Knec briefing notes for invigilators and supervisors (KPSEA&KCSE)

Knec briefing notes for invigilators and supervisors (KPSEA&KCSE)


1.1 The Kenya National Examinations Council recognises the critical roles played by yourselves and hereby takes this opportunity to appreciate each and every one of you for your invaluable contributions towards successful conduct and administration of National examination and assessments. It is for this purpose that KNEC considers it important to hold consultative engagements with you, ahead of the 2024 National examination/ assessments’ season.

1.2 Key Dates:

Examination/ AssessmentRehearsalAdministration
KPSEA25th October, 202428th to 30th October 2024;
KILEA28th to 31st October 2024;
KCSE18thOctober, 2024Orals, Aurals, Home Science Practicals and low candidature papers: 22nd to 28th October 2024 All other written papers: 31st Oct. to 22nd Nov. 2024.

NOTE: Examination Day: – KPSEA – 6.00am to 12.30pm KCSE – 7.00am to 5.00pm

1.3 Objectives of the Briefing and Sensitization Sessions
The key objective of the sessions is to disseminate information on the innovations in place and any emerging issues regarding, among other issues:

1.3.1  Innovations put in place in 2024 for the administration of Examination and Assessments;
1.3.2  Daily management and Conduct of Examination and Assessments;
1.3.3  Recruitment, Deployment and responsibilities of field officers;
1.3.4  Quality assurance during National Examination and Assessments;
1.3.5  Security of Examination and Assessments.


The following are the key innovations that KNEC has put in place to enhance efficiency in the conduct of the 2024 KPSEA and KCSE examination:

2.1 Packaging of examination and assessment materials

2.1.1 KPSEA boxes will contain question paper packets for different centres, labelled Session 1 and Session 2. The packet for each session will contain the following:

i) Question papers;
ii) OMR forms;
iii)  OMR return envelope; and
iv)  Return cover sheets. Centres with large candidature may have more than 1packet.

2.1.2 KCSE examination cartons are packaged per session. The cartons for morning sessions have blue straps, while cartons for the afternoon sessions have black straps. The boxes are also clearly labelled Morning and Afternoon. A carton will contain packets for different examination centres. A packet for each centre will have the following:

i) Question papers;
ii) Question paper cover sheet;
iii) Scripts return envelope(s);
iv) Scripts return cover sheet; and
v) A small (C5 size) envelope for parking scripts counterfoils for the candidates.

2.2 Personalisation of the KCSE Examination Question Papers

2.2.1 The 2024 KCSE examination question papers have candidate’s details preprinted. The top part of the first page has a perforated section which contains the:

i) School details;
ii)  Candidate’s index number and name;
iii) A space for the candidate to sign; and
iv)  A space to indicate the date of the paper.

2.2.2 The lower part of the perforation will only contain the candidate’s random number. The candidate will also be expected to sign and indicate the date of the paper on the lower part.

2.2.3 Upon opening the question paper polybag (depending on the number of candidates per paper), the Supervisor will find the following:

  1. Personalized candidates’ question papers;
  2. Questionpapercoversheet, with the list of candidates taking the paper, attached to the Returnofscriptscoversheet;
  3. Black envelope(s) for return of the answer scripts;
  4. A transparent C5 size envelope for return of detached script counterfoils.

2.2.4 Supervisors and Invigilators should ensure that every candidate is issued with a question paper bearing their names and random numbers.

2.2.5 The candidate will be expected to append their signature and date on the two parts of the question papers:

i) The upper part of the question paper (counterfoil) and
ii) Lower part of the question paper (just below the counterfoil).

2.2.6 At the end of the examination paper, the Invigilator will be required to ensure that the candidates detach the upper part (counterfoil) containing the candidate’s personal details from the answer script without tampering with any written details.

2.2.7 The invigilators shall collect and count all the candidates’ scripts and the counterfoils. They MUST ensure scripts collected tally with the counterfoils and present candidates.

2.2.8 No candidate should be issued with a question paper or OMR sheets for another candidate or an ABSENT candidate.

2.3 Handling of question papers for ABSENT KCSE examination candidates

2.3.1 Question papers for absentee candidates MUST be enclosed, sealed and stapled in the question paper packet and placed on top of a desk in the examination room in full view of the candidates during the examination session, as has been the practice. The counterfoils for absentee candidates’ question papers should NOT be detached but sealed as whole.

