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TSC rehabilitates 105 teachers in Tigania constituencies over alcoholism

A total of 105 teachers from Tigania East and West constituencies have been enrolled into rehabilitation program over alcoholism.

Speaking during the commissioning of the workshop at Thiiri Centre Lucy Mundia, the TSC director in charge of the Tigania East and West, said alcoholic teachers are to blame for poor performance in the two constituencies.

She said first phase targeted primary schools, 105 tutors were put into the programme facilitated by professional psychiatrists.

“The commission 2018 analysis in the region drive them to deliberate on how to bring sanity in the affected institutions.We have several teachers who have already been interdicted once and others twice and a few had been dismissed from the service. We discovered that we are losing a lot of them and instead of having them sacked we find ways and means of helping them,” Mundia said.

She added that TSC had asked the school head teachers to provide a list of teachers who were addicted to alcohol and after meeting them they agreed to undergo a rehabilitation process.

Mundia said that the programme which is sponsored by Tigania East MP Josphat Gichunge said interdiction and sacking, has not helped but brought under staffing in our schools.

“We will run every term but the TSC together with the association of primary school head teachers will do follow-up to help the teachers. The rehabilitation programme for secondary school teachers is scheduled for April this year,”he said.

MP Gichunge said he decided to sponsor the programme after realizing the education standard were poor and the most of the schools were understaffed due to sacking of drunkard teachers.

“We wants this teachers to get transformed so that they can do a good job. When they are interdicted or sacked it is just a transfer of the problem from school to the community.We started the programme because we want the lost glory of great performance to be attained. We have extremely bright people but they have get deep into alcohol but we wants to assist them and also lift the quality of education,” Gichunge said.

Joseph Murungi, a headteacher said they believe the counselling will help some of the teachers streamline their working and some even to quit alcohol.

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