Instructions and requirements for joining junior secondary Grade 7

Instructions and requirements for joining junior secondary Grade 7

Reporting/Admission Date for Grade 7 learners 30th January 2023



The B.O.M is responsible for the management of the school. The school Parent association which comprises all Parents assists the BOM in implementing the school policy to facilitate the effective management of the school. The Teaching and Non-teaching staff carry out the day to day duties and responsibilities which helps in the effective implementation of the school programmes. The school students Council co – ordinates the students body in participating in the effective implementation of the school programmes. 


1. Official Documents Required

You are required to obtain  the following documents for presentation during registration

a) KPSEA assessment report (original and photocopy)

b) Copy of Birth certificate

c) Copy of parent/ guardian identification document ( ID/Passport)

d) 2 passport photographs

2. Personal Items Required

a) Writing pens

b) One padlock

c) Bible/ Koran (as may apply)

3. School Uniform

Parent are expected to meet cost of uniform.  Uniform can be sourced from any uniform shop provided it meets the school colour. In addition, the schools have prequalified three uniform shops on a competitive basis as detailed under. The parent is free to buy from the shops or any other vendor.

4: Meals

The school will have a meal Program for day scholars at a cost of KSH ……… per term. This program is optional. However, students who opt out of the program will be expected to carry packed lunch as the lesson time is spread from morning to afternoon

5. Boarding Facilities

 The school have a boarding section and enrolled student will be provided with requisite services at a fee. In addition, parents will provide personal items required by students in boarding. NB:  Boarding is optional.

Applicable charges for boarding services are as listed below.

Fees Structure for Grade 7 Boarders 2023

The Government will pay ksh 15,000 per learner for junior secondary learners who are day scholars. However parents admitting learners in a boarding school will meet the boarding facility cost.

Click here to Download Full Grade 7 joining instructions 2023

Instructions and requirements for joining junior secondary Grade 7

Instructions and requirements for joining junior secondary Grade 7

Reporting/Admission Date for Grade 7 learners 30th January 2023



The B.O.M is responsible for the management of the school. The school Parent association which comprises all Parents assists the BOM in implementing the school policy to facilitate the effective management of the school. The Teaching and Non-teaching staff carry out the day to day duties and responsibilities which helps in the effective implementation of the school programmes. The school students Council co – ordinates the students body in participating in the effective implementation of the school programmes. 


1. Official Documents Required

You are required to obtain  the following documents for presentation during registration

a) KPSEA assessment report (original and photocopy)

b) Copy of Birth certificate

c) Copy of parent/ guardian identification document ( ID/Passport)

d) 2 passport photographs

2. Personal Items Required

a) Writing pens

b) One padlock

c) Bible/ Koran (as may apply)

3. School Uniform

Parent are expected to meet cost of uniform.  Uniform can be sourced from any uniform shop provided it meets the school colour. In addition, the schools have prequalified three uniform shops on a competitive basis as detailed under. The parent is free to buy from the shops or any other vendor.

4: Meals

The school will have a meal Program for day scholars at a cost of KSH ……… per term. This program is optional. However, students who opt out of the program will be expected to carry packed lunch as the lesson time is spread from morning to afternoon

5. Boarding Facilities

 The school have a boarding section and enrolled student will be provided with requisite services at a fee. In addition, parents will provide personal items required by students in boarding. NB:  Boarding is optional.

Applicable charges for boarding services are as listed below.

Fees Structure for Grade 7 Boarders 2023

The Government will pay ksh 15,000 per learner for junior secondary learners who are day scholars. However parents admitting learners in a boarding school will meet the boarding facility cost.

Click here to Download Full Grade 7 joining instructions 2023