2.3.2 At the end of the paper, the Supervisor shall hand over the absent candidate(s) question paper(s) for return to the container.

2.3.3 All question papers for absent candidates MUST be handed over to the SCDEs at the container who will issue to the KNEC officer collecting the script for scanning and return to KNEC.

2.4 Handling of the question paper to be used by the Chemistry Teacher during Practicals

2.4.1 The Chemistry teacher question paper should be enclosed in the question paper packet together with those for AB candidates (if any), sealed and placed on a desk in the examination room (laboratory).

2.4.2 The Teacher shall be issued with the question paper Thirty (30) minutes towards end of the practical to complete his/her part as required.

2.4.3 If the sessions are two (2), the question paper shall be returned and sealed in the question paper packet for issuance towards the end of session two.

NB:The Chemistry teacher question paper and for AB Candidate(s)(where applicable) MUST be returned the container.

2.5 Handling of KCSE Examination hardship cases

All hardship cases MUST be reported through the SCDEs, who shall report the same to KNEC through the Call Centre for guidance on how to handle each case.

2.6 Handling of KCSE Candidates’ Answer Scripts and the Counterfoil

2.6.1 In preparation for packing of candidates’ scripts at the end of the examination session, the Supervisor shall cut out the return of scripts cover sheet from the perforated cover sheet that is used to indicate the content of the question paper packet.

2.6.2 Fill in all the required details on the return of scripts cover sheet(s) including the fraction of the number of the packets and slot each of them (where several) into the respective return envelope.

2.6.3 At the end of the session, receive from the invigilator(s) the candidates’ scripts arranged in the order of index numbers and the respective counterfoils.

2.6.4 Slot the candidates’ answer scripts into the respective return envelopes as per the number of candidates indicated on the cover sheet. They shall also enclose the dully signed Script Control Form and the Sitting Plan. This is by ensuring that the scripts packed in the return envelope match the details on the cover sheet. The scripts must be packed in relation to the number of question paper polybags received and should not be over-stuffed in one return envelope.

2.6.5 Insert the detached counterfoils into the transparent C5 size envelopes as provided and seal. For ease of transportation, place all the counterfoils return envelope(s) for the paper into one of the used question paper polybags.

2.6.6 Place the cover sheets that are used to indicate the content of the question paper packet in their respective empty envelopes together with question paper for an absent candidate (where applicable). These should have been stapled and placed in the examination room in full view of the candidates until the end of the session.

2.6.7   At the end of the entire process, the centre manager must return the following to the container:

  1. Sealed candidates’ answer scripts return envelopes corresponding to the number of question paper polybags;
  2. Sealed counterfoil envelopes corresponding to the number of script return envelopes;
  3. Unused question papers for absentee candidates, empty question papers envelope(s) with their cover sheet(s).

2.7 Handling of KPSEA OMR forms

All OMR forms must be arranged in the same order, facing the same direction (not some facing upside down etc) for ease of OMR scanning.

2.8 For KILEA, the Assessment tools will be uploaded onto the KNEC CBA Portal the week preceding the assessment period and administered by the teachers who will assume the role of assessors and invigilators. At the end of the assessment, schools should upload learners’ performance outcomes into the same portal and submit hard copies of the school’s summary assessment score sheet for each paper through the respective Sub County Directors of Education (SCDE). A copy should be retained at school for reference and quality assurance.

2.9 Centre Managers, Supervisors, Invigilators, Security Officers and all other personnel involved in the administration of examination/assessments are NOT allowed to be in a possession of mobile phones or other electronic gadgets when an examination/ assessment paper is in progress, nor enter examination/assessment room with them. All mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall be kept under lock and key outside the examination/assessment room under the vigilance of a security officer. The key will be kept by the Supervisor.

2.10 There will be no Declaration Forms (DF) for the Centre Managers, Supervisors, Invigilators and the Field Officers at the Containers. Instead, the Online Attendance Registers which shall be marked daily by the centre managers beginning on the rehearsal day to ensure all personnel have been deployed and provided for. At the end of the period, it should be downloaded, printed and signed by all officers involved in the administration of the examination/assessment. The Centre Managers and SCDE will sign, stamp and submit this to KNEC for use during processing. The attendance register will serve as a reference document. KNEC will only pay officers captured on the attendance registers. KNEC shall not deploy officers and shall not provide any declaration forms. The Attendance Registers for the County and Regional officers shall however be provided.

