Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines

Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines

(i) All Sub County  Directors of Education
(ii) Heads of Junior Secondary Schools
(iii) Heads of Pre-Vocational Level Schools


1.0 The Kenya National  Examinations Council (KNEC) will  upload on the KNEC CBA portal the School Based Assessment tools for Grade 7 (age based pathway) and Pre-Vocational  Level (stage based pathway).

2.0 To access the assessment portal, Headteachers are required to login onto the CBA portal: Any school that will have password challenges should contact their respective Sub-county Director of Education  for resetting of the password.

3.0 Schools will be expected to administer the assessment tools, score and upload the assessment outcomes of all learners on the CSA portal.

4.0 SBA tools for Grade 7 will be provided in two formats: PDF format and digital format through the CBA portal as follows:

4.1 PDF Format

4.1.1 Schools will be required to log in using the school  credentials. (Username and password).

4.1.2 Schools will access the tools in PDF format and download.

4.1.3 The tools will then be given to learners in either print format, projected on the screen or written on the  board.

4.1.4 Depending on the format adopted, learners may write their responses on the question paper or on the provided writing materials provided by the school.

4.2 Digital format

4.2.1 To access the tools in this format, individual leaners will be required to log onto the portausing their respective assessment numbers.

4.2.2 Upon logging in, learners will access the  tools directly via digital devices such as the Digital Learning Programme (DLP) tablets available in schools.

4.2.3 Learners will be expected to give their responses on writing materials provided by the school.

5.0 The two formats of assessment tools wlll be displayed on the CBA portal dashboard using different buttons. Schools are encouraged to allow learners access the tools directly using the DLPs or any other available digital devices such as desktop computer and laptops. This will help schools save on printing cost. Those who may have challenges with the direct access may opt for the pdf format

6.0 SBA tools for Pre-Vocational Level will be accessed on PDF format by their teachers.

7.0 Teachers will assess the learners as they undertake the performance-based tasks and score using the guidelines provided in the tool.

8.0 A detailed user manual describing step by step on how to access the tools, instructions, scoring guides and how to upload learners’ scores is available on the CBA portal.

9.0 The assessment tools with coloured Images should be printed in colour or loaded on the digital devices available In the school. The learners should  answer the questions using separate answer sheets provided by the school. In schools where the digital devices are Inadequate, the assessments can be done in shifts.

10.0 Headteachers are requested to keep all records and evidence generated from the assessments.

11.0 The materials required for the assessments should be obtained from the immediate school environment or Improvised as much as possible.

12.0 The tools will be accessed as shown below:

Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines
Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines

This information is to enable you to prepare and plan adequately.


Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines

Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines

(i) All Sub County  Directors of Education
(ii) Heads of Junior Secondary Schools
(iii) Heads of Pre-Vocational Level Schools


1.0 The Kenya National  Examinations Council (KNEC) will  upload on the KNEC CBA portal the School Based Assessment tools for Grade 7 (age based pathway) and Pre-Vocational  Level (stage based pathway).

2.0 To access the assessment portal, Headteachers are required to login onto the CBA portal: Any school that will have password challenges should contact their respective Sub-county Director of Education  for resetting of the password.

3.0 Schools will be expected to administer the assessment tools, score and upload the assessment outcomes of all learners on the CSA portal.

4.0 SBA tools for Grade 7 will be provided in two formats: PDF format and digital format through the CBA portal as follows:

4.1 PDF Format

4.1.1 Schools will be required to log in using the school  credentials. (Username and password).

4.1.2 Schools will access the tools in PDF format and download.

4.1.3 The tools will then be given to learners in either print format, projected on the screen or written on the  board.

4.1.4 Depending on the format adopted, learners may write their responses on the question paper or on the provided writing materials provided by the school.

4.2 Digital format

4.2.1 To access the tools in this format, individual leaners will be required to log onto the portausing their respective assessment numbers.

4.2.2 Upon logging in, learners will access the  tools directly via digital devices such as the Digital Learning Programme (DLP) tablets available in schools.

4.2.3 Learners will be expected to give their responses on writing materials provided by the school.

5.0 The two formats of assessment tools wlll be displayed on the CBA portal dashboard using different buttons. Schools are encouraged to allow learners access the tools directly using the DLPs or any other available digital devices such as desktop computer and laptops. This will help schools save on printing cost. Those who may have challenges with the direct access may opt for the pdf format

6.0 SBA tools for Pre-Vocational Level will be accessed on PDF format by their teachers.

7.0 Teachers will assess the learners as they undertake the performance-based tasks and score using the guidelines provided in the tool.

8.0 A detailed user manual describing step by step on how to access the tools, instructions, scoring guides and how to upload learners’ scores is available on the CBA portal.

9.0 The assessment tools with coloured Images should be printed in colour or loaded on the digital devices available In the school. The learners should  answer the questions using separate answer sheets provided by the school. In schools where the digital devices are Inadequate, the assessments can be done in shifts.

10.0 Headteachers are requested to keep all records and evidence generated from the assessments.

11.0 The materials required for the assessments should be obtained from the immediate school environment or Improvised as much as possible.

12.0 The tools will be accessed as shown below:

Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines
Knec Circular: Grade 7 national assessment dates and guidelines

This information is to enable you to prepare and plan adequately.


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