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TSC latest Code of Conduct and Ethics for teachers


PART 1 (Preliminary)


1. Citation.
2. Interpretation.
3. Application of Code.

4. Compliance with General Code.
5. Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
6. Professionalism.
7. Conduct of duties.
8. Evaluation of students.
9. Sexual relations with students.
10. Pornography.
11. Illicit drugs.
12. Political Activities.
13. Canvassing for favours in Service.
14. Private affairs – outside activities.
15. Private teaching work.
16. Endorsing private activities.
17. Private affairs – financial dealings.
18. Dealing with donations.
19. Gifts.
20. Reporting of charges against a public officer.
21. Declaration of  Vacancies
22. Breach of Code, reporting.
23. Breach of Code, action to be taken.
24. Investigations

General Code of Conduct and Ethics


IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5(1) of the Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003, The Teachers Service Commission establishes the following Teachers Service Commission Code of Conduct and Ethics: THE TEACHERS SERVICE COMMISSION CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS

The Education System of the Republic of Kenya is charged with the responsibility of nurturing the growth of the whole person through integrated development of physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual attributes and abilities. 

The teacher is a key person in imparting knowledge, skills and attitudes that are necessary for the development of the country.  The Teaching Service is a noble calling which demands sacrifice and selflessness.

The code is intended to establish standards of ethical conduct and behaviour for teachers and officers employed by the Teachers Service Commission.

It seeks to create awareness on shared values and principles that should govern attitude and behaviour. 

The code also seeks to guide members of staff on how to handle conflict of interest and personal conduct including interpersonal relations at the workplace.

This code contains rules of conduct and ethics to be observed so as to maintain the integrity, dignity and nobilityof the teaching profession. 

The Code does not in any way replace the Code of Regulations for Teachers or the laws and rules relating to the officers and employees of the Teachers Service Commission. Those laws and rules and all other applicable laws must be obeyed.

Employees of the Teachers Service Commission should adhere to this Code so as not to bring ridicule and dishonour to the Commission and the teaching profession.  This is in line with its Vision: “To be an Institution of Excellence in the Provision of Efficient Service for Quality Teaching” 


1. Citation
This Code may be cited as the Teachers Service Commission Code of Conduct and Ethics.

2. Definitions and Interpretations
In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires: –

“Act” means the Public Officers Ethics Act, 2003.

“Collection”, “collector” and “promoter” have the same meanings as in section 2 of the Public Collections Act, Cap. 106.

Confidential Information” means that information acquired in connection with the Public Officer’s duties and that which is not public.

“Conflict of Interest” means instances when a Public Officer’s personal interest conflicts with his official duties.

“Day” means a calendar day and “year” means 365 days.

“Harambee Money” means money raised by way of fundraising.

“Pornography” refers to the explicit depiction of sexual subject  matter with the sole intention of sexually exciting the viewer.

Public Officer” means a public officer to whom this Code applies under Rule 3.

School” includes pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary institutions;

“Sex toy” refers to an object or device that is primarily used in   facilitating human sexual pleasure

“Sexual activity” includes but is not limited to: flirtation, sodomy, carnal knowledge, penile knowledge, homosexualism, lesbianism, defilement, indecent touching, rape.

“Sexually harass” includes doing any of the following; 

Student” includes students at pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary institutions.

“The appropriate authority” referred to in Rule 25 shall mean the Secretary of the Teachers Service Commission.

“The Commission” means the Teachers Service Commission.

“Vacancies” refers to available posts for transfer, recruitment and promotion. 

Words indicating gender include all genders.

Words indicating the singular also include the plural and words indicating the plural include the singular.

3. Application of Code

This Code applies with respect to: – public officers who are teachers registered under the Teachers Service Commission Act; and for greater certainty, the employees referred to in paragraph (1) (b) do not include the Commissioners of the Teachers Service Commission.


4. Compliance with General Code

5. Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 

6. Professionalism

7. Conduct of duties

8. Evaluation of students

9. Sexual relations with students

10. Pornography

11. Illicit drugs

12. Political Activities

A public officer shall not stand for election as a member of the National Assembly or a local authority or hold a political office.

13. Canvassing for favours in service

A public officer shall not canvass or lobby, either directly or indirectly, for any favours in the Teaching Service or, if the public officer is an officer or employee of the Teachers Service Commission, for any favours relating to his employment with the Commission.

14. Private affairs – outside activities

15. Private teaching work

A public officer shall not –

16. Endorsing private activities

A public officer shall not use or lend the prestige of his office to sanction or endorse his own private activities or the private activities of any other person.

17. Private affairs – financial dealings

18. Dealing with donations

19. Gifts

20. Reporting of charges against a public officer.

 21. Declaration of vacancies

A public officer shall not knowingly and deliberately withhold information on available vacancies in the teaching service and Teachers Service Commission.

22. Breach of Code – reporting

 23. Breach of Code – action to be taken

 24. Investigations

APPENDIX  (Rule 4 (2)

7. Short Title
This part sets out the General Code of Conduct and Ethics.

8. Performance of duties

A public officer shall, to the best of his ability, carry out his duties and provide his services efficiently and honestly.

9. Professionalism

A public officer shall –

10. Rule of law

11. No improper enrichment

(1) A public officer shall not use his office to improperly enrich himself or others.  

(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), a public officer shall not: –

12. Conflict of interest

13. Collections 

(1) A public officer shall not –

14. Acting for foreigners

15. Care of property

16. Political neutrality

17. Nepotism

A public officer shall not practice nepotism or favouritism.

18. Giving of advice

A public officer who has a duty to give professional advice shall give honest and impartial professional advice without fear or favour.

25. Misleading the public

A public officer shall not knowingly or willfully give false or misleading information to members of the public or to any other public officer.

26. Conduct of private affairs

21. Sexual harassment

(1) A public officer shall not sexually harass a member of the public or a fellow public officer.

22. Selection, of public officers

A public Officer shall ensure that new Public Officers are selected on the basis of integrity, competence and suitability and in the case of an election; are elected in fair election.

23. Submitting of declarations

A public officer shall submit any declaration or clarification required under Part IV of the Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003, to be submitted or made by him.

24. Acting through others

A public officer contravenes the Code of Conduct and Ethics if –

25. Reporting improper orders

If a public officer considers that anything required of him is a contravention of the Code of Conduct and Ethics or is otherwise improper or unethical, he shall report the matter to an appropriate authority.

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