2.11 The Supervisor and Centre Manager will be required to fill in the Supervisor Report and Head Teacher reports online through the CP2 system.

2.12 The Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators’ badges will be attached to the appointment letters. It is therefore important that letters of appointment are downloaded and printed for identification and this purpose.

2.13 The supervisor should fill the Supervisor Report weekly.

2.14 The Centre Managers will also be required to capture online through the CP2 system Absent Candidates details per paper indicating the reasons.

2.15 All private candidates will sit all their examination papers at the county headquarters except in Nairobi County where candidates will sit their practical examination papers in their respective sub counties.

2.16 The KCSE examination seating plan shall be drawn for each paper and enclosed together with answer scripts. The KCSE seating plan and Script Control Forms MUST NOT BE STAMPED by the centre manager, nor any details of the school indicated on them. Only One (1) KPSEA and KCSE seating plan for a compulsory paper shall be drawn and submitted together with the other supervision materials.

2.17 The Centre manager should prepare a list of all authorised personnel in examination centre containing the Name, ID Number, TSC Number, Telephone number, Designation/Role. The authorised persons shall include:

2.17.1 The Centre Manager (CM) who should be the principal or the Head teacher;
2.17.2 The deputy principal or the deputy head teacher;
2.17.3 Supervisor(s);
2.17.4 Security officer(s);
2.17.5 Invigilator(s);
2.17.6 The gatekeeper(s);
2.17.7 Cooks (reasonable number depending on the candidature);
2.17.8 Laboratory assistants and teachers of sciences on the day of practical.

2.18 Attendance registers for monitoring officers, visitors’ books, list of authorised persons at the centre and school stamp should be placed at the examination area and not in the Centre Manager’s office.


3.1 The examination and assessment materials will be collected from containers as per the registration data.

3.2 KPSEA materials for each assessment day will be collected once in the morning as has been the practice, while KCSE examination materials will be collected twice a day. To ensure that examination and assessments are administered in adherence to the timetables released by KNEC for the 2024 examination and assessments, the following timings will apply:

S/No.Examination/ AssessmentSessionOpening Time for ContainersAdministration period
3.2.1KPSEAAll sessions6.00amBetween 8.30am and 12.10pm
3.2.2KCSE examinationMorning7.00amBetween 8.00am and 11.00am
Afternoon12.30pmBetween 2.00pm and 5.00 pm

3.3 To enable timely delivery of question papers to examination centres, the SCDEs are requested to give priority to Centre Managers whose schools are far away from the containers during issuing of materials.

3.4 All Centre Managers MUST leave the Distribution Centre accompanied by security officers; in the official assigned vehicles; and must go straight to their respective examination centres without detouring and hand the examination question papers to the supervisor(s) in an examination room.


KNEC will communicate to SCDEs on dates of dispatch of examination materials on weekly basis. KCSE examination Group IV projects will be collected by the KNEC officers delivering administration materials. Orals and Practical papers materials will be returned with KPSEA materials.


5.1 The Centre Manager should take the examination papers for the day direct to the examination and assessment room designated for holding of question papers and other materials without detouring and they should remain there till he/she hands them over to the Supervisor.

5.2 Question paper packets should be opened Five(5) minutes before the start of the examination.

5.3 Desks for deceased candidates should be withdrawn from the examination and assessment room.

5.4 No unauthorized persons will be allowed in the examination and assessment centres on an examination day during the time indicated in 3.2.

5.5 During the KCSE examination optional papers, where candidates are less than Ten (10) in each examination, the candidates should be grouped in one or more examination room(s). They must move with their desks. They will be expected to go back to their rooms during the compulsory papers. The Supervisor should coordinate to have only the required number of invigilators. Invigilators who are not required should stay away from the centre. The supervisor should rotate them accordingly.

5.6 For KPSEA, the absent candidates’ OMR form (answer sheets) should be placed on the desk of the candidate. After the examination paper, the supervisor should shade AB and enclose together with other candidates’ answer sheets.

