New TSC teacher recruits gradually report to their new schools amid delays

New TSC teacher recruits gradually report to their new schools amid delays

The newly recruited teachers are now gradually reporting to their new stations after receiving their posting letters.

The appointment letters for a number of teachers who were to report on 1st September has reached the TSC sub county offices.

However the slow pace of the appointment letters reaching the counties is a headache to most teachers who applied for the jobs and are yet to be posted.

A number of teachers have already reported to their new schools despite the delay in posting.

The TSC sub county directors are generating posting letters for the teachers which indicate the schools they report to.

Upon reporting the receiving school head fills the online casualty (entry/exit) form which indicate the date the teacher has started working and so the time he/she should be put on TSC payroll.

This month entered in the online casualty is also important because it will be used by the Commission to award the teachers their annual salary increment.

Schools have around two weeks before they are officially closed. According to Ministry calendar all schools should be closed by 16th September.

Details show that TSC has continued to delocalize the teachers despite protests. The newly recruited teachers are reporting to counties away from their county of employment.

There have been anxieties especially by teachers who filled the employment letters on when they will get their appointment letters which will make them be posted to schools.

Primary school teachers will get their letters from the TSC sub county offices while high school teachers will get theirs from the secondary school Principals.

TSC had planned to post the newly recruited teachers to their new stations on 1st September 2022.

However details show the Commission will post the new recruits to their new schools from September upto the month of January next year.

Employment forms filled by successful TSC recruits indicated that some teachers will have to wait upto January next year for them to be posted.

The Commission will post the teachers in the month of September, October, November and December according to the employment forms filled last month by the teachers.

The Commission will also have to get through with posting of these teachers before it can start recruiting intern teachers.


Presentation of proposal for the identified  vacancies to the Board Monday 20th June, 20221 Day
Advertise Vacant Posts Tuesday 28th June, 20221 Day
Virtual Sensitization of Regional & County DirectorsFriday 1st July,20221 Day
Online ApplicationsTuesday 28th June 2022 – Thursday 7th July, 202210 Days
Collection of Employment Forms by County DirectorsTuesday 5th July, 20221 Day
Generation of Applicants’ Lists by County Directors Validation of applicants at the HQsFriday 8th  July, 2022 1 Day
Shortlisting of Applicants by the County Selection panel  Compilation of the regional shortlistMonday 11th July 2022 – Tuesday 12th July 20223 Days
Publishing of the list of shortlisted candidates on the TSC websiteWednesday 13th July, 2022 – Friday 15th July, 20223 Days
County Selection Process and Filling of Application for Employment Forms by Successful CandidatesThursday 21th July, 2022 – Wednesday 27th July, 20225 Days
Vetting and Handling of Complaints at County LevelThursday 28th July, 2022 – Wednesday 3rd August, 20223 Days
Receiving of Recruitment Documents at the TSC HeadquartersThursday 4th August, 2022 – Friday 5th August, 20222 Days
Compilation of Successful Applicants’ Lists and Processing of Appointment Letters Monday 8th August, 2022 – Friday 27th August, 202215 Days
Reporting of Teachers to SchoolsThursday1st September, 2022

The unemployment crisis in the country is such huge with over 356,000 jobless teachers putting in applications for the 14,000 jobs advertised by the TSC last month.

For each of the advertised positions, only the top five candidates were shortlisted, in a departure from the past when long merit lists would be developed.

Post-primary teaching vacancies attracted the highest number of applicants with 219,311 teachers expressing interest in the 4,000 new vacancies available.

Out of the advertised 1,000 new vacancies for primary school teachers, the commission received 136,833 applications.

TSC also advertised 8,230 vacancies to replace teachers who quit the service through natural attrition.

The vacancies are both in primary schools (6,539) and post-primary institutions (1,691) attracted 327,882 applications.

However TSC decried low turn-out for tutors’ recruitment in the vast Wajir County.

TSC county director James Ogongo said number of locals who turned up for the recruitment process was low.

This, Mr Ogongo said, was despite the commission re-advertising for the position for 325 P1 teachers to fill the vacancy left by teachers who left in 2020 due to insecurity in the region.

“The condition was that the locals and non-locals who work within the county to apply,” Mr Ogongo said.

He added that the application forms were verified and forwarded to TSC headquarters in Nairobi after the recruitment exercise and that the teachers are supposed to report to work by September 1. 

He said the hiring will help reduce pressure on the teachers who were few in the county and thanked the commission for the exercise.

Among those who applied were 325 teachers for primary schools while only 39 sought secondary slots.

Of the 325 applicants for the primary schools, only four teachers are locals from the county with 321 being non-locals.

