Circular on dismissal of public servants with improper certificates by January

Circular on dismissal of public servants with improper certificates by January

Ref. PSC/ADM/ 13

19th October, 2022

All Authorized Officers


One of the Commission’s Constitutional mandate is to establish offices in the public service, appoint persons to hold or act in those offices.

In selecting candidates for appointment, promotion or re-designation, the Commission, inter alia pays regard to the prescribed academic and professional qualifications for holding the office as well as the appointees’ skills and competencies.

To this end, the Commission, through letter Ref. No. PSC. 3/1/1/ IV; 32/35 of 27th June, 2012 issued a framework which required all Authorized Officers to authenticate academic and professional certificates prior to appointment and promotional decisions in respective Ministries/ Departments and State Corporations.

The Commission notes that the Circular under reference has received little or no traction by all the institutions and stakeholders concerned.

This has necessitated a general public perception of the integrity of academic and professional certificates of a number of persons holding public offices.

In view of this and to maintain the integrity of the Public Service, you are hereby directed, as follows:

  • To undertake an audit of academic and professional certificates of all newly appointed officers in the last ten years in Ministries/ Departments and State Corporations and submit a report of the exercise by 31 st January, 2023;
  • To continuously validate academic and professional certificates prior to appointments and promotions and file the same through the Compliance and Quality Assurance quarterly (M&E) and Annual reports to the Commission;
  • To dismiss from the service in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Act, the Public Officer Ethics Act and the Leadership and integrity Act any officer found in possession of forged certificates.

Please note and take action accordingly.


Copy to:

Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service
Office of the President

The Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Public Service, Gender, and Affirmative Action

Prof. Mike Kuria
Chief Executive Officer
Commission for University Education NAIROBI

Dr. David Njengere
The Council Secretary/ Chief Executive
Kenya National Examinations Council NAIROBI

All Heads of Human Resource Management
Ministries/ State Departments/ Agencies

Circular on dismissal of public servants with improper certificates by January

Circular on dismissal of public servants with improper certificates by January

Ref. PSC/ADM/ 13

19th October, 2022

All Authorized Officers


One of the Commission’s Constitutional mandate is to establish offices in the public service, appoint persons to hold or act in those offices.

In selecting candidates for appointment, promotion or re-designation, the Commission, inter alia pays regard to the prescribed academic and professional qualifications for holding the office as well as the appointees’ skills and competencies.

To this end, the Commission, through letter Ref. No. PSC. 3/1/1/ IV; 32/35 of 27th June, 2012 issued a framework which required all Authorized Officers to authenticate academic and professional certificates prior to appointment and promotional decisions in respective Ministries/ Departments and State Corporations.

The Commission notes that the Circular under reference has received little or no traction by all the institutions and stakeholders concerned.

This has necessitated a general public perception of the integrity of academic and professional certificates of a number of persons holding public offices.

In view of this and to maintain the integrity of the Public Service, you are hereby directed, as follows:

  • To undertake an audit of academic and professional certificates of all newly appointed officers in the last ten years in Ministries/ Departments and State Corporations and submit a report of the exercise by 31 st January, 2023;
  • To continuously validate academic and professional certificates prior to appointments and promotions and file the same through the Compliance and Quality Assurance quarterly (M&E) and Annual reports to the Commission;
  • To dismiss from the service in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Act, the Public Officer Ethics Act and the Leadership and integrity Act any officer found in possession of forged certificates.

Please note and take action accordingly.


Copy to:

Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service
Office of the President

The Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Public Service, Gender, and Affirmative Action

Prof. Mike Kuria
Chief Executive Officer
Commission for University Education NAIROBI

Dr. David Njengere
The Council Secretary/ Chief Executive
Kenya National Examinations Council NAIROBI

All Heads of Human Resource Management
Ministries/ State Departments/ Agencies