5.7 Teaching in the examination and assessment centre is prohibited from 6.00am when the distribution Centres are opened to the end of the examination day.

5.8 All candidates taking papers on a particular examination day are expected in the examination centre at the start of the examination day. Some candidates have been observed not to report in the morning, especially on the day of elective subjects.

5.9 All host head of institutions will be the one authorized to collect examination materials from the container, coordinate the conduct of the examination and assessment and return the answer scripts to the container. Candidates’ answer scripts for hosting/hosted centres MUST BE PACKED SEPARATELY.


6.1 During the conduct of KPSEA, One (1) armed security officer shall be engaged to escort the assessment materials accompanied by the centre managers of a designated route by dropping them off in all the centres allocated on that route. The security officers shall remain in the last drop off point until the end of the assessment before escorting back the assessment materials and picking from the drop off points. No security officers shall be deployed in KPSEA assessment centres expect in high-risk areas prone to terrorism as guided by the County Security Committee and approved by KNEC at the beginning of examination and assessment.

6.2 Two (2) security officers shall be deployed at each KCSE examination centre. The officers shall escort each Centre Manager to and from the containers to the examination centres, remain in the centre throughout the assessment period, and ensure adherence to the rules and regulations governing the administration of examination and assessments.

NOTE: No one should curtail police officers from carrying out their assigned roles during examinations.


7.1 KNEC, through a multi-agency approach, shall monitor the conduct of examination and assessment to ensure adherence to the laid down regulations and to prevent examination and assessment malpractice.

7.2 All Monitoring officers will be issued with identification badges that shall be worn while at the distribution and examination centres.

7.3 Centres Managers will be expected to allow access for monitoring officers by ensuring that examination centres can be accessed without hindrance. All field officers and Centres Managers should be aware that KNEC monitoring officers can go to the examination and assessment centre and rooms without first reporting to their offices.

7.4 During Practical papers, the practical sessions should not exceed two sessions for each practical paper.

7.5 Examination centres should start preparations early and not interfere with the ongoing theory papers. No teachers of science subjects should be found in the laboratory purporting to be preparing for the practical examinations on days and times that they should not have been in school.

7.6 All the candidates taking the practical paper on a particular examination day should be in the examination centre before the start of the first session.

7.7 Only authorized subject teachers should be in the laboratory/workshop and be confined to the preparation room(s) during the practical paper.

7.8 The Biology and the Physics teachers should not carry out the practical.

Note: Only the chemistry teacher is allowed to collect data for each question for onward transmission to KNEC together with candidates’ answer scripts.

7.9 Candidates at all levels should not be allowed to have wrist watches in the examination room.

7.10 Cases of candidates who gained undue advantage through examination malpractices will be investigated and handled in accordance with the KNEC Rules and Regulations. Contracted professionals should support KNEC in averting examination malpractices during National Examinations.


8.1 In line with the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform (PWPER), the Kenya National Examinations Council adopted a revised KCSE grading system w.e.f the year 2023.

8.2 The determination of the KCSE examination mean grade now considered the candidates grade in Mathematics, English/Kiswahili/KSL and any other 5 best subjects.

8.3 The revised grading does not change the clustering of subjects during registration, hence the candidates are required to register for subjects as they did previously.


9.1 The portal of uploading previous SBA scores is open until 30th October, 2024 and the centre managers are urged to ensure that the candidates sitting for 2024 KPSEA and those in Grade Eight have their grade Four (4) and Five (5) and Seven (7) SBAs scores uploaded.

9.2 After 30th October the portal will be closed and all candidates with no scores will be automatically declared absent.


10.1 All field officers, centre managers and the supervision personnel are reminded to read their appointment letters and circulars from KNEC on the administration and management of examination and assessments.

10.2 As we administer the 2024 national examination/assessments, let us be conscious of our own safety. Most of you will be required to move from one point to another by road, water or air. It is therefore important to prioritize your safety and health. Always stay alert to your surrounding and pay attention to any possible hazard that may occur.

10.3 The Council takes this opportunity to thank you for attending this important meeting. It is important to cascade the information you have acquired today to those under you, to ensure that those who will be involved in this exercise are well informed and equipped to manage the 2024 KPSEA and KCSE examinations in the most efficient way without experiencing cases of dishonesty.


