TSC gives reason for delays in transfer of delocalized teachers

TSC gives reason for delays in transfer of delocalized teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) agents have come out to respond after numerous complaints were lodged into their offices.

The latest move came after a number of delocalized teachers from some counties said they are experiencing delays getting their transfer letters.

There were protests in some counties where teachers stormed their County Directors offices demanding to be released.

Teachers from Taita Taveta, Nyandarua, Narok, Vihiga, Samburu, Taita Taveta, Siaya, Kakamega, Bungoma, Nandi, Laikipia, Kisii, Homa Bay, Bomet and Trans Nzoia counties have complained of frustrations in getting transfers.

TSC Regional and County Directors now say transfer of delocalized teachers is still ongoing and teachers who applied should be calm as their requests are being processed.

TSC given 2 weeks to transfer teachers

However the Directors say as they transfer the teachers back to their areas they also have to balance out staff to ensure schools run smoothly.

Some counties like Nandi, Embu, Nairobi and Bomet are said to be overstaffed hence making the balancing of teachers a rocky task.

Also teachers especially those in secondary schools seeking inter county or inter regional transfers but lack replacement are also making the exercise difficult.

The TSC Directors say there are still many transfer letters already processed at the Headquarters and only awaiting dispatch to various Counties for teachers to pick.

They advised teachers to seek help from the TSC County and Regional Directors offices incase they have nagging issues on transfer.

TSC was given till 31st January by Parliament to ensure all delocalized teachers who applied for transfers have been moved unconditionally.

While appearing before MPs, TSC board chair Jamleck Muturi and head of legal affairs Calvin Anyuor, were ordered to ensure the lawmakers decision on delocalization of teachers is implemented.

The Education Committee chaired by Tinderet MP Julius Melly gave the commission up to end of January to ensure all teachers who had been delocalized have been transferred back to their areas.

Melly told the commission not to belabour the matter but to ensure it tables a report on how it plans to implement the said move after the National Assembly made a decision on the said policy.

On 25th January the National Assembly Speaker, Moses Wetang’ula, added a punch to TSC after he ruled that the delocalization policy is illegal as there was no parliamentary approval to the policy.

TSC gives reason for delays in transfer of delocalized teachers

TSC gives reason for delays in transfer of delocalized teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) agents have come out to respond after numerous complaints were lodged into their offices.

The latest move came after a number of delocalized teachers from some counties said they are experiencing delays getting their transfer letters.

There were protests in some counties where teachers stormed their County Directors offices demanding to be released.

Teachers from Taita Taveta, Nyandarua, Narok, Vihiga, Samburu, Taita Taveta, Siaya, Kakamega, Bungoma, Nandi, Laikipia, Kisii, Homa Bay, Bomet and Trans Nzoia counties have complained of frustrations in getting transfers.

TSC Regional and County Directors now say transfer of delocalized teachers is still ongoing and teachers who applied should be calm as their requests are being processed.

TSC given 2 weeks to transfer teachers

However the Directors say as they transfer the teachers back to their areas they also have to balance out staff to ensure schools run smoothly.

Some counties like Nandi, Embu, Nairobi and Bomet are said to be overstaffed hence making the balancing of teachers a rocky task.

Also teachers especially those in secondary schools seeking inter county or inter regional transfers but lack replacement are also making the exercise difficult.

The TSC Directors say there are still many transfer letters already processed at the Headquarters and only awaiting dispatch to various Counties for teachers to pick.

They advised teachers to seek help from the TSC County and Regional Directors offices incase they have nagging issues on transfer.

TSC was given till 31st January by Parliament to ensure all delocalized teachers who applied for transfers have been moved unconditionally.

While appearing before MPs, TSC board chair Jamleck Muturi and head of legal affairs Calvin Anyuor, were ordered to ensure the lawmakers decision on delocalization of teachers is implemented.

The Education Committee chaired by Tinderet MP Julius Melly gave the commission up to end of January to ensure all teachers who had been delocalized have been transferred back to their areas.

Melly told the commission not to belabour the matter but to ensure it tables a report on how it plans to implement the said move after the National Assembly made a decision on the said policy.

On 25th January the National Assembly Speaker, Moses Wetang’ula, added a punch to TSC after he ruled that the delocalization policy is illegal as there was no parliamentary approval to the policy.