Ref. No.: MoE.CONF/G11/13/9
6th March, 2024
To: All Sub-County Directors of Education
All Quality Assurance and Standards Officers
The registration of 2024 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA); Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA); and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination is scheduled to take place between 29th January, 2024 and 29th March, 2024
Over the years, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has encountered challenges that are attributed to inaccuracies in the registration data presented by institutions.
Registration of candidates forms the basis for all other processes in field administration of assessments/examinations.
It is therefore paramount for all field officers to ensure accuracy and timely uploading of the registration data in their respective counties/sub-counties for effective and efficient conduct of national examinations.
To this end, all Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (QASOs) will be expected to over-see and ensure timely and accurate registration of candidates in their respective sub-counties.
In addition to their regular roles, the SCDEs and QASOs are required to pay attention to the following during the registration process:
1) Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs)
SCDEs will ensure the following:
1. Eligibility of registered candidates:
1. Principals and Headteachers register only eligible candidates in their schools and effective mechanisms are in place to bar irregular transfer of candidates within their sub-counties. This is to avoid: wastage of government resources; compromising of security of examination materials; and registration of non-existent candidates.
2. Accuracy of registration data:
Principals and Headteachers;
1.2.1 download and print the Registration Nominal rolls before closure of the KNEC portal, for candidates and their parents/guardians to confirm accuracy of the registration details uploaded;
- avail the Registration Nominal roll for candidates to sign. Candidates should not be allowed to sign the nominal rolls until they have thoroughly scrutinized the data uploaded. Please note that, there will be no amendment of photographs for KCSE examination candidates after closure of the registration portal.
- ensure the registration data of their candidates is accurate, sign all the registration related documents before presenting them to the SCDEs at the end of the registration period.
3) Payment of examination fees:
SCDEs must ensure that Centre Managers presenting repeaters, private candidates and non-Kenyan citizens submit evidence of payment of the required fees.
2) Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (QASOs) QASOs will be responsible for the following:
Monitoring the progress of registration: This will entail:
Continual monitoring of uploading of registration data by schools, to ensure that schools do not wait until the last minute to register their candidates, which leads to clogging of the registration portal, errors and unregistered candidates;
- monitoring adherence to the regulations and timeframes as stipulated on the KNEC circulars on registration of the 2024 candidates;
- quality assure the number of registered candidates against the capacity of examination centres in the Sub-County;
- vetting requests by examination centres with less than 30 candidates requesting to be exempted from being hosted.
At the end of the registration period, the SCDEs and QASOs will sign accountability documents to be provided by KNEC confirming that all eligible candidates in their sub-counties have been duly and accurately registered, and that no request for late registration of candidates will be submitted to KNEC after closure of the exercise.
Please ensure adherence to these guidelines, for effective management and conduct of the re ocess.
Dr. Belio R. Kipsang, CBS