Simple steps for classroom teachers to become school admins (Senior, Deputy, Head)

Below are recruitment guidelines for school administrators sent by TSC to its Regional Directors.


Pursuant to section 20 of the TSC Act, and in view of the Commission’s strategic pillar on re-engineering of its processes as per the current Strategic  Plan, the Commission has directed that the Appointment and  Deployment of the following institutional Administrators be decentralized and be coordinated by the Regional Director.

i. All Primary Schools Institutional Administrators.

ii. All  Institutional Administrators for County, Sub-County and Day Secondary Schools.

The Commission has developed Guidelines to enable you effectively discharge this function.

The Guidelines should be read together with the Commission’s Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators, Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers, the Code of Regulations for Teachers and other regulations governing the teaching service.

This is a sensitive assignment that requires your individual supervision  and coordination. You are expected to ensure  that the exercise is carried out in a transparent and accountable manner.

The Guidelines take effect from 13 February, 2020. The provisions of the Code of Regulations for Teachers will continue to apply.


1.1    The Commission is required to  facilitate  career progression  and professional development of teachers,  including the appointment of Institutional Administrators as  per the Kenya Constitution, the TSC Act 2012 and the Code of Regulations for Teachers.

1.2    In  this regard, the Commission reviewed its Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators.

The policy has also been aligned with the Job Evaluation Report (2016) which focused on the worth of every job in the teaching service.

1.3    The functions of the Regional Director are to coordinate and supervise the appointment and deployment of Institutional Administrators in the region. In this regard Regional Director shall:•

1. 3. 1  Chair the regional selection panel responsible for the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators for county, sub – county and day secondary schools’ administrators

1. 3 .2 Ensure that the process of selection, appointment and deployment is transparent and accountable;

1.3.3 Supervise County selection panels in the entire process of appointment and deployment of institutional administrators.

1.4  The County Director shall coordinate the appointment  and deployment of primary school administrators in the county. To do so, the County Director shall:

1. 4. 1 Chair the county selection panel responsible for the appointment and deployment of institutional  administrators  at primary school level;

1.4.2 Ensure that the process of selection, appointment and deployment is transparent and accountable.

1.5    These guidelines are intended to compliment the provisions of the Policy on Appointment  and  Deployment of Institutional Administrators and should be read together with  other policies  and regulations governing the teaching service.

1.6     In execution  of this role, the Regional Directors  shall be responsible to the Director in charge of Staffing.

1. 7    The appointment and deployment of the Principals of Extra County and national secondary  schools, post-secondary institutions  together with other senior administrative posts in institutions of learning, not mentioned herein will be the responsibility of the Director.

1.8    In undertaking this assignment, the County Directors shall be guided by the Hand Book on Decentralized Teacher Management Functions, August 2015


2.1     General objective

The overall objective of the guidelines is to promote efficiency in the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators to public schools through a competitive selection and appointment as well  as   identifying suitable and timely provision of institutional administrators.

2.2      Specific objectives

The specific objectives are to;

2.2.1  Implement the framework for the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators in the teaching service as per the Commission’s policy and regulations;

2.2.2 Guide the field staff in the process of appointment and deployment of Institutional Administrators;

2.2.3  Ensure that the appointment, selection and deployment of Institutional Administrators is standard  across the country.


In undertaking the assignment, the Regional Directors should take note of the following:

3. 1    That appointment and deployment of Institutional Administrators is undertaken in strict conformity with the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya, the TSC  Act, the Code of Regulations for Teachers, the Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators and the Teacher Career Progression Guidelines;

3.2    Institutional Administrators comprises of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Dean, Registrar, Senior Master and Senior Teacher.

3.3    Any matter relating to appointment and deployment of institutional administrators not specifically provided for under the guidelines are addressed through consultations with the Director in charge of Staffing.

3.4    In as much as this duty has been  delegated, the Director Staffing may still exercise and  do the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators as provided by the policy as well as address  any appeal against the decision of the Regional Directors.

3.5    Institutional Administrators are selected competitively appointed and remunerated commensurately.

3.6    All serving Institutional Administrators are substantively appointed and placed in institutions that commensurate to their grades;

3.7    Teachers who were converted to Administrative grades as at 1st July, 2017 be given the first priority and deployed appropriately as vacancies arise.