Knec briefing notes for invigilators and supervisors (KPSEA&KCSE)

Knec briefing notes for invigilators and supervisors (KPSEA&KCSE)


1.1 The Kenya National Examinations Council recognises the critical roles played by yourselves and hereby takes this opportunity to appreciate each and every one of you for your invaluable contributions towards successful conduct and administration of National examination and assessments. It is for this purpose that KNEC considers it important to hold consultative engagements with you, ahead of the 2024 National examination/ assessments’ season.

1.2 Key Dates:

Examination/ AssessmentRehearsalAdministration
KPSEA25th October, 202428th to 30th October 2024;
KILEA28th to 31st October 2024;
KCSE18thOctober, 2024Orals, Aurals, Home Science Practicals and low candidature papers: 22nd to 28th October 2024 All other written papers: 31st Oct. to 22nd Nov. 2024.

NOTE: Examination Day: – KPSEA – 6.00am to 12.30pm KCSE – 7.00am to 5.00pm

1.3 Objectives of the Briefing and Sensitization Sessions
The key objective of the sessions is to disseminate information on the innovations in place and any emerging issues regarding, among other issues:

1.3.1  Innovations put in place in 2024 for the administration of Examination and Assessments;
1.3.2  Daily management and Conduct of Examination and Assessments;
1.3.3  Recruitment, Deployment and responsibilities of field officers;
1.3.4  Quality assurance during National Examination and Assessments;
1.3.5  Security of Examination and Assessments.


The following are the key innovations that KNEC has put in place to enhance efficiency in the conduct of the 2024 KPSEA and KCSE examination:

2.1 Packaging of examination and assessment materials

2.1.1 KPSEA boxes will contain question paper packets for different centres, labelled Session 1 and Session 2. The packet for each session will contain the following:

i) Question papers;
ii) OMR forms;
iii)  OMR return envelope; and
iv)  Return cover sheets. Centres with large candidature may have more than 1packet.

2.1.2 KCSE examination cartons are packaged per session. The cartons for morning sessions have blue straps, while cartons for the afternoon sessions have black straps. The boxes are also clearly labelled Morning and Afternoon. A carton will contain packets for different examination centres. A packet for each centre will have the following:

i) Question papers;
ii) Question paper cover sheet;
iii) Scripts return envelope(s);
iv) Scripts return cover sheet; and
v) A small (C5 size) envelope for parking scripts counterfoils for the candidates.

2.2 Personalisation of the KCSE Examination Question Papers

2.2.1 The 2024 KCSE examination question papers have candidate’s details preprinted. The top part of the first page has a perforated section which contains the:

i) School details;
ii)  Candidate’s index number and name;
iii) A space for the candidate to sign; and
iv)  A space to indicate the date of the paper.

2.2.2 The lower part of the perforation will only contain the candidate’s random number. The candidate will also be expected to sign and indicate the date of the paper on the lower part.

2.2.3 Upon opening the question paper polybag (depending on the number of candidates per paper), the Supervisor will find the following:

  1. Personalized candidates’ question papers;
  2. Questionpapercoversheet, with the list of candidates taking the paper, attached to the Returnofscriptscoversheet;
  3. Black envelope(s) for return of the answer scripts;
  4. A transparent C5 size envelope for return of detached script counterfoils.

2.2.4 Supervisors and Invigilators should ensure that every candidate is issued with a question paper bearing their names and random numbers.

2.2.5 The candidate will be expected to append their signature and date on the two parts of the question papers:

i) The upper part of the question paper (counterfoil) and
ii) Lower part of the question paper (just below the counterfoil).

2.2.6 At the end of the examination paper, the Invigilator will be required to ensure that the candidates detach the upper part (counterfoil) containing the candidate’s personal details from the answer script without tampering with any written details.

2.2.7 The invigilators shall collect and count all the candidates’ scripts and the counterfoils. They MUST ensure scripts collected tally with the counterfoils and present candidates.

2.2.8 No candidate should be issued with a question paper or OMR sheets for another candidate or an ABSENT candidate.

2.3 Handling of question papers for ABSENT KCSE examination candidates

2.3.1 Question papers for absentee candidates MUST be enclosed, sealed and stapled in the question paper packet and placed on top of a desk in the examination room in full view of the candidates during the examination session, as has been the practice. The counterfoils for absentee candidates’ question papers should NOT be detached but sealed as whole.

