TSC county director advises schools against hiring unregistered teachers

Private and Public Schools have been warned against offering job opportunities to teachers who are not qualified and registered under the Teacher Service Commission (TSC). The TSC Eastern Regional Director, Daniel Cherutoi said it was sensitive and an offense to employ unregistered teachers.

He noted that it was hard to know whether the employed unregistered teachers pass the required tests for registration under the employer commission, TSC. Parents and managements of different schools employ untrained and unregistered teachers with the aim of addressing shortage of teaching professionals to ensure learners acquire the skills needed.

Cherutoi said although shortage of teachers was a major challenge facing the takeoff of new curriculum in the region, different schools should be mindful about the quality of the teachers they employ.

According to him, the Eastern region has a shortage of over 17, 000 teachers with secondary schools being the most affected. The shortage of teachers stands at 6, 084 and 11, 200 teachers in primary and secondary schools respectively. 

“This task the already employed teachers to do more work on the new curriculum because it is very wide. Shortage of teachers in schools is not only in Eastern region but in the entire country,” he said.

Cherutoi said it was the responsibility of the government to employ more teachers through the TSC revealing that by the end of this year, they would employer more teachers through the category called additional teachers.

He noted that they were keen on replacing teachers who had retired cum those who have abandoned or changed careers. Cherutoi spoke at Kangaru Boys School during the launch of the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) Dialogue, an event that was also attended by Kevit Desai, the Principal Secretary in charge of Vocational and Technical Training and the Eastern Region Director of Education Patrick Khaemba.

Desai said that CBC aims at addressing skills gap and the mismatch between vocational training and the industrial needs noting that learned skills enhance effective and fast transition of youth into self-employment.

TSC county director advises schools against hiring unregistered teachers

Private and Public Schools have been warned against offering job opportunities to teachers who are not qualified and registered under the Teacher Service Commission (TSC). The TSC Eastern Regional Director, Daniel Cherutoi said it was sensitive and an offense to employ unregistered teachers.

He noted that it was hard to know whether the employed unregistered teachers pass the required tests for registration under the employer commission, TSC. Parents and managements of different schools employ untrained and unregistered teachers with the aim of addressing shortage of teaching professionals to ensure learners acquire the skills needed.

Cherutoi said although shortage of teachers was a major challenge facing the takeoff of new curriculum in the region, different schools should be mindful about the quality of the teachers they employ.

According to him, the Eastern region has a shortage of over 17, 000 teachers with secondary schools being the most affected. The shortage of teachers stands at 6, 084 and 11, 200 teachers in primary and secondary schools respectively. 

“This task the already employed teachers to do more work on the new curriculum because it is very wide. Shortage of teachers in schools is not only in Eastern region but in the entire country,” he said.

Cherutoi said it was the responsibility of the government to employ more teachers through the TSC revealing that by the end of this year, they would employer more teachers through the category called additional teachers.

He noted that they were keen on replacing teachers who had retired cum those who have abandoned or changed careers. Cherutoi spoke at Kangaru Boys School during the launch of the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) Dialogue, an event that was also attended by Kevit Desai, the Principal Secretary in charge of Vocational and Technical Training and the Eastern Region Director of Education Patrick Khaemba.

Desai said that CBC aims at addressing skills gap and the mismatch between vocational training and the industrial needs noting that learned skills enhance effective and fast transition of youth into self-employment.