Update dependants list or miss services, AON Minet to teachers

Update dependants list or miss services, AON Minet to teachers

Teachers employed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) are at risk of missing medical services for their dependants.

This is after the Insurance Provider, AON Minet, issued an alert to teachers to upload and update dependants details afresh on its portal.

According to Minet it has made some changes to its service provider which necessitates for fresh listing of dependants details.

The insurer has now dropped its service provider MEDBOOK and replaced it with Patient Service Management (P.S.M) system.

These latest changes calls for teachers to re-upload and reenter dependants details anew.

Teachers will be required to upload a birth certificate for children below eighteen years or a birth notification for children born recently.

For married teachers they will upload a marriage certificate or a sworn affidavit. They will also be required to upload their spouses ID cards.

Teachers with children in college or university or high school who are adults with eighteen years and above are required to upload there original ID cards or school ID card as prove. For those with disabled children a disability card is required.

AON Minet is one of the largest insurance providers in the country. TSC has in its workforce 341,837 teachers in 30,000 public primary and post-primary schools who are covered by AON Minet.

The teachers pay for the medical cover through their payslip deductions. TSC teachers don’t get their medical allowance which is channeled towards the cover.

The cover cost TSC Sh9 billion in 2019, Sh12 billion in 2020 and Sh14 billion last year.

TSC is currently facing a fresh legal action over the award of a Sh35 billion medical insurance tender for teachers that is said to be tailored to benefit the current insurance provider.

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah wants the TSC to cancel the tender that was awarded to AON Minet, which has been providing the services since 2019.

The expiring Sh35.22 billion teachers’ medical scheme is currently run by AON Minet, offering comprehensive medical insurance cover for 341,837 public school teachers.

Mr Omtatah claims that the TSC set unreasonable conditions aimed at eliminating competition in the multibillion-shillings tender to ensure Minet retains the lucrative deal.

“I demand the immediate cancellation of this rigged tender and that the procurement of a comprehensive teachers’ medical insurance cover must be done in accordance with the provisions of Article 227(1) of the Constitution and Kenya’s procurement laws,” said Mr Omtatah.

Update dependants list or miss services, AON Minet to teachers

Update dependants list or miss services, AON Minet to teachers

Teachers employed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) are at risk of missing medical services for their dependants.

This is after the Insurance Provider, AON Minet, issued an alert to teachers to upload and update dependants details afresh on its portal.

According to Minet it has made some changes to its service provider which necessitates for fresh listing of dependants details.

The insurer has now dropped its service provider MEDBOOK and replaced it with Patient Service Management (P.S.M) system.

These latest changes calls for teachers to re-upload and reenter dependants details anew.

Teachers will be required to upload a birth certificate for children below eighteen years or a birth notification for children born recently.

For married teachers they will upload a marriage certificate or a sworn affidavit. They will also be required to upload their spouses ID cards.

Teachers with children in college or university or high school who are adults with eighteen years and above are required to upload there original ID cards or school ID card as prove. For those with disabled children a disability card is required.

AON Minet is one of the largest insurance providers in the country. TSC has in its workforce 341,837 teachers in 30,000 public primary and post-primary schools who are covered by AON Minet.

The teachers pay for the medical cover through their payslip deductions. TSC teachers don’t get their medical allowance which is channeled towards the cover.

The cover cost TSC Sh9 billion in 2019, Sh12 billion in 2020 and Sh14 billion last year.

TSC is currently facing a fresh legal action over the award of a Sh35 billion medical insurance tender for teachers that is said to be tailored to benefit the current insurance provider.

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah wants the TSC to cancel the tender that was awarded to AON Minet, which has been providing the services since 2019.

The expiring Sh35.22 billion teachers’ medical scheme is currently run by AON Minet, offering comprehensive medical insurance cover for 341,837 public school teachers.

Mr Omtatah claims that the TSC set unreasonable conditions aimed at eliminating competition in the multibillion-shillings tender to ensure Minet retains the lucrative deal.

“I demand the immediate cancellation of this rigged tender and that the procurement of a comprehensive teachers’ medical insurance cover must be done in accordance with the provisions of Article 227(1) of the Constitution and Kenya’s procurement laws,” said Mr Omtatah.