Emerging concerns
The commission has admitted to emerging concerns with some of the disputed professional policies and has agreed to review sections of the key points under dispute to avert the strike. Ms Macharia last week directed relevant staff to convene an urgent meeting to discuss the contentious issues within two weeks. “In order to strengthen the implementation of PC (Performance Contract) and TPAD (Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development), I have instructed the TSCDirector, Quality Assurance and Standards Reuben Nthamburi to urgently convene a meeting with primary and secondary schools leadership to address any emerging issues,” she said. Sossion rejected calls by TSC to discuss labour issues with Kessha and Kepsha. He said delocalisation and performance appraisal tools were labour issues that could only be discussed by the unions.
“No agreement will be reached even if TSC meets the associations every day. We shall insist that during our meetings, all matters are put on the table. For now, strike plans are still on,” he said.
The salaries of teachers are not fare. There are administrators who are paid higher salaries but they are P1 certificate holders, while some simple teachers are paid lower salaries and they and they are diploma or degree holders. please check on that.
Ok Samuel we shall share your views
With your degrees their degrees and diplomas the teachers dont perform the duties performed by the p1 headteachers.