Duties and responsibilities of a KCSE supervisor 2022

As a Supervisor you are responsible to the TSC Sub County Director. The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) delegated duty and expects to conduct the examination according to KNEC regulations and specific duties will include the following among others: –

1. Attending briefing sessions.

2. Reporting to the allocated examination centre at least a day before the start of the examination for rehearsal and carrying out the following duties;

a) Ensuring a secure room with a lockable cabinet or cupboard is allocated by the Centre Manager for storage of examination materials other than the question papers and answer scripts during the examination period;

b) Briefing and assigning duties to the invigilators on what is expected of them during the examination period;

c) Inspecting examination rooms to ascertain that they meet the specification prescribed by the Council and are free of stimulus materials and ensure that the desks or tables are arranged as per the Council’s specifications;

d) Requesting the Centre Manager for materials or equipment required to administer the examination as prescribed in the Rules and Council regulations for the examination; and

e) Briefing candidates on how to conduct themselves during the examination.

3) Reporting to the examination centre by 6.30 am in the morning on every day of the examination to receive the examination materials from the Centre Manager in the presence of the security officers.

4) Inspecting the examination rooms every day before the start of examinations to ensure that they meet the specifications prescribed by the Council Rules and Regulations and that there are no unauthorized or stimulus materials in the examination room including the washrooms that are to be used by candidates;

5) Ensuring that all candidates are positively identified against the photograph register and Council registration data;

6) Supervising the search of candidates as they enter the examination rooms for every examination session and ensuring that female candidates are searched by a female officer or teacher while male candidates are searched by a male officer or teacher;

7) Ensuring that the private candidates, invigilators, Centre Manager and security officer inspect the question paper packets and signing the declaration to witness that they are intact before opening;

8) Receiving from the Centre Manager, the question papers in one of the examination rooms and ensuring they are not tampered with.

9) Opening the examinations question paper packet in front of the candidates, security officers, invigilators and Centre Manager and ensuring at least one of the candidates countersigns the envelope as evidence of witnessing the opening;

10) Counting the question papers to ensure they are adequate before the invigilator issues them to the candidates and starting the examination on time as specified in the respective examination timetable and ensuring that the examination lasts for the period scheduled on the examination timetable;

11) Stapling the question paper packet and question papers for the absent candidates, together with spare question papers to ensure the packet is sealed then placing the packet on a desk in front of the candidates inside the examination room;

12) Preparing a report on any examination irregularity and ensuring that any confiscated materials are sealed and handed over to the education officer managing the distribution centre and ensuring that all examination irregularity materials collected at the examination Centre are forwarded with a report to the Council;

13) Reporting to the security officer and the Council any criminal activities and handing over any persons implicated to the security officer;

14) Closely monitoring candidates’ inside and outside the examination room during the examination session and escorting and searching a candidate who visits the washrooms or any other premise before re-entering the examination room;

15) Ensuring that the institution’s centre number is boldly written in an appropriate position where all candidates can see and ensuring that candidates use the index number issued by the Council as per the approved list;

16) Ensuring candidates write their answers using the writing materials prescribed by the Council;

17) Ensuring that no person including the supervisor, invigilator, Centre Manager and candidate enters the examination room with mobile phone or any other electronic communication devices;

18) Ensuring that no unauthorized persons have access to question papers or candidates while the examination is in progress;

19) Ensuring that the invigilators do not explain the questions to candidates, read or allow any person to read candidates’ responses;

20) Ensuring that the attendance register is signed by all candidates before the end of the examination session where applicable;

21) Ensuring the question papers for the following sessions and answer scripts for the preceding sessions are placed at a desk in front of the candidates while the examination is in session;

22) Collecting, counting, and putting all the candidates’ answer scripts and duly signed script control form in the official Council script return envelope and seal the return envelope in full view of the candidates, Centre Manager and security officer;

23) Ensuring that the declaration on the return envelope is duly filled in the presence of the candidates, invigilators, Centre Manager and security officer as provided for in the return envelope containing candidates’ answer scripts;

24) Ensuring that no candidate’s answer scripts are left behind by physically counting the number of candidates present against the number of answer scripts collected at the end of every examination session;

25) Ensuring that the spare question papers are only given to the Centre Manager at the end of the day together with candidates’ answer script sealed in the return envelopes for return to the distribution centre;

26) Receiving question papers that might have errors or blank pages from invigilators and recording the details in the report and certificate of supervision and enclosing the report and certificate of supervision in the return envelope and handing it over to the officer managing the distribution centre for submission to the Council;

27) Preventing the occurrence of examination irregularities in the examination centre and if such cases arise, handling them as stipulated in the act, these rules and Council regulations;

28) Keeping an accurate record of work allocated to invigilators on a daily basis and accurately completing the attendance sheets, report and certificate of supervision, seating plans, declaration form for payment and any other documents required then submit the documents to the Council through the officer managing the distribution centre;

29) Ensuring that no candidate who is more than half an hour late is given a question paper unless cleared by the Council;

30) Ensuring that all reports of hardship cases which might have affected candidates’ work during the examination and which are related to the conduct of the examination are indicated in the report and certificate of supervision;

31) In consultation with the Centre Manager and the sub county director of education ensuring that candidates taking examinations under special circumstances have a conducive environment as per KNEC regulations;

32) Overall Responsibility:

a) The Supervisor shall be held personally liable for any examination irregularity which he/she failed to report during the conduct of the examinations where it emerges that examination irregularities indeed occurred.

b) The Supervisor must ensure that the examination is conducted as per the Act, other relevant law, the rules, regulations and these Guidelines.

NOTE Details of these duties are contained in the stipulated guidelines for TSC Teachers engaged in examination activities. You should read them carefully before the start of examination.

