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TSC set to train lower primary school teachers on early grade mathematics

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to train thousand of teachers on CBC Early Grade Mathematics (EGMA) starting today for a two day period.

This comes after another group mainly of upper primary school teachers completed their training on the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

The teachers completed their training yesterday on a program which took four days.

TSC said teachers should be trained in small classes of about 45-50.

The teacher employer aims to train at least 18,000 teachers by the end of the program.

The CSOs  and CBC Mathematics Champions will  continue with the training of grade 1 to 3 teachers on CBC Mathematics content for 2 days.

Master trainers will offer professional support during zonal teacher training.

The mode of training will be both face-to-face. The timelines for the smart cascade model of training are as follows:

DATE   Mode   Venue   ACTIVITY  
9th to 1Ith DecemberVirtualVirtualTraining  of CSOs  and EGMA Champions on CBC Mathematics Content for Grade 1 to 3 using Microsoft Teams
14th to 16th DecemberVirtualVirtuali.        Training  of CSO  and CBC  Champions using Microsoft Teams – Regular
ii.         Training  of SNE  CSO  and  SNE  CBC Champions  using Microsoft Teams
I7th to 20th DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  LevelZonal Training of Teachers  – Regular
I7th  to 20th DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  Level  Zonal Training of Teachers  – SNE
2Ist to 22nd  DecemberFace-to-FaceZonal  LevelZonal Training of Teachers on CBC Mathematics Content
TSC official CBC training schedule for upper and lower primary teachers

TSC Director of Quality Assurance, Reuben Nthamburi, said the structure of training caters for Residential  training for teachers  in ASAL Counties and Special Needs Education Teachers, while Non-Residential training is for non ASAL Counties.

He said the six day training program has its target groups including the following; Head teachers  from  regular and SNE schools, two teachers from grade 4 (Regular and SNE teachers]. Two teachers from grade 1 and 2 for CBC Mathematics.

However there were complains following TSC scheduling the training which spilled over to Saturday and Sunday which are known to be religious days.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) had written to TSC to reschedule the CBC training to avoid conflict over the religious days.

Knut Secretary General Wilson Sossion said TSC should reschedule CBC training to other dates apart from Saturday and Sunday.

“You are aware of the National Constitution and the right to worship by all citizens and considering that we are in a festive season where members are engaging in religious activies on Saturdays and Sundays. We therefore demand that you reschedule any training activities to any other day other than Saturdays and Sundays,’ said Sossion in a letter addressed to TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia.

TSC is also training teachers on how to deal with Covid-19 pandemic in their schools.

Teachers are also been trained on the yet to be rolled out pension scheme.

Teachers and civil servants, including police, will in January have their take-home pay cut by 7.5 percent as they start contributing to their pension savings scheme.

However to avoid salary shock the treasury has spread the 7.5% over time to allow teachers and civil servants to pay in bits.

Only teachers and civil servants below 45 years will start contributing to the mandatory scheme which is already gazetted.

CS Yatani said membership to the scheme will be mandatory to all new entrants upon commencement of the Act and all employees aged below 45 as at the date.

Employees aged 45 years and above will have an option to join the scheme by completing the Public Service Superannuation Scheme option form.

Records on the current service pension scheme indicate there are 375,000 teachers, 128,000 police and prison staff, more than 270,000 pensioners and 75,000 dependants. 

The employees attached to ministries and State agencies will see a portion of their salaries sliced for onward remittance to the soon to be created Public Service Superannuation Scheme (PSSS).

This means that State workers will cede about Sh2.4 billion monthly or Sh28 billion to the fund that will emerge as Kenya’s largest pension scheme.

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