2.3.2 At the end of the paper, the Supervisor shall hand over the absent candidate(s) question paper(s) for return to the container.

2.3.3 All question papers for absent candidates MUST be handed over to the SCDEs at the container who will issue to the KNEC officer collecting the script for scanning and return to KNEC.

2.4 Handling of the question paper to be used by the Chemistry Teacher during Practicals

2.4.1 The Chemistry teacher question paper should be enclosed in the question paper packet together with those for AB candidates (if any), sealed and placed on a desk in the examination room (laboratory).

2.4.2 The Teacher shall be issued with the question paper Thirty (30) minutes towards end of the practical to complete his/her part as required.

2.4.3 If the sessions are two (2), the question paper shall be returned and sealed in the question paper packet for issuance towards the end of session two.

NB:The Chemistry teacher question paper and for AB Candidate(s)(where applicable) MUST be returned the container.

2.5 Handling of KCSE Examination hardship cases

All hardship cases MUST be reported through the SCDEs, who shall report the same to KNEC through the Call Centre for guidance on how to handle each case.

2.6 Handling of KCSE Candidates’ Answer Scripts and the Counterfoil

2.6.1 In preparation for packing of candidates’ scripts at the end of the examination session, the Supervisor shall cut out the return of scripts cover sheet from the perforated cover sheet that is used to indicate the content of the question paper packet.

2.6.2 Fill in all the required details on the return of scripts cover sheet(s) including the fraction of the number of the packets and slot each of them (where several) into the respective return envelope.

2.6.3 At the end of the session, receive from the invigilator(s) the candidates’ scripts arranged in the order of index numbers and the respective counterfoils.

2.6.4 Slot the candidates’ answer scripts into the respective return envelopes as per the number of candidates indicated on the cover sheet. They shall also enclose the dully signed Script Control Form and the Sitting Plan. This is by ensuring that the scripts packed in the return envelope match the details on the cover sheet. The scripts must be packed in relation to the number of question paper polybags received and should not be over-stuffed in one return envelope.

2.6.5 Insert the detached counterfoils into the transparent C5 size envelopes as provided and seal. For ease of transportation, place all the counterfoils return envelope(s) for the paper into one of the used question paper polybags.

2.6.6 Place the cover sheets that are used to indicate the content of the question paper packet in their respective empty envelopes together with question paper for an absent candidate (where applicable). These should have been stapled and placed in the examination room in full view of the candidates until the end of the session.

2.6.7   At the end of the entire process, the centre manager must return the following to the container:

  1. Sealed candidates’ answer scripts return envelopes corresponding to the number of question paper polybags;
  2. Sealed counterfoil envelopes corresponding to the number of script return envelopes;
  3. Unused question papers for absentee candidates, empty question papers envelope(s) with their cover sheet(s).

2.7 Handling of KPSEA OMR forms

All OMR forms must be arranged in the same order, facing the same direction (not some facing upside down etc) for ease of OMR scanning.

2.8 For KILEA, the Assessment tools will be uploaded onto the KNEC CBA Portal the week preceding the assessment period and administered by the teachers who will assume the role of assessors and invigilators. At the end of the assessment, schools should upload learners’ performance outcomes into the same portal and submit hard copies of the school’s summary assessment score sheet for each paper through the respective Sub County Directors of Education (SCDE). A copy should be retained at school for reference and quality assurance.

2.9 Centre Managers, Supervisors, Invigilators, Security Officers and all other personnel involved in the administration of examination/assessments are NOT allowed to be in a possession of mobile phones or other electronic gadgets when an examination/ assessment paper is in progress, nor enter examination/assessment room with them. All mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall be kept under lock and key outside the examination/assessment room under the vigilance of a security officer. The key will be kept by the Supervisor.

2.10 There will be no Declaration Forms (DF) for the Centre Managers, Supervisors, Invigilators and the Field Officers at the Containers. Instead, the Online Attendance Registers which shall be marked daily by the centre managers beginning on the rehearsal day to ensure all personnel have been deployed and provided for. At the end of the period, it should be downloaded, printed and signed by all officers involved in the administration of the examination/assessment. The Centre Managers and SCDE will sign, stamp and submit this to KNEC for use during processing. The attendance register will serve as a reference document. KNEC will only pay officers captured on the attendance registers. KNEC shall not deploy officers and shall not provide any declaration forms. The Attendance Registers for the County and Regional officers shall however be provided.

