Thogoto TTC awarded, named CBC Centre of Excellence

Thogoto Teacher Training College (TTC) has earned the ‘Otiko’ CBC Centre of Excellence.

Presiding over as a Chief Guest at the 69th Thogoto TTC graduation ceremony on 27th May 2022, Prof. Ong’ondo said that the college has earned its ticket (Otiko) of becoming a Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) Centre of Excellence through hard work under the leadership of Ms. Margaret W.C Khainga, Chief Principal and the Board Chairperson Eng. Kamunyu Kahenya.

Prof. Charles Ong’ondo, the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), praised the Thogoto Teachers Training College for exemplary performance in churning out graduands with moral values and who are equal to tasks ahead as teachers.

The theme of the graduation ceremony was ‘Nurturing a Transformative 21st Century Teacher’.

The ceremony was held at the college’s Multi-Purpose Hall.

Prof. Ongondo commissioned 1037 grandaunts in various disciplines urging them to go ye and nurture the lives of the young ones for a better future.

“The aim of a teacher is to empower a learner to live comfortably with the surrounding,” said Prof. Ong’ondo.

He emphasised that the world has moved on in this 21st Century and young ones are more exposed, thanks to technological advancements.

KICD CEO Prof. Charles Ong’ondo and Thogoto TTC Chief Principal Ms. Margaret Khainga

Therefore, the graduands have to do their best to stay on top of the game and to be CBC compliant.

Thogoto is one of the 32 public TTCs and the first 6 colleges in Kenya to start offering Diploma Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) under Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Eng. Kamunyu Kahenya, Chairperson Board of Management Thogoto TTC said the Institution produces trainees of moral integrity, equipping them for life.

“We instil the much-needed values in our students through value-based education to be able to transform our society,” said Eng. Kahenya.

The KICD EDU TV crew led by Ms. Jane Mukuhi, Ag. Senior Deputy Director Educational Media Directorate covered the function, which was relayed live on the EDU TV channel.

“We aim to develop all round teacher. The performance of Thogoto in extra curricula activities and academia tells it all,” said Ms. Khainga, the Chief Principal Thogoto TTC.

She urged Prof. Ong’ondo and other education stakeholders to take teacher education to the next level for quality teaching and learning as the government implements CBC.

She is sure of reaching the promise land with close collaboration with KICD where professor heads and other education sectors.

“Today, mvumilivu hula mbivu as the college churns out graduands to the world of work,” said Ms. Khainga.

Professor urged those with P1 and Certificate courses to upgrade them since the upgrade programme will be online for easy access.

‘We want the courses to be pathways so that you can move with them up to the university level,” Prof. Ong’ondo said.

Thogoto TTC awarded, named CBC Centre of Excellence

Thogoto Teacher Training College (TTC) has earned the ‘Otiko’ CBC Centre of Excellence.

Presiding over as a Chief Guest at the 69th Thogoto TTC graduation ceremony on 27th May 2022, Prof. Ong’ondo said that the college has earned its ticket (Otiko) of becoming a Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) Centre of Excellence through hard work under the leadership of Ms. Margaret W.C Khainga, Chief Principal and the Board Chairperson Eng. Kamunyu Kahenya.

Prof. Charles Ong’ondo, the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), praised the Thogoto Teachers Training College for exemplary performance in churning out graduands with moral values and who are equal to tasks ahead as teachers.

The theme of the graduation ceremony was ‘Nurturing a Transformative 21st Century Teacher’.

The ceremony was held at the college’s Multi-Purpose Hall.

Prof. Ongondo commissioned 1037 grandaunts in various disciplines urging them to go ye and nurture the lives of the young ones for a better future.

“The aim of a teacher is to empower a learner to live comfortably with the surrounding,” said Prof. Ong’ondo.

He emphasised that the world has moved on in this 21st Century and young ones are more exposed, thanks to technological advancements.

KICD CEO Prof. Charles Ong’ondo and Thogoto TTC Chief Principal Ms. Margaret Khainga

Therefore, the graduands have to do their best to stay on top of the game and to be CBC compliant.

Thogoto is one of the 32 public TTCs and the first 6 colleges in Kenya to start offering Diploma Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) under Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Eng. Kamunyu Kahenya, Chairperson Board of Management Thogoto TTC said the Institution produces trainees of moral integrity, equipping them for life.

“We instil the much-needed values in our students through value-based education to be able to transform our society,” said Eng. Kahenya.

The KICD EDU TV crew led by Ms. Jane Mukuhi, Ag. Senior Deputy Director Educational Media Directorate covered the function, which was relayed live on the EDU TV channel.

“We aim to develop all round teacher. The performance of Thogoto in extra curricula activities and academia tells it all,” said Ms. Khainga, the Chief Principal Thogoto TTC.

She urged Prof. Ong’ondo and other education stakeholders to take teacher education to the next level for quality teaching and learning as the government implements CBC.

She is sure of reaching the promise land with close collaboration with KICD where professor heads and other education sectors.

“Today, mvumilivu hula mbivu as the college churns out graduands to the world of work,” said Ms. Khainga.

Professor urged those with P1 and Certificate courses to upgrade them since the upgrade programme will be online for easy access.

‘We want the courses to be pathways so that you can move with them up to the university level,” Prof. Ong’ondo said.

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