3.8    Notwithstanding any other provision in the policy of appointment and deployment of institutional  administrators, the Commission reserves the right to transfer an administrator from one institution to another regardless of the number of years served in the station.

3.9    Pursuant to the provisions of section 46 of the TSC Act, teachers have the right to appeal against  the decisions made by the panel.  

Such appeals should be made to the Regional Director in writing and a copy sent to the Commission  Secretary not later  than fourteen (14)  days after the exercise.

3.10  The Regional Director shall analyze and address all complaints raised immediately and advise the Commission Secretary.

3.11   Upon conclusion of the process and selection of suitable candidates, the County Directors shall:

3.11.1  Issue appointment/deployment letters to successful candidates for primary schools;

3.11.2  Ensure that the Institutional administrators report for duty and handing over/taking over exercise is properly done;

3. 12  The Regional Director shall issue appointment/deployment  letters  to all successful candidates for Secondary Schools.

Attached are the appendices for use during the appointment and selection exercise.



1.0    The following procedures will apply in the identification, selection and deployment of institutional administrators: –

1. 1        Establishment of vacancies by the County Directors;

1.2       The TSC HQs shall advertise existing vacancies;

1.3       Interested candidates shall submit applications online;

1.4      The fist  of shortlisted applicants shall be released to the Regional Directors in accordance with guidelines Issued by the Commission;

1. 5     The Regional Directors shall conduct interviews for shortlisted applicants in liaison with the County Directors;

1.6     The Regional  Directors  (in liaison with  the County Directors) shall appoint, deploy successful candidates as well as communicate results to the interviewed candidates;

1.7     A merit list and copies of appointment letters will be submitted to the Secretary, Teachers Service Commission;

1.8     The Regional Directors shall be held personally responsible for the process.

NB It is the responsibility of the TSC Regional Directors to ensure that the exercise is fair and transparent.

2.0    The following considerations shall be made during the deployment of institutional administrators:

2.1       Category of institution

2.2      Size and level of enrolment

2.3      Academic and professional qualifications

2.4      Current grade

2.5      Relevant experience in the teaching service

2.6      Gender balance

2. 7      Any other criteria the Commission may deem appropriate


The tables’ shows number of administrators required per school/institution

Table 1: Deputy Head Teachers and Senior Teachers of Primary Schools as per the Establishment

Stream/sClassesMaximum EnrolmentEstablishmentDeputy Head TeachersSenior Teachers


I.        Establishment of primary  schools  is  based  on a  minimum teaching  load  of 35 lessons  per week and a maximum  class size of 50 learners.

ii.      The Establishment per school includes the Head teacher,  Deputy Head Teacher/sand Senior Teacher/s.

iii.      Where  there  are  two Deputy  Head  Teachers  In  a  school,  one shall  be  responsible  for academics and the other administration.

Table 2: Deputy Principals & Senior Masters of secondary schools as per Curriculum Based Establishment (CBE)

Stream/sClassesMaximum EnrolmentCBEDeputy Principal/sSenior Master/s


I.       CBE  based on minimum teaching load of 27 lessons per week and maximum  class size of 45 students.

Ii.      The CBE per school Includes the Principal, Deputy Principal/s and Senior Master/s.

iii.      Where  there  are two Deputy  Principals  in  an  Institution,  one shall  be responsible  for Academics and the other Administration.

Table 3: Deputy Principals and Senior Masters of Teacher Training Colleges-TTCs (Certificate & Diploma) as per the CBE

Senior MastersDean of StudentsRegistrar
Upto 1,0001511
Between  1,001 and 1,5002811
Above 1,50021111

Table 5: Programme Coordinators of Center for Mathematics, Science and Technology in Africa (CEMASTEA)  as per the CBE

S/No     Programme Coordinators

1.    Training Coordinator JCT

2.     Training Coordinator-Special Programmes

3.    Training Coordinator-Secondary

4.     Training Coordinator — Primary

5.    Training Coordinator- Research &  Development

6.      Training Coordinator- Partnership & Linkages

Table 4: Positions of Senior Master/s in Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) as per the CBE

