Category: Unions
TO ALL REGISTERED TRADE UNIONS, EMPLOYERS’ ORGANIZATIONS AND FEDERATIONS RE: TRADE UNION ELECTIONS 1. As you are aware, section 34 of the Labour Relations Act, provides that elections for …
KENYA WOMEN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION STATEMENT ON LOSS OF TEACHERS TO COVID19 On behalf of the Kenya Women Teachers Association, I condole with the families of the departed teachers and …
The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) has suffered another blow after union branch officials started submitting resignation letters to their boss. The latest one is from Mumias branch …
November 15, 2020 MEDIA BRIEFING It has come to our attention that Teachers Service Commission (TSC) through the Corporate Affairs Department has reacted to our letter to the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Labour to distort facts and misinform the public. …
Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary-General Wilson Sossion has defended Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha against accusations of high handedness, Magoha has faced a barrage of attacks from …
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a statement to newsroom regarding the state of teachers who are leaving the former giant teachers union in droves just a day …
CRIPPLING OF OPERATIONS AT KENYA NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS (KNUT) BY TEACHERS SERVICE COMMISSION (TSC) The TSC is attempting to put KNUT and its membership in a collision course with the …
Education stakeholders in Tharaka-Nithi County have asked President Uhuru Kenyatta to sack Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha for insulting and publicly humiliating Uasin Gishu County Director of Education …
STATEMENT FROM KNUT SG , HON. WILSON SOSSION ON MAKING SCHOOLS SAFE FOR LEARNING.=========================== At the start of Corona restrictions, our working men and women in the police force …
Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion has weighed in the debate on whether CS Magoha was right to insult a TSC County official at Langas Primary School in Uasin Gishu …
Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) on Tuesday, November 10 proposed the reintroduction of the banned holiday tuition to save the lost 2020 school calendar. The union issued …