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TSC releases December CBC training dates, what every teacher should know

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released dates when the CSOs and CBC champions will undertake their training.

In a circular to regional and county directors the teacher employer directs them to confirm the training venues and the number required to be trained.

“It has been decided that we shall have county CBC training for CSOs and CBC champions Friday 20th December 2019 to 22nd December 2019. Kindly confirm the venues as they were in August 2019. Invite all the CBC champions as they were in August 2019 and do not exceed the number required for each training centre. Organize the logistics of the training for the CSOs and CBC champions. Review also the zonal teacher training centres. We shall inform you the dates for the zonal teachers training by Monday 16th December 2019” reads part of the circular.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) has been at loggerheads with TSC and Ministry of education over CBC. In April it led its member to distruct the training. Most centres had the trainings paralysed after Knut officials heed Sossions call. In may 160 teachers got interdicted after disrupting CBC training which took place during the April holiday. CBC Sessions were disrupted in counties including Kwale, Kakamega, Homabay and Makueni. This led to TSC interdicting the teachers who took part in causing chaos. They were given 21 days to present there defence on why they should not be fired on grounds of violating rules and regulations of their employment. Out of these 42 teachers whose case were heard got fired and given 90 days to appeal.

The training which will involve both primary and secondary school teachers comes at a time when TSC is faced with budget cuts.

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