S/No  Senior Master/s
1.      Disabilities Studies
2.      Research and Educational Resources
3.    Functional Assessment and Guidance and Counseling
4.      Distance learning and CPD Programmes
5.   Quality Assurance and Standards
6.    Teaching Practice Coordinator


Secondary schools and  tertiary institutions shall have Senior Masters  to head the following departments

Table 5: Positions of Senior Teachers in Primary Schools

S/No             Senior Teachers

1                    Social Studies, Technical & Creative Arts

2                   Science and Mathematics

3                    Languages

4                    Boarding

5                   Co-Curricular Activities

6    Guidance and Counseling/Careers

7                   Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

8  Academic/Mentorship

Table 6: Senior Teachers in Primary Schools with Special Needs

S/No    Senior Teachers

1.       Social Studies, Technical & Creative Arts

2.      Science and Mathematics

3.       Languages

4.       Boarding

5.      Co-Curricular Activities

6.   Guidance and Counseling/Careers

7.      Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

8.      Academic/Mentorship

Table 7: Senior Masters – Secondary Schools (this also applies to SNE-Secondary Schools)

S/No     Senior Master

1            Humanities

2          Science and Mathematics

3           Languages

4          Technical & Creative Arts

5           Boarding

6          Co-Curricular Activities

7         Guidance and Counseling/Careers

8  Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

9         Academic/Mentorship

Table 8: Senior Masters In TTCs (Certificate and Diploma)

S/No – Senior Masters

1.   Education

2.   Sciences and Mathematics

3.    Social Sciences

4.   Languages

5.  Creative Arts

6.  Guidance and Counselling

7.    Co-Curricular Activities

8.  Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

9.   Boarding

10.  Teaching Practice

11.  Academic/Mentorship

Table 8: Establishment or Administrative Positions In CEMASTEA

Deputy Director1T14
Dean of Studies1T13
Program Coordinators6T12

Table 9: Establishment of Administrative Positions In KISE

PositionNumberT- Scale
Deputy Director2T14
Senior Masters5T10-T12


1.0 Qualification and experience required of administrators of Post  Primary Institutions

In addition to the requirements for appointments In the policy, Institutional Administrators will be appointed based on the criteria outlined   in the tables below:

Table 10: Principals of Secondary Schools

Category    Grade   Experience
Sub  County & All Day SchoolsPrincipal T- Scale 13 Served as Deputy Principal at T-Scale 12 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
County SchoolsSenior Principal T-Scale 14Served  as a  Principal  at T-Scale   13  or In  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
 National and Extra County SchoolsChief Principal T-Scale  15Served as a Senior Principal at T-Scale 14 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 11: Deputy Principals of Secondary Schools

Category  GradeExperience
 Sub  County & AII Day Schools Deputy Principal  III/IV T- Scale  10/11Served at T-Scale 9/10 or In an equivalent position  for a minimum period of three (3) years
County SchoolsDeputy Principal II T-Scale  12Served as a Deputy Principal at T-Scale 11 or In  an equivalent position  for  a minimum   period of three (3) years
National & Extra County SchoolsDeputy Principal  L T- Scale 13Served as a Deputy  Principal at T-Scale  12 or In  an equivalent position  for  a minimum  period

Table 12: Senior Masters of Secondary Schools

Sub-County  & All Day SchoolsSenior Master 111/]V T- Scale  10/9Served  as a teacher  at T-Scale 9/8  or In  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three ( 3) years
County SchoolsSenior Master II T-Scale  11Served  as a Senior Master Ill at T-Scale 10 or In  an  equivalent  position  for a  minimum   period of three (3) years
National & Extra County SchoolsSenior Master I T-Scale  12Served  as a Senior Master ll at T-Scale  11 or In an equivalent position  for a minimum  period  of three (3) years

