areas and a minimum of one (1 ) and a maximum of two (2) optional learning areas.

Distribution of both core and optional learning areas together with their respective time allocation is as shown in Tables lull below;

Table I: Time Allocation for the Core Learning Areas

S/NoSubjectNo Of Lessons Per Week (40 Minutes Per Lesson)
l .English5
2.Kiswahili/ KSL4
4.Integrated Science4
5.Health Education2
6.Pre-Technical Studies4
7.Social Studies3
8.Religious Studies (CRE/IRE/HRE)3
9.Business Studies3
1 1 .Life Skills Education1
12.Physical Education and Sports2

Table II: Time Allocation for Optional Learning Areas

S/NoSubjectNo of Lessons per Week (40 minutes per lesson)
1.Visual Arts3
2.Performing Arts3
3.Home Science3
4.Computer Science3
5.Kenya Sign Language (KSL)3
6.Foreign Languages (French, German, Mandarin Arabic)3
7.Indigenous Languages3

(e) From Table I Il, you will note that 39 out of the 45 lessons in a week are set aside for the Core Learning Areas. The remaining six (6) lessons are set aside for a maximum of two (2) optional Learning Areas, with each of the optional Learning Area being allocated three (3) lessons in a week.

(f) As a matter of illustration, for a Grade Seven (7) class in Junior Secondary School offering both Computer Science and Business Studies as Optional Learning Areas, distribution of the lessons and time allocation would be as shown in Table Ill.

Table Ill: Distribution of Leaming Areas and Time Allocation for a Week

s/N0.SubjectNo. of Lessons per Week (40 minutes per lesson)
2.Kiswahili/ KSL4
4.Integrated Science4
5.Health Education2
6.Pre-Technical Studies4
7.Social Studies3
8.Religious Studies (CRE/IRE/HRE)3
 Business Studies3
1 1.Life Skills Education1
12.Physical Education and Sports2
14.Computer Science (First Optional L.A.)3
15.Business Studies (Second Optional L.A.)3

(g) In summary, there shall be nine (9) lessons per day for five (5) days totaling to 45 lessons per week. The time allocation for each lesson shall be 40 minutes.

(h) Save for Kiswahili, Kenya Sign Language, Foreign and Indigenous Languages, English shall be the medium of Instruction for all learning areas.

(i) Teachers and Interns serving under the TSC Internship Programme posted to Junior Secondary Schools will be allocated assignment to teach the new learning areas based on their subject specialization and competence. The Commission will continue to re-tool the teachers posted to JSS with a view to enhance and diversify their knowledge, skills, competencies and attitude to deliver the new curriculum.

(j) As the Head of Institution, you are expected to receive the newly posted teachers, submit the Entry Report, capture their details on the TMIS, facilitate the development of the Junior Secondary School Timetable and oversee all related administrative processes to ensure teaching and learning process take place.

(k) Further, implementation of the JSS Programme will also call for your active participation to ensure the curriculum is implemented effectively and teacher professional standards are maintained.

As you are aware, safety of learners and security of institutional property and resources is a matter of serious concern that will require a combined and sustained effort of all players in the education sector. It is in this regard that I urge you take adequate measures to ensure that teachers under your supervision adhere to the contents of this Circular and the Guidelines for the Implementation of Junior Secondary School (2023) as issued by the Ministry of Education.