Knut, Mps clash over delocalisation policy

Knut, Mps clash over delocalisation policy

National Assembly’s Education Committee on Tuesday clashed with teachers union officials over the controversial delocalisation policy.

MPs took umbrage over comments made by the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) assistant-secretary general, who accused Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of failing to consult them when it formulated the policy.

The Knut official, Mr Clement Omollo, told MPs that there is no single advantage brought by delocalisation of teachers and the policy is inhumane.

“We ask that transfers be restricted within home counties so that teachers can be near their families,” Mr Omollo told the committee.

The Knut official’s comments generated a heated debate after committee members demanded Mr Omollo backs up his claims with evidence, accusing him of peddling lies on the transfer procedures.

Knut Secretary-General Wilson Sossion, who is an Orange Democratic Movement nominated MP, was ruled out of order by the committee chairman Julius Melly after he attempted to side with arguments advanced by the union.

Mr Sossion is also a member of the education committee.

Knut, Mps clash over delocalisation policy

Knut, Mps clash over delocalisation policy

National Assembly’s Education Committee on Tuesday clashed with teachers union officials over the controversial delocalisation policy.

MPs took umbrage over comments made by the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) assistant-secretary general, who accused Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of failing to consult them when it formulated the policy.

The Knut official, Mr Clement Omollo, told MPs that there is no single advantage brought by delocalisation of teachers and the policy is inhumane.

“We ask that transfers be restricted within home counties so that teachers can be near their families,” Mr Omollo told the committee.

The Knut official’s comments generated a heated debate after committee members demanded Mr Omollo backs up his claims with evidence, accusing him of peddling lies on the transfer procedures.

Knut Secretary-General Wilson Sossion, who is an Orange Democratic Movement nominated MP, was ruled out of order by the committee chairman Julius Melly after he attempted to side with arguments advanced by the union.

Mr Sossion is also a member of the education committee.