Table 13: Principals of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1.Up to 1000 learnersPrincipal TTC T-Scale  13Served as Deputy Principal at T-Scale  12 or in  an  equivalent  position  for a  minimum period of three (3) years
2.Between 1001 & 1500 learnersSenior Principal TTC T-Scale 14Served  as  Principal  at T-Scale  13  or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
3.Above 1500 learnersChief Principal TTC T-Scale  15Served  as Principal  at T-Scale  14  or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 14: Deputy Principals of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1.Up to 1000 learnersDeputy Principal TTC III T-Scale  11Served as Senior Master III at T-Scale  10 or in  an  equivalent  position  for a  minimum period of three (3) years
2.Between 1001 & 1500 learnersDeputy Principal TTC II T-Scale  12Served  as Deputy Principal TTC III T-Scale  11  or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
3.Above 1500 learnersDeputy Principal TTC I T-Scale  13Served  as Deputy Principal TTC II T-Scale 12 or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 15: Dean/Registrar of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1.Up to 1000 learnersDean/ Registrar TIC Ill T-Scale 11Served  as Senior Master Ill  at T-Scale 10 or in an    equivalent position for  a minimum period of three (3) years
2.Between  1001 & 1500 learnersDean/Registrar TTC II T-Scale 12Served as Dean/Registrar III at T-Scale 11 or in an equivalent position for   a minimum period of three (3) years
 3.Above 1500Dean/Registrar TTC I T-Scale 13Served as Dean/Registrar III at T-Scale 12 or in an equivalent position for   a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 16: Senior Masters of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1. Up to 1000 learnersSenior Master TTC Ill T-Scale  10Served  as  Senior  Lecturer IV at T-Scale 9  or In an equivalent position for a minimum  period of three (3) years
2.Between 1001  and 1500 learnersSenior Master TTC II T-Scale  11Served as Senior Master Ill at T-Scale 10 or In an equivalent position  for a  minimum  period  of three (3) years
3.Above  1500 learnersSenior Master TTC I T-Scale  12Served as Senior  Master II at T-Scale 11 or In anequivalent position  for a  minimum  period  of three (3) years

Table 17: Establishment and requirement for appointment of administrators In CEMASTEA

Director1T- Scale  15Must have served as Deputy Director at T-Scale  14 or In an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Deputy Director1T- Scale  14Must have served as a Dean of studies at T-Scale  13 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Dean of Studies1T- Scale 13Must have served  as a National/International Coordinator T-Scale  12 for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Programme Coordinators6T-Scale  12Must have served as a Senior National Trainer T-Scale 11 for a minimum  period of three (3) years.

Table 18: Establishment and requirements for appointment of administrators – KISE

Director1T- Scale  15Must have served as a Deputy Director at T-Scale  14 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Deputy Director2T- Scale  14Must have served as Academic  Registrar at T-Scale  13 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Academic Registrar1T- Scale  13Must have served either as a Senior Master I   at T-Scale  12 or In an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3)
Senior Masters5T-Scale 12Must have served either as a Senior Master II   at T-Scale  12 or In an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3)

1.1 Qualifications and experience required of administrators in primary institutions

In addition to the requirements for appointment in the policy, administrators In Primary institutions will be appointed based on the criteria outlined in the tables below:

Table 19: Head Teacher

1.Up to 1000 learnersHead Teacher T-Scale 10      Served   as  Deputy Head Teacher II at T-Scale 9 for minimum period of three (3) years
2.Above  1000 learnersSenior Head Teacher T-Scale 11Served as Head Teacher  T-Scale 10  for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 20: Deputy Head Teacher

1.Up to 1000 learnersDeputy Head Teacher 11 T-Scale  9Served as  a Senior Teacher I   at T-Scale  8 for minimum period of three (3) years
2.Above 1000 learnersDeputy Head Teacher I T-Scale  10Served as Deputy Head Teacher II  T-Scale 9 for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 21: Senior Teacher

1.Up to 1000 learnersSenior Teacher II T-Scale 7Served as Primary Teacher I T-Scale 6  for a minimum period of three (3) years
  2.Above 1000 learnersSenior Teacher I T-Scale 8Served as  Senior Teacher II T-Scale 7 for a minimum period of three (3) years


The selection panel should consist of the following members:

a)    Regional Director – Chairperson

b)    Host County Director – Secretary

c)   All County Directors – Members

d)   Host CHRO – Member

Nairobi City County

a)   Regional Director – Chairperson

b) Deputy Director – Secretary

c)  All Sub County Directors – Members

d)  CHRO – Members

Simple steps for classroom teachers to become school admins (Senior, Deputy, Head)

Below are recruitment guidelines for school administrators sent by TSC to its Regional Directors.


