Crisis, Grade 6 learner fails to attempt a single question in Math KPSEA exam

Crisis, Grade 6 learner fails to attempt a single question in Math KPSEA exam

There was a standoff in a school in Jilore ward in Kiliifi County when an invigilator found out a learner had not attempted a single question after the exam time had ended.

The Grade 6 learners had started their exams today with Mathematics paper being the first.

The learners have done two exam papers today Mathematics which ended around 10:00 am in most schools and English paper which ended at noon.

The learners who had been issued with the mathematics question papers and answer scripts had only one hour and twenty minutes to complete and submit the papers.

However when the bell rang and the invigilator started to collect the papers he found out that one of the learners had issued him with unfilled answer script.

This prompted the invigilator to ask the learner why he had not answered the questions and had left the answer script blank.

It was later revealed that the learner did not submit the blank answer script deliberately.

The boy had answered the questions but and marked his right choices on the question paper but forgot to transfer them to the answer script on time.

The invigilator after informing his supervisor about the incident then allowed the learner some minutes to transfer the answers to the answer scripts which he did after which the answer script was taken.

The Grade 6 and Class 8 learners started their exams today. In the afternoon the KCPE candidates will have composition paper.

However for KPSEA candidates their exams end by noon till the next day because they are not doing insha and composition papers.

The English had one hour time. Some invigilators have revealed that most Grade 6 learners were not prepared enough for the multiple choice assessment.

Tomorrow the learners will sit for Integrated Science in the morning and Kiswahili papers will end by noon.

Crisis, Grade 6 learner fails to attempt a single question in Math KPSEA exam

Crisis, Grade 6 learner fails to attempt a single question in Math KPSEA exam

There was a standoff in a school in Jilore ward in Kiliifi County when an invigilator found out a learner had not attempted a single question after the exam time had ended.

The Grade 6 learners had started their exams today with Mathematics paper being the first.

The learners have done two exam papers today Mathematics which ended around 10:00 am in most schools and English paper which ended at noon.

The learners who had been issued with the mathematics question papers and answer scripts had only one hour and twenty minutes to complete and submit the papers.

However when the bell rang and the invigilator started to collect the papers he found out that one of the learners had issued him with unfilled answer script.

This prompted the invigilator to ask the learner why he had not answered the questions and had left the answer script blank.

It was later revealed that the learner did not submit the blank answer script deliberately.

The boy had answered the questions but and marked his right choices on the question paper but forgot to transfer them to the answer script on time.

The invigilator after informing his supervisor about the incident then allowed the learner some minutes to transfer the answers to the answer scripts which he did after which the answer script was taken.

The Grade 6 and Class 8 learners started their exams today. In the afternoon the KCPE candidates will have composition paper.

However for KPSEA candidates their exams end by noon till the next day because they are not doing insha and composition papers.

The English had one hour time. Some invigilators have revealed that most Grade 6 learners were not prepared enough for the multiple choice assessment.

Tomorrow the learners will sit for Integrated Science in the morning and Kiswahili papers will end by noon.