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TSC makes new changes in staffing, promotions department

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has made changes to the staffing division to enhance service delivery and efficiency. An internal memo seen by The Standard shows the staffing division has been split into two. One wing has exclusively been tasked to handle recruitment, promotions and complimenting teachers.
The second arm will deal with teachers’ postings, transfers and development.

The division is currently headed by the director of staffing, Rita Wahome. Ms Wahome assumed the position after Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia split directorate of teacher management into three divisions. Quality Assurance, Standards and Teacher Registration is headed by Reuben Nthamburi and Field Services by Mary Rotich. Under the new structure, the director of staffing will be assisted by a senior deputy director.
The memo dated August 28 says following the revised structure, the two wings of the division will be headed by deputy directors. Each wing will have an assistant deputy director who will be in charge of regions. Sources at the commission revealed that the changes aim at making decision-making and accountability easy.

The source also said the separations will make data easily available and ease decision making on the key staffing issues that often push teachers to strike. The commission is said to have realised that issues of postings, transfers and deployment are major courses of industrial actions and wants a clear path of management. Recruitment, promotions and teachers compliments will now be under one wing of staffing division. The changes come as Macharia moved top directors in a major reshuffle to improve service delivery. About 10 counties were affected in changes made by Macharia where some of the county directors were swapped and a few new ones appointed. Pauline Mukami, who was the deputy county director in Murang’a is now the new director Nyandarua County. Esther Musani, who was the Kisumu county deputy director, now goes to Turkana as the new director.

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