Showdown looms as TTC’s start to admit grade D students

Showdown looms as TTC's start to admit grade D students

A major showdown is emerging in the teaching sector after colleges started admitting and training grade D students. The Ministry of Education and the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) support the low grade admission as the teachers’ employer protested the move.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia has said the employer will not recognise teachers who enrolled for teaching with low grades.

“The upshot is that should persons with lower qualifications opt to train as teachers, they face the danger of not being registered by TSC on account of non-compliance with the set standards,” Mrs Macharia said. And yesterday, Bonaventure Kerre, the KNQA chairman, said quality of a teacher depends on many factors among them proper training. He said teacher training must move from mere transmitter of knowledge, controller of learning, expert, single media application and promoter of expository learning. Prof Kerre said the new teacher must now be trained to be a facilitator of learning, creator of conducive learning environment, co-learner and collaborator, user of multi-media and promoter of experiential learning.

Showdown looms as TTC’s start to admit grade D students

Showdown looms as TTC's start to admit grade D students

A major showdown is emerging in the teaching sector after colleges started admitting and training grade D students. The Ministry of Education and the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) support the low grade admission as the teachers’ employer protested the move.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia has said the employer will not recognise teachers who enrolled for teaching with low grades.

“The upshot is that should persons with lower qualifications opt to train as teachers, they face the danger of not being registered by TSC on account of non-compliance with the set standards,” Mrs Macharia said. And yesterday, Bonaventure Kerre, the KNQA chairman, said quality of a teacher depends on many factors among them proper training. He said teacher training must move from mere transmitter of knowledge, controller of learning, expert, single media application and promoter of expository learning. Prof Kerre said the new teacher must now be trained to be a facilitator of learning, creator of conducive learning environment, co-learner and collaborator, user of multi-media and promoter of experiential learning.