Magoha postponed the reopening of schools to June 4 and appointed Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development Chairperson Sarah Ruto to lead the committee that will give critical advice on the reopening of all basic learning institutions, teacher training colleges and adult education institutions.
The committee comprises representatives of secondary and primary school heads, private schools, international schools, Kenya Special Schools Heads Association and parents’ associations.
The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, National Council of Churches of Kenya and Muslim Education Council are also members. The Teachers Service Commission, Ministry of Health, Kenya National Examinations Council and Ministry of Education are listed as ex-officio members.
– Marking of assembly grounds to ensure social distancing
-Addition of masks as part of school uniform
– Decongestion of dormitories
– Shift system during meals
-Use of assisted digital learning at tertiary institutions
Adoption of shifts /modular programmes on campus/ tertiary institution to decongest in school number of trainees at university and tertiary institutions
The Education Minister’s Task force on Schools reopening was a well thought out piece of work, born of clear minded group free of contradictions. The government must now consider returning Health Ministry to the Central Government.
Our Counties have abused this noble responsibility as no County can today in case of school acute corona outbreak hospitalise even seven primary schools at ago. It is a pity that we can not allow to continue. as We don’t know which disease worse than Corona will next attack humanity.
The state of our County Hospitals are woeful, dispeak-able, managed by arrogant County official who present their responses as pedestal politicians who don’t seam to need a re-election.
Hon, Waziri Professor Magoha, should put up County Task Force in each County to follow up this recommendations to[ M&E] the progress of the Corona virus County initiatives and ability to prepare for the Schools opening in September. It can not be assumed that all the Counties will be ready with the proposals made to safeguard the Learners and their Teacher, a matter that will endanger many lives of this Nation’s children.
Like in Busia County where I reside, and having worked in Garisa, Mandera Isiolo , Marsabit, and Sololo in Moyale this conditions are unachievable unless the Ministry whips up Politicians, the County Governors and sets up Task forces to oversee and report to him it may be a mirage looking at the ever increasing infections.
John M. W. Wanga.
Former Educator and Principal of
AIC NAirobi Training College.