2.11 The Supervisor and Centre Manager will be required to fill in the Supervisor Report and Head Teacher reports online through the CP2 system.

2.12 The Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators’ badges will be attached to the appointment letters. It is therefore important that letters of appointment are downloaded and printed for identification and this purpose.

2.13 The supervisor should fill the Supervisor Report weekly.

2.14 The Centre Managers will also be required to capture online through the CP2 system Absent Candidates details per paper indicating the reasons.

2.15 All private candidates will sit all their examination papers at the county headquarters except in Nairobi County where candidates will sit their practical examination papers in their respective sub counties.

2.16 The KCSE examination seating plan shall be drawn for each paper and enclosed together with answer scripts. The KCSE seating plan and Script Control Forms MUST NOT BE STAMPED by the centre manager, nor any details of the school indicated on them. Only One (1) KPSEA and KCSE seating plan for a compulsory paper shall be drawn and submitted together with the other supervision materials.

2.17 The Centre manager should prepare a list of all authorised personnel in examination centre containing the Name, ID Number, TSC Number, Telephone number, Designation/Role. The authorised persons shall include:

2.17.1 The Centre Manager (CM) who should be the principal or the Head teacher;
2.17.2 The deputy principal or the deputy head teacher;
2.17.3 Supervisor(s);
2.17.4 Security officer(s);
2.17.5 Invigilator(s);
2.17.6 The gatekeeper(s);
2.17.7 Cooks (reasonable number depending on the candidature);
2.17.8 Laboratory assistants and teachers of sciences on the day of practical.

2.18 Attendance registers for monitoring officers, visitors’ books, list of authorised persons at the centre and school stamp should be placed at the examination area and not in the Centre Manager’s office.


3.1 The examination and assessment materials will be collected from containers as per the registration data.

3.2 KPSEA materials for each assessment day will be collected once in the morning as has been the practice, while KCSE examination materials will be collected twice a day. To ensure that examination and assessments are administered in adherence to the timetables released by KNEC for the 2024 examination and assessments, the following timings will apply:

S/No.Examination/ AssessmentSessionOpening Time for ContainersAdministration period
3.2.1KPSEAAll sessions6.00amBetween 8.30am and 12.10pm
3.2.2KCSE examinationMorning7.00amBetween 8.00am and 11.00am
Afternoon12.30pmBetween 2.00pm and 5.00 pm

3.3 To enable timely delivery of question papers to examination centres, the SCDEs are requested to give priority to Centre Managers whose schools are far away from the containers during issuing of materials.

3.4 All Centre Managers MUST leave the Distribution Centre accompanied by security officers; in the official assigned vehicles; and must go straight to their respective examination centres without detouring and hand the examination question papers to the supervisor(s) in an examination room.


KNEC will communicate to SCDEs on dates of dispatch of examination materials on weekly basis. KCSE examination Group IV projects will be collected by the KNEC officers delivering administration materials. Orals and Practical papers materials will be returned with KPSEA materials.


5.1 The Centre Manager should take the examination papers for the day direct to the examination and assessment room designated for holding of question papers and other materials without detouring and they should remain there till he/she hands them over to the Supervisor.

5.2 Question paper packets should be opened Five(5) minutes before the start of the examination.

5.3 Desks for deceased candidates should be withdrawn from the examination and assessment room.

5.4 No unauthorized persons will be allowed in the examination and assessment centres on an examination day during the time indicated in 3.2.

5.5 During the KCSE examination optional papers, where candidates are less than Ten (10) in each examination, the candidates should be grouped in one or more examination room(s). They must move with their desks. They will be expected to go back to their rooms during the compulsory papers. The Supervisor should coordinate to have only the required number of invigilators. Invigilators who are not required should stay away from the centre. The supervisor should rotate them accordingly.

5.6 For KPSEA, the absent candidates’ OMR form (answer sheets) should be placed on the desk of the candidate. After the examination paper, the supervisor should shade AB and enclose together with other candidates’ answer sheets.

