CBC training kicks off for CSOs as teachers to train next week (Circular)

CBC training kicks off for CSOs as teachers to train next week (Circular)


The Teachers Service Commission has planned the training of teachers  in Competency Based Curriculum during the month of December from 7th to 22nd December 2020.  

The mode of training will be both face-to-face and virtual.  

The timelines for the smart cascade model  of training are as follows:

DATE   Mode   Venue   ACTIVITY  
9th to 1Ith DecemberVirtualVirtualTraining  of CSOs  and EGMA Champions on CBC Mathematics Content for Grade 1 to 3 using Microsoft Teams
14th to 16th DecemberVirtualVirtuali.        Training  of CSO  and CBC  Champions using Microsoft Teams – Regular
ii.         Training  of SNE  CSO  and  SNE  CBC Champions  using Microsoft Teams
I7th to 20th DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  LevelZonal Training of Teachers  – Regular
I7th  to 20th DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  Level  Zonal Training of Teachers  – SNE
2Ist to 22nd  DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  LevelZonal Training of Teachers on CBC Mathematics Content

The Mode of training

The teacher training will  be conducted as follows:

i.    The Master trainers will train the Curriculum  Support Officers (CSOs] and CBC Champions (both regular and SNE] at the County Level virtually using Microsoft Tearns for 3 days.

ii. The CSOs and CBC Champions (Both regular and SNE) will train teachers through  face to face with strict adherence to MOH COVID 19 prevention protocols  for 4 days.  

There are 2 CBC teacher champions and One CSO per zone.  

Each  zonal  training should conduct at least 2 separate classes being facilitated by the CBC champion and the other by the CSO, they can be  exchanging  the  sessions.  

Teachers  should be trained in Small classes of about 45-50.

iii.    The CSOs and CBC Mathematics Champions will continue with the training of grade 1 to 3 teachers on CBC Mathematics content for 2 days.

iv.  Master trainers will offer professional support during zonal teacher training.

Target groups

The target groups include the following;

1.            Head teachers  from  regular and SNE schools

11.       Two teachers from grade 4 (Regular and SNE teachers].

iii.       Two teachers  from grade 1 and 2 for CBC Mathematics

The structure of training caters for Residential  training  for teachers in  ASAL Counties and Special Needs Education Teachers, while Non-Residential training is for non ASAL Counties.

The purpose of this MEMO is to kindly  request you to:

i.        Invite  the CSOs  and CBC  Champions for TOT virtual training (Each CSO to pair up with two CBC champions) from 14th to 16th December 2020.

ii.        Invite the SNE CSOs and SNE CBC Champions for TOT virtual  training.

iii.     Invite 2 Teachers per school from grade 4 (Both regular and SNE) for face to face training in the zone.

iv.     Invite the head teachers from both regular and SNE schools for face to face training for 1 day and

v.     Procure and prepare zonal training venues for teacher training  with  strict adherence to MOH COVID-19 protocol.


CBC training kicks off for CSOs as teachers to train next week (Circular)

CBC training kicks off for CSOs as teachers to train next week (Circular)


The Teachers Service Commission has planned the training of teachers  in Competency Based Curriculum during the month of December from 7th to 22nd December 2020.  

The mode of training will be both face-to-face and virtual.  

The timelines for the smart cascade model  of training are as follows:

DATE   Mode   Venue   ACTIVITY  
9th to 1Ith DecemberVirtualVirtualTraining  of CSOs  and EGMA Champions on CBC Mathematics Content for Grade 1 to 3 using Microsoft Teams
14th to 16th DecemberVirtualVirtuali.        Training  of CSO  and CBC  Champions using Microsoft Teams – Regular
ii.         Training  of SNE  CSO  and  SNE  CBC Champions  using Microsoft Teams
I7th to 20th DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  LevelZonal Training of Teachers  – Regular
I7th  to 20th DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  Level  Zonal Training of Teachers  – SNE
2Ist to 22nd  DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  LevelZonal Training of Teachers on CBC Mathematics Content

The Mode of training

The teacher training will  be conducted as follows:

i.    The Master trainers will train the Curriculum  Support Officers (CSOs] and CBC Champions (both regular and SNE] at the County Level virtually using Microsoft Tearns for 3 days.

ii. The CSOs and CBC Champions (Both regular and SNE) will train teachers through  face to face with strict adherence to MOH COVID 19 prevention protocols  for 4 days.  

There are 2 CBC teacher champions and One CSO per zone.  

Each  zonal  training should conduct at least 2 separate classes being facilitated by the CBC champion and the other by the CSO, they can be  exchanging  the  sessions.  

Teachers  should be trained in Small classes of about 45-50.

iii.    The CSOs and CBC Mathematics Champions will continue with the training of grade 1 to 3 teachers on CBC Mathematics content for 2 days.

iv.  Master trainers will offer professional support during zonal teacher training.

Target groups

The target groups include the following;

1.            Head teachers  from  regular and SNE schools

11.       Two teachers from grade 4 (Regular and SNE teachers].

iii.       Two teachers  from grade 1 and 2 for CBC Mathematics

The structure of training caters for Residential  training  for teachers in  ASAL Counties and Special Needs Education Teachers, while Non-Residential training is for non ASAL Counties.

The purpose of this MEMO is to kindly  request you to:

i.        Invite  the CSOs  and CBC  Champions for TOT virtual training (Each CSO to pair up with two CBC champions) from 14th to 16th December 2020.

ii.        Invite the SNE CSOs and SNE CBC Champions for TOT virtual  training.

iii.     Invite 2 Teachers per school from grade 4 (Both regular and SNE) for face to face training in the zone.

iv.     Invite the head teachers from both regular and SNE schools for face to face training for 1 day and

v.     Procure and prepare zonal training venues for teacher training  with  strict adherence to MOH COVID-19 protocol.