Knec gives SMS number to confirm KPSEA, KCPE, KCSE registration

Knec gives SMS number to confirm KPSEA, KCPE, KCSE registration

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has provided SMS number which will help parents to confirm if their children are registered for the upcoming 2022 national exams in primary and secondary schools.

In primary school Grade 6 learners will sit for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) while Class 8 learners will sit for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

In secondary school Form 4 students will sit for their final Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

To confirm if the candidate is registered for KPSEA, KCPE or KCSE exams send an SMS with the candidate index number starting with the exam type to 20076. For example KCPE123506013 for checking KCPE exam for a candidate of index number 123506013.

For Grade 6 learners use their assessment number which are provided in schools where they have been registered.

You will get a confirmation message thereafter letting you know if the candidate with the provided index or assessment number is actually registered.

According Knec timetables Grade 6 candidates will sit for the KPSEA exams from 28th to 30th November 2022. The candidates will have a rehearsal day on 25th November 2022.

On the other hand Class 8 candidates will for their KCPE exams same days as Grade 6 candidates.

They will have rehearsal day on 25th November 2022. The exam papers will start from 28th to 30th November 2022.

For Form 4 candidates they will sit for KCSE exams from 21st November 2022 to 23rd December 2022 when the last paper will be done.

The candidates will have their rehearsal day on 18th November 2022.

However the KCSE exams projects started in April and will continue till October 2022.

Subjects which involeve project work are; Art and Design, Agriculuture, Woodwork, Metal work, Building and Construction and Computer studies.

Knec gives SMS number to confirm KPSEA, KCPE, KCSE registration

Knec gives SMS number to confirm KPSEA, KCPE, KCSE registration

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has provided SMS number which will help parents to confirm if their children are registered for the upcoming 2022 national exams in primary and secondary schools.

In primary school Grade 6 learners will sit for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) while Class 8 learners will sit for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

In secondary school Form 4 students will sit for their final Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

To confirm if the candidate is registered for KPSEA, KCPE or KCSE exams send an SMS with the candidate index number starting with the exam type to 20076. For example KCPE123506013 for checking KCPE exam for a candidate of index number 123506013.

For Grade 6 learners use their assessment number which are provided in schools where they have been registered.

You will get a confirmation message thereafter letting you know if the candidate with the provided index or assessment number is actually registered.

According Knec timetables Grade 6 candidates will sit for the KPSEA exams from 28th to 30th November 2022. The candidates will have a rehearsal day on 25th November 2022.

On the other hand Class 8 candidates will for their KCPE exams same days as Grade 6 candidates.

They will have rehearsal day on 25th November 2022. The exam papers will start from 28th to 30th November 2022.

For Form 4 candidates they will sit for KCSE exams from 21st November 2022 to 23rd December 2022 when the last paper will be done.

The candidates will have their rehearsal day on 18th November 2022.

However the KCSE exams projects started in April and will continue till October 2022.

Subjects which involeve project work are; Art and Design, Agriculuture, Woodwork, Metal work, Building and Construction and Computer studies.