5.7 Teaching in the examination and assessment centre is prohibited from 6.00am when the distribution Centres are opened to the end of the examination day.

5.8 All candidates taking papers on a particular examination day are expected in the examination centre at the start of the examination day. Some candidates have been observed not to report in the morning, especially on the day of elective subjects.

5.9 All host head of institutions will be the one authorized to collect examination materials from the container, coordinate the conduct of the examination and assessment and return the answer scripts to the container. Candidates’ answer scripts for hosting/hosted centres MUST BE PACKED SEPARATELY.


6.1 During the conduct of KPSEA, One (1) armed security officer shall be engaged to escort the assessment materials accompanied by the centre managers of a designated route by dropping them off in all the centres allocated on that route. The security officers shall remain in the last drop off point until the end of the assessment before escorting back the assessment materials and picking from the drop off points. No security officers shall be deployed in KPSEA assessment centres expect in high-risk areas prone to terrorism as guided by the County Security Committee and approved by KNEC at the beginning of examination and assessment.

6.2 Two (2) security officers shall be deployed at each KCSE examination centre. The officers shall escort each Centre Manager to and from the containers to the examination centres, remain in the centre throughout the assessment period, and ensure adherence to the rules and regulations governing the administration of examination and assessments.

NOTE: No one should curtail police officers from carrying out their assigned roles during examinations.


7.1 KNEC, through a multi-agency approach, shall monitor the conduct of examination and assessment to ensure adherence to the laid down regulations and to prevent examination and assessment malpractice.

7.2 All Monitoring officers will be issued with identification badges that shall be worn while at the distribution and examination centres.

7.3 Centres Managers will be expected to allow access for monitoring officers by ensuring that examination centres can be accessed without hindrance. All field officers and Centres Managers should be aware that KNEC monitoring officers can go to the examination and assessment centre and rooms without first reporting to their offices.

7.4 During Practical papers, the practical sessions should not exceed two sessions for each practical paper.

7.5 Examination centres should start preparations early and not interfere with the ongoing theory papers. No teachers of science subjects should be found in the laboratory purporting to be preparing for the practical examinations on days and times that they should not have been in school.

7.6 All the candidates taking the practical paper on a particular examination day should be in the examination centre before the start of the first session.

7.7 Only authorized subject teachers should be in the laboratory/workshop and be confined to the preparation room(s) during the practical paper.

7.8 The Biology and the Physics teachers should not carry out the practical.

Note: Only the chemistry teacher is allowed to collect data for each question for onward transmission to KNEC together with candidates’ answer scripts.

7.9 Candidates at all levels should not be allowed to have wrist watches in the examination room.

7.10 Cases of candidates who gained undue advantage through examination malpractices will be investigated and handled in accordance with the KNEC Rules and Regulations. Contracted professionals should support KNEC in averting examination malpractices during National Examinations.


8.1 In line with the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform (PWPER), the Kenya National Examinations Council adopted a revised KCSE grading system w.e.f the year 2023.

8.2 The determination of the KCSE examination mean grade now considered the candidates grade in Mathematics, English/Kiswahili/KSL and any other 5 best subjects.

8.3 The revised grading does not change the clustering of subjects during registration, hence the candidates are required to register for subjects as they did previously.


9.1 The portal of uploading previous SBA scores is open until 30th October, 2024 and the centre managers are urged to ensure that the candidates sitting for 2024 KPSEA and those in Grade Eight have their grade Four (4) and Five (5) and Seven (7) SBAs scores uploaded.

9.2 After 30th October the portal will be closed and all candidates with no scores will be automatically declared absent.


10.1 All field officers, centre managers and the supervision personnel are reminded to read their appointment letters and circulars from KNEC on the administration and management of examination and assessments.

10.2 As we administer the 2024 national examination/assessments, let us be conscious of our own safety. Most of you will be required to move from one point to another by road, water or air. It is therefore important to prioritize your safety and health. Always stay alert to your surrounding and pay attention to any possible hazard that may occur.

10.3 The Council takes this opportunity to thank you for attending this important meeting. It is important to cascade the information you have acquired today to those under you, to ensure that those who will be involved in this exercise are well informed and equipped to manage the 2024 KPSEA and KCSE examinations in the most efficient way without experiencing cases of dishonesty.


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