TSC lists penalty for teachers who fail to update profile

Teachers who will fail to update their profile will suffer consequences Teachers Service Commission (TSC) agents have said.

According to TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards, Dr. Mugwuku Nthamburi, all teachers must update their profile by 30th November 2021 to help the Commission maintain a valid register of teachers.

“To this end, the Commission has opened the online register to allow individual teachers to update their details. A link has been developed in the TSC website where all  registered teachers are required to access and update their details by 30 November 2021,” said Nthamburi in a circular dated 28th July sent to all TSC Regional and County Directors.

However the exercise to update profile has dragged with many teachers yet to update their profiles.

According to TSC the exercise is purely meant to update teacher registration details and issue them with a Certificate of Registration.

Tana River CD ordering profile updating exercise for teachers

This means teachers who will fail to update their profile will not receive their Registration Certificates which is a key requirement in the upcoming Biometric Registration exercise for teachers.

The teachers will also have insufficient details in the TSC registration database which may hamper quality services.

Consequently a show cause letter maybe issued to teachers who fail to adhere to TSC policies and instructions.

According to the Commission the Registration Certificate will be sent to the postal address provided during the profile updating exercise.


To update profile you will use the link https://tsconline.tsc.go.ke/register/update-profile where you will be required your ID/Passport number, TSC number, Surname and a valid phone number in the format 07********.

Once you click Next a four digit verification code will be sent to your phone, enter the code and click Verify.

Required details before Profile Updating

A new window will open where you will be required to check fill in the missing details.

Ensure your ID/Passport number, First, Surname and other names, KRA pin, Religion, Date of Birth, Gender, Mobile number, Nationality, Home County, Home Subcounty, Division, Zone, Constituency, Impairment type, Permanent Postal Address, Current Postal Address and Town are captured accurately.

Required details for profile updating

Once you have entered the required details click next to proceed to next step where you will be required to upload the following documents in pdf formart, also ensure the document size does not exceed 1Mb;

1) ID or Passport

2) KRA Pin Certificate

3) Passport Photo

4) KCPE Certificate

5) KCSE Certificate

6) PTE, Diploma, Degree Certificates

7) Affidavit incase of differing names in your documents

In addition you will be required to key in the Primary and Secondary schools you attended, the year you joined the year you left, the certificates you were awarded, certificates number and the year the certificates were awarded .

You will do the same for Tertiary institutions you attended. The exercise for updating profiles ends on 30th November 2021.

TSC lists penalty for teachers who fail to update profile

Teachers who will fail to update their profile will suffer consequences Teachers Service Commission (TSC) agents have said.

According to TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards, Dr. Mugwuku Nthamburi, all teachers must update their profile by 30th November 2021 to help the Commission maintain a valid register of teachers.

“To this end, the Commission has opened the online register to allow individual teachers to update their details. A link has been developed in the TSC website where all  registered teachers are required to access and update their details by 30 November 2021,” said Nthamburi in a circular dated 28th July sent to all TSC Regional and County Directors.

However the exercise to update profile has dragged with many teachers yet to update their profiles.

According to TSC the exercise is purely meant to update teacher registration details and issue them with a Certificate of Registration.

Tana River CD ordering profile updating exercise for teachers

This means teachers who will fail to update their profile will not receive their Registration Certificates which is a key requirement in the upcoming Biometric Registration exercise for teachers.

The teachers will also have insufficient details in the TSC registration database which may hamper quality services.

Consequently a show cause letter maybe issued to teachers who fail to adhere to TSC policies and instructions.

According to the Commission the Registration Certificate will be sent to the postal address provided during the profile updating exercise.


To update profile you will use the link https://tsconline.tsc.go.ke/register/update-profile where you will be required your ID/Passport number, TSC number, Surname and a valid phone number in the format 07********.

Once you click Next a four digit verification code will be sent to your phone, enter the code and click Verify.

Required details before Profile Updating

A new window will open where you will be required to check fill in the missing details.

Ensure your ID/Passport number, First, Surname and other names, KRA pin, Religion, Date of Birth, Gender, Mobile number, Nationality, Home County, Home Subcounty, Division, Zone, Constituency, Impairment type, Permanent Postal Address, Current Postal Address and Town are captured accurately.

Required details for profile updating

Once you have entered the required details click next to proceed to next step where you will be required to upload the following documents in pdf formart, also ensure the document size does not exceed 1Mb;

1) ID or Passport

2) KRA Pin Certificate

3) Passport Photo

4) KCPE Certificate

5) KCSE Certificate

6) PTE, Diploma, Degree Certificates

7) Affidavit incase of differing names in your documents

In addition you will be required to key in the Primary and Secondary schools you attended, the year you joined the year you left, the certificates you were awarded, certificates number and the year the certificates were awarded .

You will do the same for Tertiary institutions you attended. The exercise for updating profiles ends on 30th November 2021.