Pursuant to section 20 of the TSC Act, and in view of the Commission’s strategic pillar on re-engineering of its processes as per the current Strategic  Plan, the Commission has directed that the Appointment and  Deployment of the following institutional Administrators be decentralized and be coordinated by the Regional Director.

i. All Primary Schools Institutional Administrators.

ii. All  Institutional Administrators for County, Sub-County and Day Secondary Schools.

The Commission has developed Guidelines to enable you effectively discharge this function.

The Guidelines should be read together with the Commission’s Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators, Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers, the Code of Regulations for Teachers and other regulations governing the teaching service.

This is a sensitive assignment that requires your individual supervision  and coordination. You are expected to ensure  that the exercise is carried out in a transparent and accountable manner.

The Guidelines take effect from 13 February, 2020. The provisions of the Code of Regulations for Teachers will continue to apply.


1.1    The Commission is required to  facilitate  career progression  and professional development of teachers,  including the appointment of Institutional Administrators as  per the Kenya Constitution, the TSC Act 2012 and the Code of Regulations for Teachers.

1.2    In  this regard, the Commission reviewed its Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators.

The policy has also been aligned with the Job Evaluation Report (2016) which focused on the worth of every job in the teaching service.

1.3    The functions of the Regional Director are to coordinate and supervise the appointment and deployment of Institutional Administrators in the region. In this regard Regional Director shall:•

1. 3. 1  Chair the regional selection panel responsible for the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators for county, sub – county and day secondary schools’ administrators

1. 3 .2 Ensure that the process of selection, appointment and deployment is transparent and accountable;

1.3.3 Supervise County selection panels in the entire process of appointment and deployment of institutional administrators.

1.4  The County Director shall coordinate the appointment  and deployment of primary school administrators in the county. To do so, the County Director shall:

1. 4. 1 Chair the county selection panel responsible for the appointment and deployment of institutional  administrators  at primary school level;

1.4.2 Ensure that the process of selection, appointment and deployment is transparent and accountable.

1.5    These guidelines are intended to compliment the provisions of the Policy on Appointment  and  Deployment of Institutional Administrators and should be read together with  other policies  and regulations governing the teaching service.

1.6     In execution  of this role, the Regional Directors  shall be responsible to the Director in charge of Staffing.

1. 7    The appointment and deployment of the Principals of Extra County and national secondary  schools, post-secondary institutions  together with other senior administrative posts in institutions of learning, not mentioned herein will be the responsibility of the Director.

1.8    In undertaking this assignment, the County Directors shall be guided by the Hand Book on Decentralized Teacher Management Functions, August 2015


2.1     General objective

The overall objective of the guidelines is to promote efficiency in the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators to public schools through a competitive selection and appointment as well  as   identifying suitable and timely provision of institutional administrators.

2.2      Specific objectives

The specific objectives are to;

2.2.1  Implement the framework for the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators in the teaching service as per the Commission’s policy and regulations;

2.2.2 Guide the field staff in the process of appointment and deployment of Institutional Administrators;

2.2.3  Ensure that the appointment, selection and deployment of Institutional Administrators is standard  across the country.


In undertaking the assignment, the Regional Directors should take note of the following:

3. 1    That appointment and deployment of Institutional Administrators is undertaken in strict conformity with the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya, the TSC  Act, the Code of Regulations for Teachers, the Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators and the Teacher Career Progression Guidelines;

3.2    Institutional Administrators comprises of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Dean, Registrar, Senior Master and Senior Teacher.

3.3    Any matter relating to appointment and deployment of institutional administrators not specifically provided for under the guidelines are addressed through consultations with the Director in charge of Staffing.

3.4    In as much as this duty has been  delegated, the Director Staffing may still exercise and  do the appointment and deployment of institutional administrators as provided by the policy as well as address  any appeal against the decision of the Regional Directors.

3.5    Institutional Administrators are selected competitively appointed and remunerated commensurately.

3.6    All serving Institutional Administrators are substantively appointed and placed in institutions that commensurate to their grades;

3.7    Teachers who were converted to Administrative grades as at 1st July, 2017 be given the first priority and deployed appropriately as vacancies arise.