Duties and responsibilities of a KCSE supervisor 2022

As a Supervisor you are responsible to the TSC Sub County Director. The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) delegated duty and expects to conduct the examination according to KNEC regulations and specific duties will include the following among others: –

1. Attending briefing sessions.

2. Reporting to the allocated examination centre at least a day before the start of the examination for rehearsal and carrying out the following duties;

a) Ensuring a secure room with a lockable cabinet or cupboard is allocated by the Centre Manager for storage of examination materials other than the question papers and answer scripts during the examination period;

b) Briefing and assigning duties to the invigilators on what is expected of them during the examination period;

c) Inspecting examination rooms to ascertain that they meet the specification prescribed by the Council and are free of stimulus materials and ensure that the desks or tables are arranged as per the Council’s specifications;

d) Requesting the Centre Manager for materials or equipment required to administer the examination as prescribed in the Rules and Council regulations for the examination; and

e) Briefing candidates on how to conduct themselves during the examination.

3) Reporting to the examination centre by 6.30 am in the morning on every day of the examination to receive the examination materials from the Centre Manager in the presence of the security officers.

4) Inspecting the examination rooms every day before the start of examinations to ensure that they meet the specifications prescribed by the Council Rules and Regulations and that there are no unauthorized or stimulus materials in the examination room including the washrooms that are to be used by candidates;

5) Ensuring that all candidates are positively identified against the photograph register and Council registration data;

6) Supervising the search of candidates as they enter the examination rooms for every examination session and ensuring that female candidates are searched by a female officer or teacher while male candidates are searched by a male officer or teacher;

7) Ensuring that the private candidates, invigilators, Centre Manager and security officer inspect the question paper packets and signing the declaration to witness that they are intact before opening;

8) Receiving from the Centre Manager, the question papers in one of the examination rooms and ensuring they are not tampered with.

9) Opening the examinations question paper packet in front of the candidates, security officers, invigilators and Centre Manager and ensuring at least one of the candidates countersigns the envelope as evidence of witnessing the opening;

10) Counting the question papers to ensure they are adequate before the invigilator issues them to the candidates and starting the examination on time as specified in the respective examination timetable and ensuring that the examination lasts for the period scheduled on the examination timetable;

11) Stapling the question paper packet and question papers for the absent candidates, together with spare question papers to ensure the packet is sealed then placing the packet on a desk in front of the candidates inside the examination room;

12) Preparing a report on any examination irregularity and ensuring that any confiscated materials are sealed and handed over to the education officer managing the distribution centre and ensuring that all examination irregularity materials collected at the examination Centre are forwarded with a report to the Council;

13) Reporting to the security officer and the Council any criminal activities and handing over any persons implicated to the security officer;

14) Closely monitoring candidates’ inside and outside the examination room during the examination session and escorting and searching a candidate who visits the washrooms or any other premise before re-entering the examination room;

15) Ensuring that the institution’s centre number is boldly written in an appropriate position where all candidates can see and ensuring that candidates use the index number issued by the Council as per the approved list;

16) Ensuring candidates write their answers using the writing materials prescribed by the Council;

17) Ensuring that no person including the supervisor, invigilator, Centre Manager and candidate enters the examination room with mobile phone or any other electronic communication devices;

18) Ensuring that no unauthorized persons have access to question papers or candidates while the examination is in progress;

19) Ensuring that the invigilators do not explain the questions to candidates, read or allow any person to read candidates’ responses;

20) Ensuring that the attendance register is signed by all candidates before the end of the examination session where applicable;

21) Ensuring the question papers for the following sessions and answer scripts for the preceding sessions are placed at a desk in front of the candidates while the examination is in session;

22) Collecting, counting, and putting all the candidates’ answer scripts and duly signed script control form in the official Council script return envelope and seal the return envelope in full view of the candidates, Centre Manager and security officer;

23) Ensuring that the declaration on the return envelope is duly filled in the presence of the candidates, invigilators, Centre Manager and security officer as provided for in the return envelope containing candidates’ answer scripts;

24) Ensuring that no candidate’s answer scripts are left behind by physically counting the number of candidates present against the number of answer scripts collected at the end of every examination session;

25) Ensuring that the spare question papers are only given to the Centre Manager at the end of the day together with candidates’ answer script sealed in the return envelopes for return to the distribution centre;

26) Receiving question papers that might have errors or blank pages from invigilators and recording the details in the report and certificate of supervision and enclosing the report and certificate of supervision in the return envelope and handing it over to the officer managing the distribution centre for submission to the Council;

27) Preventing the occurrence of examination irregularities in the examination centre and if such cases arise, handling them as stipulated in the act, these rules and Council regulations;

28) Keeping an accurate record of work allocated to invigilators on a daily basis and accurately completing the attendance sheets, report and certificate of supervision, seating plans, declaration form for payment and any other documents required then submit the documents to the Council through the officer managing the distribution centre;

29) Ensuring that no candidate who is more than half an hour late is given a question paper unless cleared by the Council;

30) Ensuring that all reports of hardship cases which might have affected candidates’ work during the examination and which are related to the conduct of the examination are indicated in the report and certificate of supervision;

31) In consultation with the Centre Manager and the sub county director of education ensuring that candidates taking examinations under special circumstances have a conducive environment as per KNEC regulations;

32) Overall Responsibility:

a) The Supervisor shall be held personally liable for any examination irregularity which he/she failed to report during the conduct of the examinations where it emerges that examination irregularities indeed occurred.

b) The Supervisor must ensure that the examination is conducted as per the Act, other relevant law, the rules, regulations and these Guidelines.

NOTE Details of these duties are contained in the stipulated guidelines for TSC Teachers engaged in examination activities. You should read them carefully before the start of examination.

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