TSC issues directive after teachers got nil May payslips

TSC issues directive after teachers got nil May payslips

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a directive after a section of teachers complained that their May payslips read zero’s.

A number of teachers had experienced problems accessing personal loans from Commercial banks and Saccos.

The May payslips were rejected by the financial institutions and the teachers raised alarm following the frustrations.

However TSC has now offered a solution following the anomalies. The Commission now wants teachers affected to immediately report the problem for correction.

The teachers are required to report the problem to their TSC Sub County Directors offices who will then relay the same to the Commission headquarters for correction.

The teachers can also write an email attaching the copy of the payslip and send it to the address info@tsc.go.ke fro support.

This month teachers will receive their June salaries as early as Wednesday next week.

This will be ahead of the Thursday 15th June budget reading day. Each month of June teachers have been receiving their salaries early before the official budget reading day.

TSC usually pays teachers salaries early before the next financial year starts. The 2022 to 2023 financial year will end after a new budget is passed.

A number of teachers are lined up to get their salaries with arrears next week. These include junior secondary school (JSS) teachers who started to get their salaries without arrears.

Also in the line are P1 teachers who were deployed to teach in junior secondary school section this year.

Only a small number of PTE teachers who got deployed to JSS received salaries for one month i.e without arrears.

TSC will also pay teachers who were moved to next job group but were not paid their arrears. Some are B5 teachers who were moved to C1.

In the budget TSC sought for Sh74 billion which it said it will spend to recruit at least 111,870 teachers in the next five years to bridge the deficit.

In a report tabled before the Senate National Cohesion and Integration Committee chaired by Marsabit MP Mohammed Chute, the commission chief executive Nancy Macharia said TSC is faced with a teacher shortage of 111,870 teachers (47,329 at the primary level and 64,541 in post-primary institutions) countrywide.

“To address the teacher shortage the Commission requires to recruit 111,870 teachers over a period of five years. To achieve this the Commission requires annual budgetary allocation of Sh14.8 billion for recruitment of teachers as an intervention measure,” said Macharia.

She said that the Commission has over the years implemented strategies that are geared towards optimal teacher staffing taking into account among other factors, budgetary provision, demand and supply of teachers, and existing establishment.

The Commission also wanted Sh4.3 billion which it said it will be used to promote teachers and to fund the Teacher Professional Development (TDP) programme.

 Of the money, Sh2.2 billion it said will go towards promotion of about 14,000 tutors who have stagnated in the same job group over the years as well as those who have attained higher qualifications while Sh2.1 billion will fund the TPD programme.

 In a presentation made before the National Assembly’s education committee that scrutinized the 2023/2024 budgets, the commission said it also requires more money to recruit 20,000 interns as well as implement the comprehensive medical cover for teachers.

 “The Commission has prepared the 2023/24 financial year and the medium-term estimates guided by its strategic plan, the Medium Plan, the Vision 2030 and, the National priorities as articulated in the Kenya Kwanza Manifesto. One of the critical issues addressed by the Manifesto is the need to expand access to quality services in Health, Education and appropriate safety nets for vulnerable populations,” said Macharia.

 TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia told the committee that a number of teachers have stagnated in one job group for a long time leading to demotivation and low productivity.

 “This state of affairs in turn affects the provision of quality education to learners. TSC requires Sh2.2 billion to carry out the promotion of teachers in different job cadres,” said Macharia.

TSC issues directive after teachers got nil May payslips

TSC issues directive after teachers got nil May payslips

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a directive after a section of teachers complained that their May payslips read zero’s.

A number of teachers had experienced problems accessing personal loans from Commercial banks and Saccos.

The May payslips were rejected by the financial institutions and the teachers raised alarm following the frustrations.

However TSC has now offered a solution following the anomalies. The Commission now wants teachers affected to immediately report the problem for correction.

The teachers are required to report the problem to their TSC Sub County Directors offices who will then relay the same to the Commission headquarters for correction.

The teachers can also write an email attaching the copy of the payslip and send it to the address info@tsc.go.ke fro support.

This month teachers will receive their June salaries as early as Wednesday next week.

This will be ahead of the Thursday 15th June budget reading day. Each month of June teachers have been receiving their salaries early before the official budget reading day.

TSC usually pays teachers salaries early before the next financial year starts. The 2022 to 2023 financial year will end after a new budget is passed.

A number of teachers are lined up to get their salaries with arrears next week. These include junior secondary school (JSS) teachers who started to get their salaries without arrears.

Also in the line are P1 teachers who were deployed to teach in junior secondary school section this year.

Only a small number of PTE teachers who got deployed to JSS received salaries for one month i.e without arrears.

TSC will also pay teachers who were moved to next job group but were not paid their arrears. Some are B5 teachers who were moved to C1.

In the budget TSC sought for Sh74 billion which it said it will spend to recruit at least 111,870 teachers in the next five years to bridge the deficit.

In a report tabled before the Senate National Cohesion and Integration Committee chaired by Marsabit MP Mohammed Chute, the commission chief executive Nancy Macharia said TSC is faced with a teacher shortage of 111,870 teachers (47,329 at the primary level and 64,541 in post-primary institutions) countrywide.

“To address the teacher shortage the Commission requires to recruit 111,870 teachers over a period of five years. To achieve this the Commission requires annual budgetary allocation of Sh14.8 billion for recruitment of teachers as an intervention measure,” said Macharia.

She said that the Commission has over the years implemented strategies that are geared towards optimal teacher staffing taking into account among other factors, budgetary provision, demand and supply of teachers, and existing establishment.

The Commission also wanted Sh4.3 billion which it said it will be used to promote teachers and to fund the Teacher Professional Development (TDP) programme.

 Of the money, Sh2.2 billion it said will go towards promotion of about 14,000 tutors who have stagnated in the same job group over the years as well as those who have attained higher qualifications while Sh2.1 billion will fund the TPD programme.

 In a presentation made before the National Assembly’s education committee that scrutinized the 2023/2024 budgets, the commission said it also requires more money to recruit 20,000 interns as well as implement the comprehensive medical cover for teachers.

 “The Commission has prepared the 2023/24 financial year and the medium-term estimates guided by its strategic plan, the Medium Plan, the Vision 2030 and, the National priorities as articulated in the Kenya Kwanza Manifesto. One of the critical issues addressed by the Manifesto is the need to expand access to quality services in Health, Education and appropriate safety nets for vulnerable populations,” said Macharia.

 TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia told the committee that a number of teachers have stagnated in one job group for a long time leading to demotivation and low productivity.

 “This state of affairs in turn affects the provision of quality education to learners. TSC requires Sh2.2 billion to carry out the promotion of teachers in different job cadres,” said Macharia.

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