3.8    Notwithstanding any other provision in the policy of appointment and deployment of institutional  administrators, the Commission reserves the right to transfer an administrator from one institution to another regardless of the number of years served in the station.

3.9    Pursuant to the provisions of section 46 of the TSC Act, teachers have the right to appeal against  the decisions made by the panel.  

Such appeals should be made to the Regional Director in writing and a copy sent to the Commission  Secretary not later  than fourteen (14)  days after the exercise.

3.10  The Regional Director shall analyze and address all complaints raised immediately and advise the Commission Secretary.

3.11   Upon conclusion of the process and selection of suitable candidates, the County Directors shall:

3.11.1  Issue appointment/deployment letters to successful candidates for primary schools;

3.11.2  Ensure that the Institutional administrators report for duty and handing over/taking over exercise is properly done;

3. 12  The Regional Director shall issue appointment/deployment  letters  to all successful candidates for Secondary Schools.

Attached are the appendices for use during the appointment and selection exercise.



1.0    The following procedures will apply in the identification, selection and deployment of institutional administrators: –

1. 1        Establishment of vacancies by the County Directors;

1.2       The TSC HQs shall advertise existing vacancies;

1.3       Interested candidates shall submit applications online;

1.4      The fist  of shortlisted applicants shall be released to the Regional Directors in accordance with guidelines Issued by the Commission;

1. 5     The Regional Directors shall conduct interviews for shortlisted applicants in liaison with the County Directors;

1.6     The Regional  Directors  (in liaison with  the County Directors) shall appoint, deploy successful candidates as well as communicate results to the interviewed candidates;

1.7     A merit list and copies of appointment letters will be submitted to the Secretary, Teachers Service Commission;

1.8     The Regional Directors shall be held personally responsible for the process.

NB It is the responsibility of the TSC Regional Directors to ensure that the exercise is fair and transparent.

2.0    The following considerations shall be made during the deployment of institutional administrators:

2.1       Category of institution

2.2      Size and level of enrolment

2.3      Academic and professional qualifications

2.4      Current grade

2.5      Relevant experience in the teaching service

2.6      Gender balance

2. 7      Any other criteria the Commission may deem appropriate


The tables’ shows number of administrators required per school/institution

Table 1: Deputy Head Teachers and Senior Teachers of Primary Schools as per the Establishment

Stream/sClassesMaximum EnrolmentEstablishmentDeputy Head TeachersSenior Teachers


I.        Establishment of primary  schools  is  based  on a  minimum teaching  load  of 35 lessons  per week and a maximum  class size of 50 learners.

ii.      The Establishment per school includes the Head teacher,  Deputy Head Teacher/sand Senior Teacher/s.

iii.      Where  there  are  two Deputy  Head  Teachers  In  a  school,  one shall  be  responsible  for academics and the other administration.

Table 2: Deputy Principals & Senior Masters of secondary schools as per Curriculum Based Establishment (CBE)

Stream/sClassesMaximum EnrolmentCBEDeputy Principal/sSenior Master/s


I.       CBE  based on minimum teaching load of 27 lessons per week and maximum  class size of 45 students.

Ii.      The CBE per school Includes the Principal, Deputy Principal/s and Senior Master/s.

iii.      Where  there  are two Deputy  Principals  in  an  Institution,  one shall  be responsible  for Academics and the other Administration.

Table 3: Deputy Principals and Senior Masters of Teacher Training Colleges-TTCs (Certificate & Diploma) as per the CBE

Senior MastersDean of StudentsRegistrar
Upto 1,0001511
Between  1,001 and 1,5002811
Above 1,50021111

Table 5: Programme Coordinators of Center for Mathematics, Science and Technology in Africa (CEMASTEA)  as per the CBE

S/No     Programme Coordinators

1.    Training Coordinator JCT

2.     Training Coordinator-Special Programmes

3.    Training Coordinator-Secondary

4.     Training Coordinator — Primary

5.    Training Coordinator- Research &  Development

6.      Training Coordinator- Partnership & Linkages

Table 4: Positions of Senior Master/s in Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) as per the CBE

