Knec makes changes to allow faster registration of KCPE, KCSE candidates

Knec makes changes to allow faster registration of KCPE, KCSE candidates

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has made some changes on their online registration portal of national examinations.

The changes comes after numerous complaints on unresponsive Knec servers that have made registration near impossible.

There were also fears after Knec said that it will not extend the registration deadline despite its systems downtime.

Only few schools have been able to register their candidates successfully. According to Knec the registration will close on 14th May 2022.

However following the changes schools will experience faster response when keying data for learners in preparation for 2022 KCPE and KCSE exams.

According to Knec primary schools will not be able to select schools for their candidates. The examiner says this exercise will start on 16th May after schools have successfully registered their candidates.

This means school choices for KCPE candidates is suspended till the learners registration details are entered and submitted by 14th May 2022.

For KCSE candidates registration, Knec has disabled keying in of some details for secondary school learners to allow the system to operate efficiently.

For KCPE and KCSE registration schools are required to key in the following details.

1 Correct order of candidate’s names as they appear in the Birth Certificate;

2 Gender;

3 Year of birth;

4 Citizenship;

5 Subjects registered for, including the optional ones where applicable;

6 Information on different categories of candidates with special needs (i.e., Blind, Low vision, Deaf and Physically challenged).

Knec makes changes to allow faster registration of KCPE, KCSE candidates

Knec makes changes to allow faster registration of KCPE, KCSE candidates

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has made some changes on their online registration portal of national examinations.

The changes comes after numerous complaints on unresponsive Knec servers that have made registration near impossible.

There were also fears after Knec said that it will not extend the registration deadline despite its systems downtime.

Only few schools have been able to register their candidates successfully. According to Knec the registration will close on 14th May 2022.

However following the changes schools will experience faster response when keying data for learners in preparation for 2022 KCPE and KCSE exams.

According to Knec primary schools will not be able to select schools for their candidates. The examiner says this exercise will start on 16th May after schools have successfully registered their candidates.

This means school choices for KCPE candidates is suspended till the learners registration details are entered and submitted by 14th May 2022.

For KCSE candidates registration, Knec has disabled keying in of some details for secondary school learners to allow the system to operate efficiently.

For KCPE and KCSE registration schools are required to key in the following details.

1 Correct order of candidate’s names as they appear in the Birth Certificate;

2 Gender;

3 Year of birth;

4 Citizenship;

5 Subjects registered for, including the optional ones where applicable;

6 Information on different categories of candidates with special needs (i.e., Blind, Low vision, Deaf and Physically challenged).