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Tusome rolls out national training program for Grade 1,2,3 teachers

Primary school teachers teaching Grade 1, 2 and 3 will attend a workshop under Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity which a Ministry of Education program that supports English and Kiswahili literacy.

Through a message sent to targetted teachers, Ministry said the training will include all teachers in public schools teaching lower Grades.

“Dear Teacher, Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity is a Ministry of Education program that supports improvement of English and Kiswahili literacy outcomes for grades 1 to 3 learners in Kenya. Tusome plans to conduct a National Teacher training targeting all grade 1 to 3 teachers in all public schools in the country. For all grade 1 to 3 teachers, please send the words START TEACHERDETAILS to 24971 and answer all the questions in the survey. If you are currently not in grades 1 to 3, kindly share this message with the relevant teachers in your school. There is No cost as you respond to this sms. Kindly fill in the survey by 30th April 2021,” read a message sent to one of the teachers.

Tusome is a program implemented through the MOE in all 24,452 public primary schools and over 1,500 low-cost private primary schools across Kenya.

Tusome (“Let’s Read” in Kiswahili) is a flagship partnership between USAID and the Government of Kenya’s Ministry of Education (MOE)

The Tusome technical approach employs research-driven learning materials, proven teaching methodologies, and an innovative tablet-based feedback and monitoring system to improve the literacy outcomes of 7.8 million pupils by 2021.

The current primary school population is estimated at 10.4 million children in both public and private primary schools.

This rapid growth in primary school population is largely attributed to the introduction of Free Primary Education by the Government in 2002 and other interventions.

According to Ministry enrolment in schools indicate that Kenya is on track to achieve the Education For All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Commitments by 2015.

Sub counties are expected to issue training dates and venues for the training of teachers in their respective zones.

Tusome pays teachers who attend their workshop amount ranging from 2300/- per day to 2865/- per day and takes at least two days workshop attendance for teachers.

However there is confusion after the coming of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) which make implementation of Tusome program difficult.

Teachers were issued with Tusome schemes of work and lesson plans as well as teaching and learning materials when the program was first launched.

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