S/No  Senior Master/s
1.      Disabilities Studies
2.      Research and Educational Resources
3.    Functional Assessment and Guidance and Counseling
4.      Distance learning and CPD Programmes
5.   Quality Assurance and Standards
6.    Teaching Practice Coordinator


Secondary schools and  tertiary institutions shall have Senior Masters  to head the following departments

Table 5: Positions of Senior Teachers in Primary Schools

S/No             Senior Teachers

1                    Social Studies, Technical & Creative Arts

2                   Science and Mathematics

3                    Languages

4                    Boarding

5                   Co-Curricular Activities

6    Guidance and Counseling/Careers

7                   Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

8  Academic/Mentorship

Table 6: Senior Teachers in Primary Schools with Special Needs

S/No    Senior Teachers

1.       Social Studies, Technical & Creative Arts

2.      Science and Mathematics

3.       Languages

4.       Boarding

5.      Co-Curricular Activities

6.   Guidance and Counseling/Careers

7.      Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

8.      Academic/Mentorship

Table 7: Senior Masters – Secondary Schools (this also applies to SNE-Secondary Schools)

S/No     Senior Master

1            Humanities

2          Science and Mathematics

3           Languages

4          Technical & Creative Arts

5           Boarding

6          Co-Curricular Activities

7         Guidance and Counseling/Careers

8  Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

9         Academic/Mentorship

Table 8: Senior Masters In TTCs (Certificate and Diploma)

S/No – Senior Masters

1.   Education

2.   Sciences and Mathematics

3.    Social Sciences

4.   Languages

5.  Creative Arts

6.  Guidance and Counselling

7.    Co-Curricular Activities

8.  Quality Assurance and Standards (QAS)

9.   Boarding

10.  Teaching Practice

11.  Academic/Mentorship

Table 8: Establishment or Administrative Positions In CEMASTEA

Deputy Director1T14
Dean of Studies1T13
Program Coordinators6T12

Table 9: Establishment of Administrative Positions In KISE

PositionNumberT- Scale
Deputy Director2T14
Senior Masters5T10-T12


1.0 Qualification and experience required of administrators of Post  Primary Institutions

In addition to the requirements for appointments In the policy, Institutional Administrators will be appointed based on the criteria outlined   in the tables below:

Table 10: Principals of Secondary Schools

Category    Grade   Experience
Sub  County & All Day SchoolsPrincipal T- Scale 13 Served as Deputy Principal at T-Scale 12 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
County SchoolsSenior Principal T-Scale 14Served  as a  Principal  at T-Scale   13  or In  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
 National and Extra County SchoolsChief Principal T-Scale  15Served as a Senior Principal at T-Scale 14 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 11: Deputy Principals of Secondary Schools

Category  GradeExperience
 Sub  County & AII Day Schools Deputy Principal  III/IV T- Scale  10/11Served at T-Scale 9/10 or In an equivalent position  for a minimum period of three (3) years
County SchoolsDeputy Principal II T-Scale  12Served as a Deputy Principal at T-Scale 11 or In  an equivalent position  for  a minimum   period of three (3) years
National & Extra County SchoolsDeputy Principal  L T- Scale 13Served as a Deputy  Principal at T-Scale  12 or In  an equivalent position  for  a minimum  period

Table 12: Senior Masters of Secondary Schools

Sub-County  & All Day SchoolsSenior Master 111/]V T- Scale  10/9Served  as a teacher  at T-Scale 9/8  or In  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three ( 3) years
County SchoolsSenior Master II T-Scale  11Served  as a Senior Master Ill at T-Scale 10 or In  an  equivalent  position  for a  minimum   period of three (3) years
National & Extra County SchoolsSenior Master I T-Scale  12Served  as a Senior Master ll at T-Scale  11 or In an equivalent position  for a minimum  period  of three (3) years