New TSC teacher recruits gradually report to their new schools amid delays

New TSC teacher recruits gradually report to their new schools amid delays

The newly recruited teachers are now gradually reporting to their new stations after receiving their posting letters.

The appointment letters for a number of teachers who were to report on 1st September has reached the TSC sub county offices.

However the slow pace of the appointment letters reaching the counties is a headache to most teachers who applied for the jobs and are yet to be posted.

A number of teachers have already reported to their new schools despite the delay in posting.

The TSC sub county directors are generating posting letters for the teachers which indicate the schools they report to.

Upon reporting the receiving school head fills the online casualty (entry/exit) form which indicate the date the teacher has started working and so the time he/she should be put on TSC payroll.

This month entered in the online casualty is also important because it will be used by the Commission to award the teachers their annual salary increment.

Schools have around two weeks before they are officially closed. According to Ministry calendar all schools should be closed by 16th September.

Details show that TSC has continued to delocalize the teachers despite protests. The newly recruited teachers are reporting to counties away from their county of employment.

There have been anxieties especially by teachers who filled the employment letters on when they will get their appointment letters which will make them be posted to schools.

Primary school teachers will get their letters from the TSC sub county offices while high school teachers will get theirs from the secondary school Principals.

TSC had planned to post the newly recruited teachers to their new stations on 1st September 2022.

However details show the Commission will post the new recruits to their new schools from September upto the month of January next year.

Employment forms filled by successful TSC recruits indicated that some teachers will have to wait upto January next year for them to be posted.

The Commission will post the teachers in the month of September, October, November and December according to the employment forms filled last month by the teachers.

The Commission will also have to get through with posting of these teachers before it can start recruiting intern teachers.


Presentation of proposal for the identified  vacancies to the Board Monday 20th June, 20221 Day
Advertise Vacant Posts Tuesday 28th June, 20221 Day
Virtual Sensitization of Regional & County DirectorsFriday 1st July,20221 Day
Online ApplicationsTuesday 28th June 2022 – Thursday 7th July, 202210 Days
Collection of Employment Forms by County DirectorsTuesday 5th July, 20221 Day
Generation of Applicants’ Lists by County Directors Validation of applicants at the HQsFriday 8th  July, 2022 1 Day
Shortlisting of Applicants by the County Selection panel  Compilation of the regional shortlistMonday 11th July 2022 – Tuesday 12th July 20223 Days
Publishing of the list of shortlisted candidates on the TSC websiteWednesday 13th July, 2022 – Friday 15th July, 20223 Days
County Selection Process and Filling of Application for Employment Forms by Successful CandidatesThursday 21th July, 2022 – Wednesday 27th July, 20225 Days
Vetting and Handling of Complaints at County LevelThursday 28th July, 2022 – Wednesday 3rd August, 20223 Days
Receiving of Recruitment Documents at the TSC HeadquartersThursday 4th August, 2022 – Friday 5th August, 20222 Days
Compilation of Successful Applicants’ Lists and Processing of Appointment Letters Monday 8th August, 2022 – Friday 27th August, 202215 Days
Reporting of Teachers to SchoolsThursday1st September, 2022

The unemployment crisis in the country is such huge with over 356,000 jobless teachers putting in applications for the 14,000 jobs advertised by the TSC last month.

For each of the advertised positions, only the top five candidates were shortlisted, in a departure from the past when long merit lists would be developed.

Post-primary teaching vacancies attracted the highest number of applicants with 219,311 teachers expressing interest in the 4,000 new vacancies available.

Out of the advertised 1,000 new vacancies for primary school teachers, the commission received 136,833 applications.

TSC also advertised 8,230 vacancies to replace teachers who quit the service through natural attrition.

The vacancies are both in primary schools (6,539) and post-primary institutions (1,691) attracted 327,882 applications.

However TSC decried low turn-out for tutors’ recruitment in the vast Wajir County.

TSC county director James Ogongo said number of locals who turned up for the recruitment process was low.

This, Mr Ogongo said, was despite the commission re-advertising for the position for 325 P1 teachers to fill the vacancy left by teachers who left in 2020 due to insecurity in the region.

“The condition was that the locals and non-locals who work within the county to apply,” Mr Ogongo said.

He added that the application forms were verified and forwarded to TSC headquarters in Nairobi after the recruitment exercise and that the teachers are supposed to report to work by September 1. 

He said the hiring will help reduce pressure on the teachers who were few in the county and thanked the commission for the exercise.

Among those who applied were 325 teachers for primary schools while only 39 sought secondary slots.

Of the 325 applicants for the primary schools, only four teachers are locals from the county with 321 being non-locals.