Table 13: Principals of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1.Up to 1000 learnersPrincipal TTC T-Scale  13Served as Deputy Principal at T-Scale  12 or in  an  equivalent  position  for a  minimum period of three (3) years
2.Between 1001 & 1500 learnersSenior Principal TTC T-Scale 14Served  as  Principal  at T-Scale  13  or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
3.Above 1500 learnersChief Principal TTC T-Scale  15Served  as Principal  at T-Scale  14  or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 14: Deputy Principals of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1.Up to 1000 learnersDeputy Principal TTC III T-Scale  11Served as Senior Master III at T-Scale  10 or in  an  equivalent  position  for a  minimum period of three (3) years
2.Between 1001 & 1500 learnersDeputy Principal TTC II T-Scale  12Served  as Deputy Principal TTC III T-Scale  11  or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years
3.Above 1500 learnersDeputy Principal TTC I T-Scale  13Served  as Deputy Principal TTC II T-Scale 12 or in  an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 15: Dean/Registrar of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1.Up to 1000 learnersDean/ Registrar TIC Ill T-Scale 11Served  as Senior Master Ill  at T-Scale 10 or in an    equivalent position for  a minimum period of three (3) years
2.Between  1001 & 1500 learnersDean/Registrar TTC II T-Scale 12Served as Dean/Registrar III at T-Scale 11 or in an equivalent position for   a minimum period of three (3) years
 3.Above 1500Dean/Registrar TTC I T-Scale 13Served as Dean/Registrar III at T-Scale 12 or in an equivalent position for   a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 16: Senior Masters of Teacher Training Colleges (Certificate & Diploma)

 1. Up to 1000 learnersSenior Master TTC Ill T-Scale  10Served  as  Senior  Lecturer IV at T-Scale 9  or In an equivalent position for a minimum  period of three (3) years
2.Between 1001  and 1500 learnersSenior Master TTC II T-Scale  11Served as Senior Master Ill at T-Scale 10 or In an equivalent position  for a  minimum  period  of three (3) years
3.Above  1500 learnersSenior Master TTC I T-Scale  12Served as Senior  Master II at T-Scale 11 or In anequivalent position  for a  minimum  period  of three (3) years

Table 17: Establishment and requirement for appointment of administrators In CEMASTEA

Director1T- Scale  15Must have served as Deputy Director at T-Scale  14 or In an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Deputy Director1T- Scale  14Must have served as a Dean of studies at T-Scale  13 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Dean of Studies1T- Scale 13Must have served  as a National/International Coordinator T-Scale  12 for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Programme Coordinators6T-Scale  12Must have served as a Senior National Trainer T-Scale 11 for a minimum  period of three (3) years.

Table 18: Establishment and requirements for appointment of administrators – KISE

Director1T- Scale  15Must have served as a Deputy Director at T-Scale  14 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Deputy Director2T- Scale  14Must have served as Academic  Registrar at T-Scale  13 or in an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3) years.
Academic Registrar1T- Scale  13Must have served either as a Senior Master I   at T-Scale  12 or In an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3)
Senior Masters5T-Scale 12Must have served either as a Senior Master II   at T-Scale  12 or In an equivalent position for a minimum period of three (3)

1.1 Qualifications and experience required of administrators in primary institutions

In addition to the requirements for appointment in the policy, administrators In Primary institutions will be appointed based on the criteria outlined in the tables below:

Table 19: Head Teacher

1.Up to 1000 learnersHead Teacher T-Scale 10      Served   as  Deputy Head Teacher II at T-Scale 9 for minimum period of three (3) years
2.Above  1000 learnersSenior Head Teacher T-Scale 11Served as Head Teacher  T-Scale 10  for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 20: Deputy Head Teacher

1.Up to 1000 learnersDeputy Head Teacher 11 T-Scale  9Served as  a Senior Teacher I   at T-Scale  8 for minimum period of three (3) years
2.Above 1000 learnersDeputy Head Teacher I T-Scale  10Served as Deputy Head Teacher II  T-Scale 9 for a minimum period of three (3) years

Table 21: Senior Teacher

1.Up to 1000 learnersSenior Teacher II T-Scale 7Served as Primary Teacher I T-Scale 6  for a minimum period of three (3) years
  2.Above 1000 learnersSenior Teacher I T-Scale 8Served as  Senior Teacher II T-Scale 7 for a minimum period of three (3) years


The selection panel should consist of the following members:

a)    Regional Director – Chairperson

b)    Host County Director – Secretary

c)   All County Directors – Members

d)   Host CHRO – Member

Nairobi City County

a)   Regional Director – Chairperson

b) Deputy Director – Secretary

c)  All Sub County Directors – Members

d)  CHRO – Members